Thursday, November 26, 2020



Anonymous said...

Cry me a river
This country would be a 3rs world country if it wasnt for the colonization

Anonymous said...

Like the squaders we have down here pinche gringos RATAS!

Anonymous said...

7:09 AM Pinche idiota! Squatters and not squaders...well what do you expect from a Browntown meskin who can speak neither English or Spanish.

Anonymous said...

A Radio Shack in Raymondville wow... and there's on in Matamoscas

Anonymous said...

Why Did So Many Americans Vote for Trump?
Bola de pendejos that's why!!!

Anonymous said...

@3:23 PM
This coming from the party of unity and tolerance right?
No hate and lots of class!

Anonymous said...

Why did so many dead voted for Biden! Bolas de dead brains that's why! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

@3:23 PM.
Why did so many Americans vote for open borders, increase in taxes, Socialism, defunding the police, sanctuary cities, etc.? No insults needed! Try responding with facts instead of insults. I bet you can't.

Anonymous said...

November 27, 2020 at 3:05 PM

When did the hillbillys learned to read and/or write? They act it but no tamales, pinche idiota. Spelling for hillbillys will not help your ass M O R O N !
Go back to your bus shelter and your sleeping quarters the city park.

Anonymous said...

La zorra nunca se ve la cola y cuando la ve se asuta jajajaja...
y dice hay dios quen es else monstro - PENDEJOS...

Anonymous said...

I guess este guey a trump supporter must be a ceo making millions in salary and pays no taxes and has exceptions on everything he purchase.
Nearly 100's of Fortune 500 companies effectively paid no federal taxes in 2018-19 & 20, according to a news report.
Trump Deregulated 100's of companies that are friend and cronies that other sources started a computer program called
Deregulatory Tracker.

And his supports like the idiotas here, are they ones that are picking up the tab. ALL TRUMP SUPPORTS MUST PAY UP. MORE TAXES THAT IS...
and don't join the military cause you'll be call a looser and stupid. There are no patriots supporting este guey presidente. want more?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
@3:23 PM.
Why did so many Americans vote for open borders, increase in taxes, Socialism, defunding the police, sanctuary cities, etc.? No insults needed! Try responding with facts instead of insults. I bet you can't.

November 28, 2020 at 6:35 PM

WITHOUT INSULTS: I voted for Biden because in almost 4 yrs, our current president has done NOTHING and the current first lady says she does Not CARE.
If you believe the "open borders", socialism, defunding police stuff the current administration used to convince people that came from places like Cuba or Venezuela, well, then you know NOTHING about our constitution and our form of govt. 1- The federal govt DOES NOT defund police depts that is a local entity, our country has a form (not total) of socialism with programs such as welfare and social security and medicare. You want to talk about respecting our constitutional law, please tell president 45 to READ the constitution since it seems like he has NO KNOWLEDGE of what it says and calls without proof a rigged election only when it does not suit his benefit. High taxes? I suggest you check the price of paper towels, toilet paper, tooth paste, even a small bag of knorr soup that was 30 cents and now costs 45 to 55 cents. Gasoline is cheap, not because of 45 but because we have enough fuel in our country. At the end of the day, Biden could have been called Mr. Saturn or Mr X, if it was NOT Trump, I am ok with that. REMEMBER, NO insults, just reasons.

Anonymous said...

November 28, 2020 at 6:35 PM

Its gotta have insults otherwise they just will NOT understand the pricipal, people need to understand, insults (just like your ex-president does)will help you remember the punishment and not return to their stupidity and moronic behavior.


Besides there (was) a pendejo usa president that insulted everybody. I bet you adored that - BABOSO!

November 28, 2020 at 6:35 PM

Anonymous said...

@4:26 PM
First of all you voting for Biden because Trump is an opinion not a fact. My opinion is that Trump did a lot of good for our country. It's called w difference of opinion. Defunding the police was done by Democratic cities. The looting, rioting and arson was all done in Democratic cities. And yes gasoline is cheap because our country has plenty of it. For the first time in over 60 years our country does not import oil. The reason for this that Trump removes regulations which increased fracking which increased oil production which lowered the price of gas. Remember no insults. Now try using facts not opinions.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:29PM
What the hell does the increase of goods have to do with higher taxes? The increase in the price of goods is called inflation. The increase in our taxes (higher tax rate) is called an increase in taxes. Two completely different things.

Anonymous said...

@4:26 You say that Trump has done nothing in 4 years! What has Biden done in 47 years? If all your information are coming from the mainstream media, then you are right to believe that Trump has done nothing in 4 years. I'll be waiting for your long list of the things your hero Biden has done in his 47 years in politics?

Anonymous said...

Horse shit! The Indians fought and squabbled over land as much as the white people. Nobody "owns" land, some just hold it for a while, because they took it from a weaker person. People can try and sneak into this country, and the people in charge can catch them and throw them back to where they came from. That is the way this shit works and has always worked. When it comes to land, might does indeed make right.

Anonymous said...

El estupido perdio he lost get with it racist republican HE L O S T JAJAJAJAJ HAHAHAHAHAHAH lol smt kms... idiota

Anonymous said...

@ 4:26
Go ahead and tell anonymous what Biden has done in 47 years. Go ahead and tell him. No te dejes. Chingalo. He's waiting for you to answer him. Dale gas. Tell him. It's not like you can't name anything Biden's done in 47 years right? Right?

Anonymous said...

That nose looks familiar, where have I've seen it before?????

Anonymous said...

December 1, 2020 at 9:46 PM, December 1, 2020 at 11:56 AM, November 30, 2020 at 3:14 PM, November 30, 2020 at 12:46 PM, November 28, 2020 at 6:35 PM, November 28, 2020 at 6:35 PM

I D I O T A !
