Friday, November 13, 2020


Bill Clinton: "George H.W. Bush’s Oval Office note to me revealed the heart of who he was..."

No words of mine or others can better reveal the heart of who he was than those he wrote himself. He was an honorable, gracious and decent man who believed in the United States, our Constitution, our institutions and our shared future. And he believed in his duty to defend and strengthen them, in victory and defeat. He also had a natural humanity, always hoping with all his heart that others’ journeys would include some of the joy that his family, his service and his adventures gave him.

"Given what politics looks like in America and around the world today, it’s easy to sigh and say George H.W. Bush belonged to an era that is gone and never coming back — where our opponents are not our enemies, where we are open to different ideas and changing our minds, where facts matter and where our devotion to our children’s future leads to honest compromise and shared progress. I know what he would say: “Nonsense. It’s your duty to get that America back.”

"We should all give thanks for George H.W. Bush’s long, good life and honor it by searching, as he always did, for the most American way forward."


Anonymous said...

Donald is not man enough to write this kind of note, we all know, Donnie is vey poor loser, worthless piece of s--t.

Anonymous said...

The sky will turn orange if Trump would even get close to something like this. His main focus is himself and how he can screw everyone up. Cabezon de madre!
A person who thinks he/she are better than anyone else (DT/SPA) deserve some time in a locked cell. Maybe then, they will realize how wrong they were and repent and apologize.

Anonymous said...

We all know Bill had great happiness and pleasure in that office.

Anonymous said...

This idiot does not have the skills or the vernacular to write a letter. Nor will he. He will stomp out of the White House crying foul for the next four years. We will have to hear him over, and over, and over again. He will never go away. Why!!!!!!!! :(

Anonymous said...

Republicans are like that.

Joe Wilson did not apologize to the House of Representatives when he screamed "YOU LIE" to Obama.

He supports Trump and he has been reelected many times.

Anonymous said...

Thousands rally behind Trump, insisting he won race he lost
The rally of STUPIDITY racist republicans can't figuure out simple math. Pinche hillbillys pendejos...

Anonymous said...

That rally at DC reminds everybody of those rallys in the 1940's in germany.

Anonymous said...

What happened to all the W's on the keyboards when Bill left office?
