Sunday, November 8, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

On that hot South Texas morning of May 8, 1846, as Zachary Taylor's 2,288 Army of Occupation marched across the plain of Palo Alto, about fie miles north of present-day Brownsville, unit surgeon Joseph K. Barnes band his assistants brought up the rear as the Americans squared off against Gen. Mariano Arista's 3,709-strong Mexico's Army of the North. 

Before the day was over, Barnes and his assistants tended to some of the nine Americans killed and the 47 wounded in the first battle of the Mexican-American War. Then-Lt. Ulysses S. Grant in is memoirs wrote about the futile shots of the Mexican artillery and dodged the solid ball shots as they bounced along the grassy plain.

But at least one of them struck Samuel Ringgold as he directed his "flying artillery" which is given the credit for winning the day for the Americans who killed 102 Mexican soldiers and left another 129 wounded on the ground after the smoke had cleared.

Little did Grant and commander Taylor – both future presidents – know that West Point-trained Barnes would go on to become Surgeon General of the United States and that he would tend to the first two presidents killed by assassins.

But on that hot day – and on the Battle of Resaca de la Guerra the next day – Barnes and his assistants tended to dying soldiers of both armies as they lay moaning on the South Texas battlefields. A few days later, Grant and Barnes accompanied Taylor's army as he crossed over the Rio Grande into Matamoros and then made its way west to Camargo and south to the battle and occupation of Monterrey.

A few months later, President James Polk – frustrated that a divided Mexican government still wouldn't negotiate for the sale of California – gutted Taylor's officer corps and sent Barnes, Grant, and the army's top cadre of officers to join Winfield Scott to invade Veracruz and go on to capture the Mexican capital and force a surrender.

After the Treaty of Guadalupe ended the war Barnes went back to regular service in the United States. After serving in different posts across the growing nation, including California, Barnes was named Surgeon General of the United States. 

He was in Washington D.C. after the Union Army was victorious over the Southern Confederacy and rebel sympathizer John Wilkes Booth shot and killed President Abraham Lincoln, on April 15, 1865, just six days after Robert E. Lee surrendered to Grant at the Appomattox Court House, Virginia.

As Lincoln lay dying in the Person House across from Ford's Theater, Barnes was one of the surgeons who tried futilely to save his life. Barnes had been named Surgeon General March 13, about a month before Booth shot Lincoln. (In the graphic at right he is the one seated on the left at the foot of the president's bed.)

Later in his career, in 1881, he was also one of the doctors who tended to the final weeks of President James A. Garfield after he was shot by disgruntled job seeker Charles Guiteau at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station.

The prolonged and painful death of Garfield took a heavy toll on Barnes and he was retired on June 30, 1882. He would die less than a year later on at his home in Washington on April 5, 1883, almost 37 years after he tended to American soldiers wounded at Palo Alto.


Anonymous said...

Authoritarian submissiveness, which is probably among more frequently encountered traits among Trump supporters: the desire to follow a strong leader who would assume control in the chaotic and uncertain world, and protect them from its influences. It is these characteristics that draw people to authoritarian types like Trump. Of course these leaders' strength is illusory — it is actually their lack of conscience (psychopathy) that is mistaken for strength. Since they don't have empathy and do not experience guilt, shame and self-doubt, they appear to be decisive and clear-minded. But it is really emotional primitivism and brutality.

Many Mexican Trump supporters also have narcissistic traits.

Collective and individual narcissism is the fuel of tyranny. These character disordered leaders are elected to affirm the sense of specialness and superiority (narcissism) of their followers. It is a symbiotic (and ultimately destructive) relationship as both sides satisfy their narcissistic needs through it, for some time at least — because sooner or later the political or any structure built on narcissism falls apart. However, when combined, as they often are, these two traits alone — narcissism and authoritarian submissiveness — create a powerful mix that cements the followers' devotion to their leader.

Anonymous said...

yawn. where do steal this stuff from? all history is gossip.

Anonymous said...

The Trump campaign slugged through the final months with neither a strategy to win back the voters Trump had lost, nor enough cash for a strong finish. Trump entered October with a third of the money that Biden had. Yet even as his campaign ran low on cash, it continued to benefit the Trump family. In September, the New York Times reported, the campaign and joint party committee made a $640,476 payment to the Trump Hotel Collection.

Anonymous said...

Trump can be banned, suspended from Twitter starting in January.

ja ja ja ja ja!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Didn't your parents ever tell you whining low live, that if you didn't have something nice to say about someone, then don't say nothing at all. This is not the place nor the time.

Anonymous said...

Restoring Resacas: Art museum, BPUB partner for second art exhibit
So how much is it going to cost the city taxpayers from the most poor city in the country?


Anonymous said...

Cortina no vale queso.

GGL said...

November 8 732am is a perfect example if you are a Mexican how dare you think for yourself. I think the world is flat prove me wrong!

Anonymous said...

Trump as a dictator will be scary. Now he wants lawsuits, to damage Biden and to give power to his base.

If Trump creates his own political party .....the Republicans will be so mad.

We can have: Democratic Party, Independent party, Republican party, Liberterian party and MAGA Party. plus Kayne West Party

In Mexico there is: PRI, PAN, MORENA, PARTIDO VERDE, PRD, MC, FSM, RSP,PES (they all get money from the government).
The Partido Verde : uses the money to make parties and they get girls drunk and they kill the girls
