Wednesday, November 18, 2020


BROWNSVILLE, Texas — November 18, 2020 — Sergio Tito Lopez was unanimously elected to serve as chairman of the Brownsville Navigation District (BND) during the board’s regular meeting Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2020.

Lopez also was sworn in as a commissioner, along with Ralph Cowen and John Reed, all reelected to the commission Nov. 3.

 Lopez serves as chairman alongside BND Vice Chairman Cowen and Secretary Esteban Guerra, who were also unanimously elected to serve as part of the executive board. Commissioners John Wood and Reed round out the board as assistant secretaries.

Lopez previously served as chairman from 2012-2014. The BND is the elected authority for the Port of Brownsville in Brownsville, Texas, setting policy and fiscal decisions for the port.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The port board is doing well, let's hope they stay out of the tapes!

Anonymous said...

In your honest opion do you think that the gringos at the port will follow this "GATO'S" directives, policies or instuction????

OF COURSE NOT!!!!!! pinche mamon y mamones

Anonymous said...

In the past the commissioners at the port forgot who they represented. They thought they represented the port but the "port" didn't vote for them, the people of the district did and that is who they should be representing. They port is represented by the port director and it is his job to make decisions that he thinks are best for the port. The port commissioners are the peoples representatives and it is their job to make decisions regarding the port that are best for the residents of the community. In many cases these two things coincide but sometimes they do not. When they do not, it is the commissioners duty to say no to the port director. Lets hope these guys remember their role.

Anonymous said...

To 9:54 a.m. Great comment, the same principle applies to city, county, school and all other elected public officials.

Anonymous said...

If they don't want to be held accountable then stop sucking money from the citizens of this community. STOP TAXING US AND GO ON YOUR OWN.

Anonymous said...

meow MEOW meow MEOW pinches gringos they just don't want to take MY ORDERS!
