Saturday, November 7, 2020




Anonymous said...

Please let this be a message to all of us who have had enough this last 4 years and ready for a new start. Make sure that each one of us behaves like a mature, nurturing adult and follow rules that will bring us all together again. Let us fight corruption by voting and speaking our minds and not allow us to be so hateful towards each other. We need to learn to be like the people we were when we were growing up, helping each other, believing in each other, and playing on the same team. We are Americans, hyphenated or not. Let us all work together and help President-elect Biden and VP-elect Harris help all of us return to normal. We must not let the US be the laughing stock of
all countries.

Anonymous said...

I don’t know what made me happier seeing Trump lose or Frankie lose. Both still can’t admit they lost and both made plenty of false allegations during their campaigns. Both got what they deserve and hope they don’t run for anything anymore.

Anonymous said...

The Biden buey era begins. Disfrute, pendejos.

Anonymous said...

Hispanics are afraid of the boogeyman, racism and Trump, yet their worse enemies are other hispanics...

Anonymous said...

Bye bye trump!

Anonymous said...

Where were you when Biden was elected President?

Anonymous said...

This nation is going down the drain. Gasoline ⛽ prices will go back to $3.25 regular gas. Don't complain when everything goes up. Socialists government is going hurt everyone.

Anonymous said...

The Mexican President will wait until TRUMP decides Biden won and then Lopez Obrador will send congratulations to Biden.

Anonymous said...

The Biggest Loser! Ese guey no vale sebo!!!!

Anonymous said...

Keep voting Democrat and remaining the armpit of the nation. At least close to 50 percent of the electorate down here are beginning to realize that Dems just want the masses to depend on them.

Anonymous said...

Fake news trumputo won rejoyce pinches hillbillys cocos.

Anonymous said...

72 million Republicans are pissed off because Trump lost. Zero protests, rioting and looting. NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE!!!

Anonymous said...

November 8, 2020 at 1:54 PM

At the chats yesterday on the celebration: many people want civil war, accuse
the government of fraud, they are SCREAMING and in GROUPS.....
What happened it that this took place on a Saturday morning: people were asleep, others were cutting grass, and others doing laundry....busy with their lives instead of the TRUMP TRAIN. They promise violence on MONDAY !!! What if TRUMP incites them to war !!! They will join unless their wives send them to buy pampers, milk for the kids.

Anonymous said...

The democrats got what they deserved , enjoy.make America a loser again

GGL said...

If you have the ability to write, write this down. The price of gas per gallon, the price % of a 30 year home loan, the price of a pound of beans, the monthly cost of your electricity the number of days it takes you to get a Doctor to look at you, how much you pay in property taxes, write down how much money you make a year. Do the same thing in four years.

GGL said...

LBJ box 13 Duval County, if you want to know how things work you need to read. I am very happy that Biden won, now I can sit back and watch the demorats eat themselves. The world is flat, I don't care what the Republicans tell you.

Anonymous said...

GGL: The people is what matters. The economy is never good for most. Old people always have a budget. Young people have little money. Home loans are never cheap. Now, everybody lives beyond their means. We all want to be like Kim Kardashian....what a lifestyle. Electricity is always expensive...because those in power earn big salaries that they approve themselves. Doctors always take long in giving you appointments (20 years ago and 20 years in the future). Property taxes went up now that we are in a pandemic. If you are in your prime, you will earn good money in these 4 years and if you are in COMPUTERS, ENGINERING, SCIENCE...if you are getting old.....give thanks that you have a job and keep a budget.

BE NICE to your PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS.....they have money and properties that might be given to you if you are a decent person. If not, they will sell and spend the money. That is the American way of life.

Democrats and Republicans have to CARE about their country.

Anonymous said...

Four years of republicans crying. El pendejo don't give shit about you piojentos idiotas

Anonymous said...

Yep ! Trump and many Republican don't give two shits about you.Trump looks at you as the gardener and your wife the maid dummies.Let tell some truth he cheated in school he cheated on his wives he cheated on taxes he cheated in business he called soldiers suckers and loosers he had heel spurs during Vietnam war he hung out with Epstein and he's always lieing and he is definitely not a conservative and still you pendejos voted for this man smh.

Anonymous said...

He got votes because pinche hillbillys can't read or write. He sent MelAse his wife to help and fell for one of them hillbilly that reminded MelAse of her country Chekosnalgas.

Anonymous said...

YOU'RE FIRED pinche joto.

Anonymous said...

The one that has been crying for 4 years are the democrats. What planet do u live on

Anonymous said...

Big girls don cry, cry me a river, cry baby cry,I'll cry instead, easy to cry, cry cry cry, cry myself to sleep, cry, cry in shame, the man who couldn't cry, Born to cry, Trump turn to cry and many more idiotas so pick one and cry FOR ABOUT FOUR YEARS and maybe eight. pinche gueyes....

Anonymous said...

Not over, get ready for 2.0!

Anonymous said...

HE LOST, PERDIO, IL A PERDU can't you idiotas understand! lol

Anonymous said...

95 percent of the population of Zapata County Texas is Mexican American, 5 percent is white anglo. Trump won Zapata County, came in 700 votes less than Biden in Star County, when did the KKK take over these two counties? You Demorats better get up there and get those people back on the farm!

Anonymous said...

ZAPATA? cows don't vote pendejo...

Anonymous said...

November 11, 2020 at 8:54 are the reason people love to read this are funny and sassy and smart.

Only a genius can come out with " cows do not vote !!!
Cows are pretty, big and patient.....under the sun, under a tree, seeing cars go by...pobrecitas.....las vacas....
