Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Special to El Run-Rrun

No, they're not the musings of retired teacher and resident great writer Jerry McHale.

A majority of the City of Brownsville Commission actually did remove the entire board of the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation last night after discussing it in executive session after approving an item to hire special counsel to investigate certain real-estate transactions by the GBIC also known as the Greater Brownsville Economic Development Corporation (GBEDC), 

With commissioners Jessica Tetreau and Joel Munguia absent, a majority of the members of the city commission – commissioners Ben Neece, Nurith Galonsky, Rose Gowebn and John Cowen – voted on the motion by Neece and seconded by Galonsky to remove all the board member. Mendez did not have to vote.

After only 17 minutes in executive session, the commissioners voted to remove Pedro E. Cardenas, Vice Chair, Sandra Duran, Esteban Guerra, Dennis Sanchez, Treasurer, Nico Schaefer, Secretary,Graham Sevier-Schultz, chair, and Jason Wolfe.Why the drastic action?

Nothing was said at the meeting, but their removal leaves the impression that they were somehow involved in illegal real-estate transactions by the GBIC administration under CEO Mario Lozoya.

An item approved by the commission Tuesday indicates the commissioners voted "to authorize special counsel to initiate and pursue a Rule 202 discovery petition on behalf of the City of Brownsville to secure further factual information pertaining to certain real estate transactions completed by GBIC identified in the City Auditor’s Report presented on November 3, 2020. (City Manager's Office)"

After that passed, they voted on Item 1 of executive session that stared: 

1. ACTION, if any, to remove and replace one or more existing members of the Board of Directors for the Greater Brownsville Economic Development Corporation (GBEDC), formerly known as the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation (GBIC), as authorized by Section 504.051, Texas Local Gov’t Code, and synchronization of affected terms. (City Manager's Office).

Insiders say that that a city audit of the GBIC land transactions did not turn up any improprieties, but that the GBIC board members had been pressuring the members to remove Lozoya for about a week.When board mebers protested that they saw noting wrong in the operations of the GBIC, the item to remove them was entered into Tuesday's city agenda.

When Lozoya, Toyota USA's highest ranking Hispanic in the United States, was hired by the former GBIC board, Galonsky, with Neece's help, sued the board to try to prevent his hiring. THe effort failed, bu the campaign to hire the CEO has been an ongoing endeavor by Neece and Galonsky.

Commissioner John Cowen, who was on the GBIC board with Galonsky then, voted Tuesday to remove the entire board as well. 

That's ironic that Cowen voted to authorize the hiring of special counsel to investigate land transactions under Lozoya since it was Cowen who is suspected of leaking information to his pal on the Brownsville Housing Authority Patricio Sampayo on properties where GBIC had planned to offer a steel company to come to Brownsville.

By the time that GBIC approached the owners of the land, they found out that Sampayo had already acquired rights of first refusal and had hiked up the price, making it prohibitive for GBIC to get it. Seeing that the required property could not be deliverd by GBIC, the steel company – and hundreds of good-paying jobs – left Brownsville and sought greener pastures. Why no investigation of that land-flipping then? 

In Galonsky's case, when the GBIC and the steel company went before the zoning board, their petition for a zoning change was denied. At that meeting her father, Abraham Galonsky, a zoning board member, was heard encouraging them to look for land closer to the Port of Brownsville where he just happens to own some properties. 

Now that the entire board has been removed under a cloud of suspicion of malfeasance and the appointment of a special counsel to investigate it, where does this leave the city's economic development efforts? And now that its director knows that the city commission wants his head, where is the incentive to perform?

Galosky had championed former BEDC VP Gilbert Salinas over Lozoya and lost. Now will the GBIC be placed under the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation. Think of the incongruity. Here we have a world-class economic development and workforce training CEO being placed under a BCIC director known for doing what certain city commissioners want.

It is well known that GBIC member and local attorney Dennis Sanchez was appointed to the board to summarily dismiss Lozoya, but instead saw that the CEO was performing a good job for the city. Failing that, the Tuesday Night GBIC Massacre bared the base instincts of the commission. Who would volunteer to serve on that board after this?

"It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face," said a city staffer after the vote. "Nurith got her payback, but is it good for the city?

Both Neece and Rose Gowen are up for reelection in the May 2021 elections.


I’m not a robot. said...

“Both Neece and Rose Gowen are up for reelection in the May 2010 elections.”

2010 Elections???

Anonymous said...

No one cares.

Anonymous said...

I am embarrassed to say I am from Brownsville. Our leadership is a complete joke. GBIC is a complete joke. Galonsky and her father are prolific insider traders and have been doing illegal land deals for years. People here are to stupid to understand all of this. I will never invest a dime in browntown so none of this effects me. As soon as I can save up some money I am out of here.

Anonymous said...

May 2021? Election When?

Anonymous said...

Sure the FBI is about to come down on these pendejos and know andan todos cagados. Que bueno por mamones.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious. One group of Brownsville thief’s trying to fuck over another group of Brownsville thief’s.

Anonymous said...

The BISD fiasco is on recess but now we have the COB in another fiasco.
When is this going to end? Do we have any honest people in our public
offices elected by those who sell their vote for a taco? With Abbott at the helm, followed by Trevino and Mendez, what else can we expect. Oh, next should come TSC and Adela. Then it will be time for BISD to resurface at the pre-sentencing trial and sentencing of Atkinson, provided there is no deal allowed by the judge. What is this world coming to?

Anonymous said...

Losoya was actually hired by then board members and city commissioners. Everyone knows Jessica Tetreau helped to get Losoya hired and was also involved in the Real estate purchase that was cause for an audit. And the audit was produced by a “city employee” that was chaired by John Cowan (in revenge for not buying his and Samapyo’s interest ???). The auditor was a hand picked city employee !!!! and directed by none other than Cowan who’s interests since BEDC was shut down have been affected. What an embarrassing mess.
Also, that was a purchase done by a different board two years ago (where Jessica Tetreau was also involved in) . Totally different board when that land was purchased !!! Check your sources. The audit seems to be suspicious of the prior board when JT was also member Looks like commissioner Neece has his head up his ..... cuz the current board had nothing to do with that land purchase. Classic Brownsville políticos. No wonder ppl say what they do about this town’s leadership. Golonsky protecting her and her daddy’s interest. Cowan protecting his and Sampayo’s interest, Tetreau hiding behind the curtains and Neece looking for his next confrontation to entertain the viewers. And the rest ? What do they do for the city ? Vote them all out!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville sucks again! Progress, you imbeciles!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am sick and tired of you trying to bring Jessica down Juan. Ta bien buena la desgraciada..... I would love to go up on a pinche SpaceX Rocket with her to Mars and join the mile-high club with her, mendigo! Su pinche cuerpo me enloquece.... no Mamés! Me vale madre que parezca que le atropellaron la cara..... se lo besaría recién ida a el baño... me vale madre.... tas bien buena Jesica!!! Cochitas de papi didin-dindin!!!

Ya saben quien..... huuurrryyyyyy!!!!

Anonymous said...

For Gay Men, the Pandemic's Sexual Drought Has Brought on a Personal Reckoning

Anonymous said...

Y PUB que?

Anonymous said...

My entire family will not be voting for Gowen she is part of the problem at city hall.Gowen is partly responsible for the PUB Tenaska boondoggle!! Which is the biggest heist in the history of Brownsville and she was thier from the beginning and said nothing.

Anonymous said...

They got rid of a collection of matamoros elite offspring and privilaged Brownsvillites

Anonymous said...

Now head over to the BPUB. You can get rid of them just as easy. DO IT BEN!!!

Anonymous said...

Vamonos! A chingar a su madre todas la bola de ratas!

Anonymous said...

If you can prove, that Cowen gave Sampayo insider info., then investigate.

You're comparing hearsay with an audit finding... panochon!

Anonymous said...

Did you mean May 2021 ?

Anonymous said...

City offers 60 day health challenge

We offer the city elected officials to do your job challenge, fix the streets, traffic jams and lights, FIX THE POT HOLES and if you accomplish those things that ARE YOUR RESPONSIBLITY we will vote for you - but I doubt it, all you mamones think about is glorifying your selves

Anonymous said...

Forget about the fatties just do your job

Anonymous said...

Way to go Mr.Ben, my hat off to you finally someone had the "balls" to remove this rats.
Next is "sleepy" Munguia in the list he is part of the rat pack.
Pedro Cardenas, Mr.Know it all Eliseo Davila (Joey Lopez Assistant) and Mr. Businessman Arturo Trevino!

Anonymous said...

We are seeing a return to the smarmy, sanctimonious, "adults in the room" pretense of Republicans who will wring their hands over Democrats' alleged incivility and partisanship — toward Donald Trump, the crudest, most insulting brute in American politics since Joseph McCarthy. Hypocrisy doesn't even come close to describing this. It is shamelessness on a level that is downright psychopathic.

Anonymous said...

December 2, 2020 at 2:02 PM

I agree but you forgot one of the biggest DA PORT I use that bridge on a daily basis Y EL FBI QUE????

Anonymous said...

She got elected because they know the piojos don't vote, get a few gringos and you're in THAT'S WHAT SHE DID.. BOLA DE MAMONES!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kudos to the city Commission for removing all the board members, especially the chairperson who was placed there for who he knows not for what he knows. Remember next year, dont elect or reelect anyone with "Historical designation " bullshit on their personal homes.

Anonymous said...

Don’t forget that Ben is the lap dog of old man Galonsky.

Anonymous said...

You mean kulos not kudos new designation for elected officials here in the cesspool of RGV.

Anonymous said...

Remove all those free parking spaces in the downtown area PINCHE BOLA DE MAMONES...
why are the cops and fire dept parking all day in the downtown area???




Anonymous said...

@4:20 Won't Biden be jealous you foaming from the mouth for Jessica?

Anonymous said...

It would be nice to see the city commission do something about the PUB fiasco, ($150 million raked in) but like Forrest Gump says na, wont happen in our lifetime, city commission does not have the balls to do it, too many high society folks would get hurt, better to hurt and take from the poor and helpless, thats the City of brownsville way, on the border by the sea.

Anonymous said...

Hey why isn’t any editorial investigation on that Cowan-Sampayo land deal? And what about the law suit that Golonsky and Ben embarrassed themselves and are still hurting? And what about the audit that came out in the public COB commission meeting where they reported “no third party dealings” or anything that could prove illegitimate dealings ???? What the hell is COB doing ?

Thought that with Trey as mayor things would change for Brownsville? Think again.

As long as Neece, Cowan and Gowan and Tetreau are there no changes will occur.

Oh! And did anyone here that Deputy city manager wants control of GBIC just like she has it or BCIC that kisses her and commissioners butt at every opportunity ???

Maybe there is a law suit here for COB bad mouthing and having no evidence of Mario Losoya wrong doing.

And what has commissioner Neece ever done for the city other than start fights and belligerent scenes one after the other.
He and Golonsky both are just sore and have never gotten over hurt cuz their law suit to kill the hiring of arrogant Mario Losoya went down like a pig that falls on his own shit.

Someone should cover the real story behind Ben being used by Golonsky and Cowan as their fighting bulldog.

Anonymous said...

Golonski is a fucking joke!! She does the bidding for daddy you all got bamboozled by her thier in southmost pendejos.Now this lady with "I really care for Brownsville and the poor"bullshit screwed us rate payers at PUB along with Cowen they all got go.The Mayor has no BALLS GOWEN doesn't give rats ass about the rate payers either and the deaf mute Mungia worthless.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Jessica must’ve missed the meeting due to the additional blood she’s donating for COVID studies. Blahaha! This is the attention she runs from and then pulls a tantara like Jorge Lopez. At the end Brownsville once again is handed a low blow by our elected officials. Call for an investigation commissioners hard working tax payers want answers. Clean up our town!

Anonymous said...

Who will the FBI arrest next? Not sure if it will be any of the commissioners since they are very ethical!!! Lmao

Anonymous said...

I went and watched the video - it appears something was found in an audit ... and now will be investigated. Who is investigating?

Also look for who isn’t at the meeting: 2 commissioners - hmmmm coincidence?

Also why is there a new attorney? Where is the old one? Was he the attorney for city and Gbic?

Who profited from the land deal and what Gbic commissioners actually voted on that land deal? interesting.

Anonymous said...

McAllen with a nice Xmas parade y aqui puro robar. Bola de mamones!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To pendejos who call people stupid but don't know how the difference between "too" and "to," don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. Lárgate a la chingada. You don't like it here, ponle ALV.

Anonymous said...

Why the removal of the entire board? Alarms are sounding was there not enough money to make everyone happy? We support the removal but be transparent with us. Was someone tipped off that the feds are watching every little move that happens now. The entire valley is under the microscope. Why weren’t ALL the elected commissioners present sounds like some important matters we being addressed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Somebody needs to tell Neece that he looks ridiculous walking around with a pony tail and a purse all day.

Anonymous said...

and hi-heels?

Anonymous said...

Useless city commissioner there to make money for friends family and cronys

Anonymous said...

December 4, 2020 at 1:51 PM

Estupido read up on the different uses of those two (not to or too), two is a number idiota!

To is a preposition with several meanings, including “toward” and “until.” Too is an adverb that can mean “excessively” or “also.” Just to be clear: two is pronounced the same as to and too, but it can't be used instead of either of them because it's a number.

Read (if you know how to or too) and educate yourself (not play with).
ESTUPIDO and MORON to/too!

Anonymous said...

They thought they had to answer to Carlos and not the Commissioners.
