Friday, November 6, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Family and friends of former Cameron County District Clerk Aurora de la Garza are in mourning after hearing of the death because of COVID-19 and complications about 6 p.m. today at  Valley Baptist Hospital in Brownsville.

She had been fighting for her life since mid-October when she was removed from a respirator. At the time, her friends and family held a prayer vigil in the hospital parking lot to support her in her struggle for life.

Famed lawman George Gavito – and now a OP 10.33 organizer – said that the family had been notified of her death and lamented the fact that she had died alone according to the medical protocol in dealing with virus-related deaths.

De la Garza was an avid supporter of prayer for guidance of elected officials and public servants and had been a mainstay of local public life. Her annual support of the Red Mass at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral was attended by public officials from all over the county.

De la Garza has worked for Cameron County for more than 33 years until she retired December 2014.

She was elected as district clerk for eight consecutive terms.

Among her biggest accomplishments while in office was being the first Hispanic woman in the state to be named district clerk of the year.

De La Garza was also the first to implement the jury donation program, in which jurors have the option to donate their pay to a non-profit organization.

Today, we send out deepest condolences to her family and friends. Rest in Peace and may peace be with her.


Anonymous said...

May she Rest In Peace. What a wonderful woman; amazing matriarch of her family, shining example of the model citizen and a devoted public servant. We will all miss her. Your courthouse “family” mourns.

Anonymous said...

Will Trey Mendez's mother apologize to Aurora's family for her son's failure to impose mandatory facial coverings? How many families have lost loved one's over Trey's failure to do his job as authorized by the governor? Do all of the families who lost loved ones feel like they are better off since Trey took office? I doubt it. Trey should have though about his mother before he ran for office and became such a screw up.

Anonymous said...

A convicted criminal-Floyd was given three funerals. Mrs. De La Garza died alone

Anonymous said...

Born, lived, died. Why mourn? Celebrate.

Anonymous said...

May she rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Each family should have the opportunity to individually decide what they want to do when it comes to being with a terminally ill relative. The Gonzales family was always very close and I am sure they would have loved to hold her hand as she got ready to go to heaven. As 11:04 say, even a convicted death-row criminal is allowed to have their family watch the execution, but a family is not allow to properly say goodbye. We are so mixed up with our values, rules and regulations, where no humanistic thoughts matter.

Anonymous said...

Well..I don’t know about a model citizen ... she had something to do with getting one of her relatives off when he stole 80k from hospice centers center... Luis Saenz was also part of scheme... may she rest in peace

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1 :45 right on...

Anonymous said...

Why is it that when someone goes to the maker they become a saint. Good deeds bad deeds, but in death it is nothing but good deeds.

Anonymous said...

Give to the institution and they will LOVE you for ever!!!
