Wednesday, November 18, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Remember the Tampering with Government Documents charges that were filed way back in 2015 against the former clerk Liliana Cantu of then-JP 2-2 Erin Garcia-Hernandez?

Cantu faced three counts and was alleged to have made false entries in the cases of defendants who were supposed to perform community service and did not. Those offenses are also alleged to have taken place in Garcia-Hernandez's court.

After pleading guilty to the TWGR charges, she received deferred adjudication and completed her probation and requirements, after which they were dismissed.

Cantu is making another splash nowadays, this time on national television. She and daughter Myrka, 16, are featured in a series on teen moms in the United States. 

In the preview, the Brownsville mom and daughter are interviewed as are others from across the country to see how their families and the father handled the unexpected pregnancy and the impact on their lives.

The new season of Unexpected, premiers Sunday, December 20 at 9 p.m. Central Standard Time. They appear at about 40 seconds into the preview below.)


Anonymous said...

Why would anybody watch the that!?

Anonymous said...

There's a new one out called EXPECTED its about fake awards given to bottom 10 cities. They fork out 1000's of taxpayers funds to join an organization to get a fake award.
Needless to say Brownsville, TX is rank AGAIN number ONE "UNO".

A new one coming out soon called "Who built this", (bike trails anyone?).

Anonymous said...

Sin verguenzas!

Anonymous said...

I want to see Tito in tight shorts and tight tank top.
