Friday, November 13, 2020


President Eddie Garcia, Place 7

Vice-President Dr. Prisci Roca Tipton, Place 4

Secretary Drue Brown, Place 1

Assistant Secretary Daniella Lopez Valdez, Position 5

Position 2: Denise Garza

Position 3: Jessica G. Gonzalez

Position 6: Marisa F. Leal

(Ed.'s Note: Five new members of the Brownsville Independent School District board were sworn into office and took their seats after the election vote was canvassed and  certified. Garcia was voted president of the board. They join Drue Brown and Dr. Prisci Roca-Tipton on the board who did not face reelection.)


Anonymous said...

Corruption is alive and well in the City of Brownsville. Just look at your Police DEPARTMENT Chief Felix"El Chapo" Sauceda how did that happen everyone knows but the City Manger still hired

Anonymous said...

Corruption is alive and well in the City of Brownsville. Just look at your Police DEPARTMENT Chief Felix"El Chapo" Sauceda how did that happen everyone knows but the City Manger still hired
Vote of no confidence on Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda.

Anonymous said...

BISD new board President Eddie Garcia was confirmed being Covid19 Positive, with oxygen and in the same room with everyone else and their families. Again, BISD sees Covid-19 as a hoax. This was dangerous and selfish. Drue Brown should of been Board President. Who wants Eddie coming to BISD main building and infecting others. The security, custodians, and all the help that have to talk to him and clean. You have Rose Longoria with Covid-19, other AAs and staff infected too. Yet, BISD is still having a lot of luncheons next week and invites being sent. Minerva Pena begging to get invited at CAB Thanksgiving luncheon. CAB Administrator having a big Thanksgiving luncheon in Cafeteria. Cooking will be there too.

Anonymous said...

Eh, pinche Frankie. Te chingaste, guey! Haber, traeme una galleta sin sabor!!! ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

We need to be weary of that Lopez family, nothing against them, but when your Dad is a county commissioner, your mother is an “elected” board member on the South Texas ISD (which charges us roughly $200 a year for a school district tax the vast majority of our kids won’t attend, not sure who okayed this, but that’s another story for another day), I don’t remember seeing her on a ballot either and her term has closed out, and now their daughter is on a major school board, makes you wonder a tad bit, no?

P.S. I believe Joey was previously a director at South Texas ISD and now represents county precent 2 which is the exact percent his wife represented on that good for nothing money sucking board, makes your weary my friends.... be woke you millennials

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

6 women and 1 guy and the guy gets to be president. Macho Country lives!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow! Brownsville voted Erasmo & Linda Castro’s life long best friend Marisa Leal into BISD office. Seriously? You wonder why Brownsviile doesn’t grow like McAllen. Look at who Brownsville votes into office. So bad that people in Brownsville don’t do their research on their candidates! IncreĆ­ble! Unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

Joey Lopez gets paid for consulting on the healthcare side be very observant of the votes to come. Lots of eyes are watching. We are tired of the transa mentality!

Anonymous said...

The problem, 12:38 is that not enough of us hold the board members accountable nor do we get involved. McAllen has a WatchDog committee who makes sure that people keep the promises they make and not only to fill their personal pockets. People who are strong and capable to run for office do not wish to get involved in a corrupt institution that does things according to their own agendas. They know the majority sticks together and a single vote will not make a difference. There should be no slates when they run for school board, for all of them should have as their main focus - for the children. Think about it and maybe you would like to be a candidate next go-around. I would love to serve now that I have the time, but I am too old now and do not want to be compared with Coach Joe.

Anonymous said...

It was a turkey shoot. Marisa, Jessica & Denise should have voted to NO on all 4. Stand up for your district and yourself.

Anonymous said...

If a watch dog committee is set up it will be by the same corrupt politicians. The law needs to set it up and from out of town. This town is so corrupt it will take a century to clean it up.

Anonymous said...

@11:38 am.....
Eddie Garcia was not in the same room as the rest of the new board and families. Eddie Garcia was released and no longer Covid (+). He has a oxygen tank since one of the side effects of covid is damage to lungs.
Give the new board a chance to prove themselves!
