Friday, November 6, 2020


The federal prosecutors presented their evidence against Dr. Sylvia Atkinson for seven days.

Her defense presented a few witnesses on her behalf and sought to convince a jury of her peers.

It took the jury less than five hours to decide she was guilty on all counts.

What "additional steps" can she and her defense take to address the conviction.

Under the sentencing process in the federal courts, taking responsibility for her actions counts toward lowering her points and a lower sentence. Does she know that?

Or will her defense allow her to continue letting her place the noose around her own neck?


Anonymous said...

Exactly how I think. She burned herself with her own testimony; she made her bed and must now lie on it. She needs to address her TrumpAtkinson way of thinking about doing as she pleases, blaming others, calling it fake news and doing as he pleases. How much lower can you get. At least this lady has shown that she does have a brain that actually works, contrary to Trump, but
she needs to know that she is not perfect and better than anyone else. Maybe, like you state, if she shows remorse, it may help her in some way.

However, I do say that she may state that she did not have adequate representation with those lawyers she hired. That is why I wanted to be in the audience in court, but I did not have enough clough to be given permission. I am sure I would have picked up on the fact that she was not properly or strongly represented. Or was it that her lawyers felt it was a done deal.

Anonymous said...

How long do you intend to carry on with this fiasco, SPA? It is over and done with and now take the consequences. Do you hope your appeals will keep you out on bond until the case is pushed in the closet? You saw how long it took to bring you to trial with one excuse after the other and so maybe you can think this will happen and people will forget? Those you damaged professionally will never forget what you did to them aside of all the wrong you did to the children of BISD. Sure, BISD is always in your heart because it was your source of income from money badly earned. Only God can forgive you so I guess that is why you now, all of a sudden, like your Buddy Minerva,
putting your faith in front.

Anonymous said...

Losing an election, Trump chooses to slander American democracy

Anonymous said...

Please don't promoto anybody you had your chance and you blew it. The sad thing here is WE KNEW! Please GET LOST!!!

Anonymous said...

The feds knew she was meskin that gringo name didn't help...

Anonymous said...

It is obvious that her lawyers can't control her. She should not have taken the stand. Her defense was very feeble for she had none. This post will count against her when she is sentenced.

Her pride and arrogance, thinking she can manipulate herself out of this jam, has brought her down. A few years in the Federal Pen will give her a dose of reality.

Anonymous said...

Bring in Sylvia Atkinson as Brownsville Police Chief. SHE has done far less serious crimes than Brownsville Police Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda.

Anonymous said...

Is it too soon to let out a sigh of relief? At the end of a long week, it looks as if America has avoided the worst-case scenario. With Joe Biden likely to be declared president-elect on Friday, we've officially reached the point where the biggest attempt to discredit the U.S. election is coming from Trump, even as judges across the country are laughing his lawsuits out of court and the media is largely portraying him as a whiny baby throwing a tantrum.

Anonymous said...

what day was this posted on FB?

Anonymous said...

Can’t believe she has the audacity to continue posting bullshit after her “ I knew what I did was wrong, but it wasn’t illegal”. I’m sure the prosecutor took offense to that comment. Asi son todos los Atkinsons. They think they are smarter than everybody.
She holds BISD, students n teachers close to her heart. Please, but she stole thousands from them. Talk to us Charlie!

Anonymous said...

Now Fox has instructed it's news reporters not to refer to Biden as "President Elect" even when he's declared the winner.

They called Trump that 2 seconds after he was in 2016.

Anonymous said...

There are several post-trial motions her attorneys can file, but they will all be denied. All that is left after that is an appeal to the 5th Circuit in New Orleans. To succeed, they will have to prove that the trial judge made a mistake of law.

Anonymous said...

She is in complete denial. She will have a lot of time to think about the evil she’s done to others while she sits in prison. Let’s see how many “friends” she has now??

Anonymous said...

It is time for her to express contribution and work with the Feds to expose more corruption. Even so, she will come out of prison in 5 to 10 years dead ass broke and without a friend in the world.

Anonymous said...

Atkinson is in denial hoping things go away. She thinks it’s all a bad dream, this couldn’t be happening to her. So ignorant to comprehend it is real. She will soon be wearing orange pajamas and playing Solitaire.

Anonymous said...

No one cares. Really.

Anonymous said...

Trump is sitting around watching television coverage of the election, fuming, and rage-tweeting basically. His advisers are reportedly trying to keep him from going out on television and saying more stuff so false and dangerous that it forces Republicans to distance themselves from him, however gingerly. But Thursday night showed how successful they are at that. (They’re not.)

Expect the Trump Rage Show to go on. But it’s the flailing rage of a loser trying to deny that he’s a loser. And that’s a sweet thing to watch because it’s so well deserved.

Former RGV LEO said...

Yep, that's the arrogance in this carpet munching bitch! She thought because she' an atkinson, the jurors would bow to her family name? Then for whatever reason, her attorney, Noe Garza let this dumb bitch get on the stand? Everyone who knows this bitch, knows that she has no social skills whatsoever! The bitch is a power hungry mongrel and has no problems showing that side of her. She feels that everyone is below her stature. Its about time that her thievery caught up to her. She should have been indicted and convicted along with those others in that Socorro ISD round up BUT the bitch squealed to get out of trouble. I just wonder who she will throw under the bus to avoid a lengthy prison sentence? Stay tuned!

Anonymous said...

Democrats’ electoral failure — and failure to manage expectations — is a gut punch to the burgeoning liberal grassroots. Now, Republican dominance of state government remains unfettered, as is the GOP’s ability to lock in majorities for years to come in the next redistricting cycle...

Anonymous said...

The poor woman thought the jury would take her bullshit word over recording, wiretaps and witnesses presented by the government.

Anonymous said...

At the moment, the Democratic Party risks celebrating Trump’s loss and moving on — an acute danger, especially because many of its constituencies, the ones that drove Trump’s loss, are understandably tired. A political nap for a few years probably looks appealing to many who opposed Trump, but the real message of this election is not that Trump lost and Democrats triumphed. It’s that a weak and untalented politician lost, while the rest of his party has completely entrenched its power over every other branch of government: the perfect setup for a talented right-wing populist to sweep into office in 2024. And make no mistake: They’re all thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

Not on her FB page, guey! Que pedo?

Anonymous said...

The woman is evil. She had abused her power and authority to hurt many employees of BISD, affected their family lives, their livelihoods,. and their professional growth. How can this shameless woman publish such statements knowing she has been a major player in many wrongdoings. Only real God (not Minerva's and definitely not Sylvia's) can bring such criminals to real senses.

Anonymous said...

In 1519, at Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, France Nostradamus predicted that in the new country full hillbillys will see the downfall of their savior THE IDIOT will fall.

Anonymous said...

1:21 PM and 3:15 PM:

Trump was elected because he represents the power of the White people that abuse others. The Republicans that support him: know how to cheat and how to get away with manipulating his followers. Now they will control the USA for years but not because they love the USA but because they want to destroy the minorities: the people that work for little money, the people that take care of their kids, the teachers that suffer with their children etc

These are not good Republicans.

The solution: be better and have hope. Power to the poor and ignored.

Anonymous said...

She’s lost her mind and needs psychological help.

Anonymous said...

Finally! Hispanics are smelling their true potential and have made that leap to the real world! Well at least in Starr and Zapata Counties! I hope to live long enough to see the day that my local brothers and sisters realize that the RGV political machine has treated them like mushrooms for so many years! Fed them shit and kept them in the dark! Do as I say! Not as I do! Here! Eat your plate of chicken, now vote for me! I see a light! I hope it is soon!

Anonymous said...

She was found guilty by a jury of her peers on all 8 counts. She is now a convicted felon, yet she states that these are still allegations. That is a huge slap in the face to the teacher, staff & students to not own up to her wrongdoings. What she needs to worry about is to say her goodbyes to her loved ones, settle her affairs, and just accept this verdict.

Anonymous said...

I want all of you democrats to tell me why you voted for biden, besides not liking trump. What is his are against police, oil and tracking , want free everything that someone else will pay, open borders abortion till 9 months, riots and looting Congrats you got it, enjoy it.

And by the way election corruption has existed in Detroit Philadelphia Chicago for decades .If you don't know that then you live in la la land.

We will sit and wait for you to alienate more common sense people the next 4 yesrs

Anonymous said...

Every politician in Brownsville is shitting a brick right now.

Anonymous said...

Nothing from her brother?

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas

Anonymous said...

November 6, 2020 11:04 PM Biden represents the good America. Respect, Dignity, and Good Family values

Trump represents: violence, corruption, abuse of power, no respect for women

You are right: all these evils existed in America but now it is on the OPEN for the whole world to see and thus the USA is not a beacon of light.

Common Sense People : do not favor a bully, do not favor police brutality, do not favor violence towards minorities.

Nothing is free in America. You are confused. When have they paid your water bill, your electrical bill, your car payment, your funeral payment, your hospital bill, your gas, your groceries, your home payment, your education. To get help you have to sell your soul have to answer questions ARE YOU HOMELESS? ARE YOU GAY? SHOW ME YOUR BANK ACCOUNT !! WHO LIVES WITH YOU? DO YOU HAVE A CAR? etc all questions that most Americans see as not worth the help..... then when you do your income tax you have to show how much money you got from Obama care...... You know this because you do not live in la la land.

ABORTION: men and women have sex 24 hrs non stop, THEY DO NOT THINK OF KIDS: MEN DO NOT MARRY WOMEN, people do not take care of children, kids are sexually abused, parents do not raise them, they do not educate are into sex, drugs, no goals, violent kids, surrounded by drunk and party parents GO AND VOLUNTEER TO A SCHOOL AND YOU CAN SEE THIS NEGLECT THAT KIDS IN AMERICA ARE SUFFERING.

Anonymous said...

Clam down snowflake 11:04,I think the better question is what was trump's agenda for the next 4 years. He never had a plan from the start, all I see is a more divided country. No health plan, he lost to the Chinese, farmers are still hurting. Coronavirus is on the rise with still no plan or cure. 3 miles of border wall and mexico didn't pay. I can continue all night long, but you are too stupid to see cause your hate blinds you.

Anonymous said...

I know cantinéras with higher moral values than Sylvia Atkinson.

Anonymous said...

@10:50 am
"You are too stupid to see cause your hate blinds you."
At least YOU have no hate right?

Anonymous said...

Atkinson, stop pushing your own agendas. Let things move forward for the betterment of this community and school district. You have done enough harm to many and now it is time to heal. You are mocking the system and just like you thought you would not be found guilty, your continued persistence of 101 psychology on the people can bite you again, and harder. Accept and move on. Live and let live. Enough!

Board members do something to distance the district from her and her past and her current efforts. Enough!

Anonymous said...

Zendejas next?

Anonymous said...

I hate people who hate. Being an veteran I have seen it all over this country, but never this bad. It is sad that it took one brainless asshole to bring out the monsters inside weak minded people. I don't judge anyone for their color, race, religion or even political views, but one thing I learn is that almost 50 percent of the country are stupid. Trump lost it time for human compassion for everyone and yes even the trumpers.

Anonymous said...

Zendejas was not involved with any of her schenanigans. All Zendejas did was what Carl Montoya should have done way before - place her on suspension. She swore then that she would work her butt off to get rid of Zendejas. If Zendejas was to have been involved would you think she would have been hired in San Benito and now Region 8? The tape shows that was SPA's goal cause she could not take that Zendejas left her behind in with her knowledge and education. SPA needs to apologize to Zendejas for making her life misable!
Repent, Sylvia, repent, or has Not-So-Minnie forget to teach you that?

Anonymous said...

My friend fanatic Democrat you went around and around but did not answer the question and you did not name one thing thing that you support about biden besides ideoogical generalities.

Do you support higher taxes for middle class, do you support doing away with oil, do you support abortion ( and you probably call yourself a catholic) do you support refunding the police, do you support open borders, I can go on.All these are in the Democratic platfor.

I am happy my Hispanic brothers saw the light and increased their support for common sense and trump by at least 15 percent in the valley

Anonymous said...

Stop arguing with a trumper 2:29, they will never learn.

Anonymous said...

8:49 PM
Higher taxes are approved by committees that want more money: to help or to steal, Voters and blogs need to be informed and vote for the right committee members.

OIL: only if it keeps the earth healthy. Americans love their they should pay high gas prices if they want to have fun.

POLICE: train the police officers well so that they are not tempted to go rouge (violent, doing business with criminals)

OPEN BORDERS: will never happen in the USA. Every day the border patrol is
arresting the illegal aliens. THE LAW IS THE LAW. However, remember that the USA needs new blood to function. The illegal aliens and the new residents are not into drugs and that is why they are hired in companies, construction and building..... Our work is to keep Americans away from drugs to pass the EXAM to get hired by the companies. Then we will not need the new residents/illegal aliens.

A lot of people in the Valley are like TRUMP: bullies, abusive, rich by being corrupt. These people want to make the laws here in the Valley.

Anonymous said...

Aaaawww are you tried of winning

Anonymous said...

Funny how more educated republicans voted for Biden. Actions speak louder than words. Most of us are tired of the empty promises. It is time for a change with someone new who actually cares and takes responsible for his actions. Not like someone who blames and cries about everything. Trump had all the power to make this country better, but like a true idiot he blew it. Trump lost and like you all like to say," If you don't like it you can leave".

Anonymous said...

She'll be a pancake mama very soon Aunt Jemima is waiting honey.

Anonymous said...

So this Blog was about Sylvia and the Presedential election and Trump got thrown into it....

Anonymous said...

Abrazos Fuerte....en la carcel!

Anonymous said...

the state of being involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing

Anonymous said...

Biden is already building a team to combat the coronavirus, trump is still denying there's a problem.

Anonymous said...

Working with Atkinson in Socorro ISD was a night mare. She was disrespectful and down right mean to employees and students. She ruined careers or made careers for people who didn’t deserve it. Sylvia used to keep a picture of super man in her office. Really? Who is Superman now? What goes around comes around. It took a while but it finally happened.
