Scenes like this are repeated daily across our resaca-graced city, and motorists generally allow the ducks to waddle about freely. This in itself is a change from the recent past when we – as kids – would take our slingshots (or negasuras with all the racism that implies) and go off into the montes and resacas to look for luckless birds, small animals, rabbits, and the like.
Those attitudes, fortunately, have changed, and for the better. The small animals we killed back then were never eaten, and the "hunting" we did often only satisfied our supposed prowess as hunters. We are not the first to realize the spiritual value of protecting animals.
None less that John Steinbeck wrote in "The Winter of Our Discontent": "As a child I hunted and killed small creatures with energy and joy. Rabbits and squirrels, small birds, and later ducks and wild geese came crashing down, rumpled distortions of bone and blood and fur and feathers. There was a great creativeness about it without hatred or rancor or guilt.
"The war retired my appetite for destruction; perhaps I was like a child overindulged in sweets. A shotgun's blast was no longer a shout of fierce happiness."
Nowadays, we have learned to prize our feathered friends and in some places (like in the parking lot nest to the resaca to Treviño's Funeral Home) entire families gather to toss bread slices of other morsels to the ducks, who by now know that the humans in cars want to feed them and not hurt them like before. Progress, it is said, is achieved through small indicators like this one.)
Bread is not good for them. Muscovy ducks can be picky eaters but they can be fed chopped vegetables or peas etc. I dont know if corn tortillas afre good or bad for them but I slice them up into long strips or tiny bits and they love it. They're also intelligent (more intelligent then a lot of trolls who comment here) and quiet, unlike the mottled and/or Mexican ducks (hey, that's what they're called before anyone gets offended). They are not shy as black-bellied whistlers or other water fowl.
I have seen many cars, STOP to let the DUCKS move !!!!
They are going to be late to work, to school, to breakfast etc....THEY WAIT for the DUCKS.
Of course this is NOT hillbilly country where everything that moves gets eaten.
December 4, 2020 at 12:53 PM
Pinche coco!
Hillbilly: "Its my lunch crossing the street!"
Why did hillbilly jotito coco parrot cross the road! Because Biden was on the other side! Hahahahaha!
Awwww those are our babies! LOL we feed them corn and a few times bread because they love it. They come for breakfast and dinner everyday like clockwork. They have been known to knock on our back door or the windows when we don't come out. We have Muscovy, Mallards and Whistlers. We have raised them since they were born and the mommas always bring the babies to eat. We even had a Peking duck but she was run over in the middle of the street by a heartless driver.
@10:05 Nice! Better yet, why don't you feed the homeless? Isn't a human worth more than ducks!
December 7, 2020 at 1:44 PM
I D I O T A !
It's ok if you give them food but they come back and ask for t-bone steak.
Hillbilly coco wanna be white will NOT eat tortillas with rice and beans he'd rather have duck...pinche pendejo don't eat the ducks guey and wear your mascara idiota, and your idol LOST get over it menso
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