Saturday, November 28, 2020


(Following the recount requested by Brownsville Independent School District incumbent Minerva Peña, some readers have asked what Texas election law says about its cost and who should pay for it. In the case of Peña, her $3,800 recount deposit was returned to her after the totals changed in her favor after the recount. 

Cameron County Elections Administrator Remi Garza said the total has not been figured, but that it will be more than $30,000 which the district must pay the county for the five-day, 50-person effort to get a hand count. The difference in the voting on election day was 10 votes, whittled down to one after all mail-in and military votes were tallied. 

The recount left Peña up over challenger Marisa Leal by eight votes. What does Texas law say about that? We thank one of our seven readers for providing us the link to some of the oft-asked questions.)

Special to El Rrun-Rrun
From Ballotpedia

Q:Does state law require automatic recounts?
A: Yes, when a tie vote occurs.

Q:When must an automatic recount be completed?
A: No set deadline.

Q: Can a recount be requested?
A: Yes, the recount can be requested within five days after election day or two days after the canvass, whichever is later. The required margin is less than 10% of the winning candidate's vote. There is no deadline for completion.

Q: Who pays for a requested recount?
A: The requester.

Q: Is a refund available for requested recount costs?
A: Yes. Costs paid by the requester are refunded if the recount changes the election outcome. A requester might receive a refund if he or she withdraws the request, the request is rejected, or the amount paid was greater than the actual cost of the recount.

Q: Can a partial recount be requested?
A: Yes.

Note: All requested recounts:
The requester is responsible for costs associated with any requested recount. Costs are refunded to the requester if the request is rejected, withdrawn in a timely manner, or if the recount changes the election outcome. If the recount does not change the election outcome, the requester may still receive a refund if the amount paid was greater than the cost of the recount. There is no set deadline for the completion of a requested recount.

Another oft-asked question is: If the county did not get it right the first time, why should the district pay for it? 

A former Cameron County Democrat Party chairman said that since the margin of error was so small, it fell within the acceptable margin of error. An eight-vote difference in 49,853 ballots counted equals 0.01604 percent.


Anonymous said...

Pena should pay for this and not the BISD District, based on the law, its plain and simple, maybe sylvia atkinson can loan her some money.

Anonymous said...

What did the district do wrong? Nothing! Who did? Those counting! So why is the district responsible if they had nothing to do with the recount request? Minerva asked for the recount so she should pay it. As for asking SPA for a loan, she better start barking up another tree and stay away from the convicted briber! She is now looking to pay for the new lawyer to get her off the crime and conviction she is now trying to escape. she has no money to spare. How is BISD going to explain this to the tax payers?

The district is stupid enough to swear in a winner when the votes are being contested so maybe that will now turn into another issue - another suit.

Anonymous said...

Did BISD write a check for recount? Please, someone look into this. What is BISD's total bill for the elections, minus the recount? Pena should be responsible for paying this bill. The district should only get involve when there is a tie. There was no tie-montoya, review bisd policies on election tie. If BISD paid for this recount, would this also be consider stealing from the children of BISD? Given that the past and current new board have not said anything about recount or Sylvia, I don't see much hope for change and accountability. We, employees, are stuck. We now have a district with new faces on the board with the same problems.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, what did the district do wrong? Texas hated Trump because he was very much aware of the VOTERS FRAUD allowed and permitted in Cameron county. Why else would this corrupt individual want to chance losing lots of money on a recount? Check out our newly elected sheriff, Eric Garza, with no experience as sheriff, got elected in Cameron County over other more experience individuals. Keep in mind he knows a lots and lots of criminals with lots and lots of money, who got off by our so called Judges with pre-trail diversion. He was district clerk for the Cameron county judicial system for years and it's pay back time. Willing to bet he got a lots and lots of votes from so called citizens with green cards. Texas in my opinion Cameron county is already run by Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Invitation to the Superintendent,and present school board members to volunteer to be principal for the whole day during pandemic. Invitation goes out to community members who have done so before or want the Principal for the Day Title. 1) Change classes like the students or hang out in a classroom and help the teachers sanitize the area that students will leave , so it will be clean for the next group. 2) Help take the students temperature before they enter the classroom. 3) Help monitor or escort students, if a problem arises. 4) Help at the cafeteria, nurses station. 5) Help the custodians or ride the bus with the students. Last, but not least, Don't sit in the office and observe.
I'm sure it won't be difficult, being that you have been at stores, gone to work, eaten out, have worn your masks ,washed and sanitized your hands frequently. Just practice what you have been doing to stay safe. Stay Safe !!

Anonymous said...

It was worst when the gringos were in charge eran y son puras ratas y los mamones cocos son igual que los grinogs ratas.

Anonymous said...

Minerva ! - Thou shalt not lie - Thou shalt not steal- Thou shalt not covet thou neighbor's goods- Are those words anywhere in your books?

Anonymous said...

Elected officials here go to church only as a show, words are not important its the money that's important.
Even the judges that think they are GODS words are NOT IMPORTANT...

Anonymous said...

Minerva Pena was willing to pay $48,000 for a recount if she lost for a place as a Board Member that pays NOTHING. WHAT does it tell you that she will get the money back from the BISD VENDORS in no time. Minerva Pena is the same as Sylvia Atkinson a crook. What person is willing to lose $48,000 if she had not won in the recount. Unless you know that the money will come back to your pocket in no time.


Anonymous said...

OPM-Other peoples money
