Sunday, January 3, 2021


By Jennifer Rubin
The Washington Post

The Republican Party yet again provides us with reason for its own demise.

The Post reports: “Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) announced Wednesday that he would object next week when Congress convenes to certify the electoral college vote, a move that will force a contentious floor debate that top Senate Republicans had hoped to avoid before President-elect Joe Biden’s victory is cemented.”

There is no irregularity or evidence of fraud that justifies this move. It is pandering to a party’s base which has lost touch with reality and fidelity to our Constitution.

Like the 126 Republican House members who signed on to a lawsuit to throw out votes of states that voted for President-elect Joe Biden, Hawley has joined the authoritarian right-wingers who openly seek to overthrow the results of an election he does not like. He is a reminder to voters in Georgia of why allowing Hawley’s party to retain its Senate majority puts our democracy (not to mention our financial security and health) at risk.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro called the lawsuit “seditious abuse.” That’s an apt description for Hawley’s latest move. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) accurately explained that Hawley is “engaged in the attempted overthrow of democracy.”

Whatever you call it — sedition, a coup, an anti-democratic putsch — Hawley’s move violates his oath of office. Not that it will do much good, but he should face an ethics charge and a demand for expulsion (which would require a two-thirds vote, pursuant to the Constitution).

It is fitting that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and the rest of the Republican enablers should be humiliated by this display of disloyalty and compelled to vote any objection down. At any point over the last four years – during President Trump’s impeachment trial, for example — Republicans could have stood up to a lawless president. 

There has been ample evidence of Trump’s unconstitutional conduct and mental unfitness to serve. Even if they vote down Hawley’s objection, they are responsible for turning their party into an authoritarian movement and making America look like a banana republic in the eyes of the world.

What is particularly reprehensible about Hawley’s move is that, unlike some of the deluded House members who signed onto the lawsuit, he knows his complaint is groundless. He is a graduate of Yale Law School, the former attorney general of Missouri and a law professor at the University of Missouri School of Law. 

He clerked for Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and subsequently wrote Supreme Court briefs. He knows that what he is doing is antithetical to the Constitution, his oath of office and his obligations as a lawyer. Yale should ask for its diploma back; the Missouri bar should move to take away his license. 

Georgia voters should send Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock to the U.S. Senate to deprive Hawley of the gavel on any committee and his party of the majority.

Whenever the MAGA set whines over someone calling for the Republican Party’s demise or keeping track of the politicians who betrayed our democracy, one need only point to the fleet of prominent Republicans who have demonstrated their contempt for democracy. This includes Hawley; the 18 state attorneys general who filed suit to overturn the election: 

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who volunteered to argue that lawsuit before the Supreme Court; and the 126 House members who supported that lawsuit. A party that celebrates such characters is unworthy of holding power; the people who have rushed to incinerate our democracy deserve not merely to be thrown out of office, but to be shunned by patriotic Americans.


Anonymous said...

Bola de putos! Basta! Republicanos son el cancer del pais!

Y que feo ese guey el Gohmert, no? Parece rata!

Anonymous said...

The difference is voters in California and New York. Who really cares if those coasters are disenfranchised. Hell, throw in Mass. and Wash State and still no one cares.

Anonymous said...

Republicans are anti-American traitors. They should all be called out. You, too, locals!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump spent years before his presidency arguing that if he did not win an election, it would not count. Now he and his supporters are simply following that authoritarian argument to its inevitable, hateful conclusion.

He's the poster boy for White privilege. Enough!


Ted Cruz is a constitutional scholar that knows what he is doing is frivolous and without merit. He is an embarrassment to our state and continues to create division for his own political purposes. Cicero said "the chief law of the people is the good of the people". There is no good from Cruz in his quest to turn his own state and nation against each other. The US Supreme Court comprised of 3 handpicked justices have disagreed with him.
Sam Houston was against secession from our Union and did right and risked the consequences. Now Houston was judged correct by History. History will judge Cruz and all those following him harshly.
It would be reassuring if everyone today sent email to Cruz or called his office registering opposition. Oscar Wilde stated once that "Patiotism is the virtue of the vicious." There is nothing noble or Patriotic concerning what Cruz and his following are doing by subverting the will of the people.
Our democracy is under attack.

Anonymous said...

Hawley looks goofy, like what a comedian looks like. Utter wannabe. Loser, too, according to El Paya Jerry, who also looks funny.

Anonymous said...

Newly elected and returning House and Senate members will take the oath of office today, marking the official start of the 117th Congress.

A full House floor vote for the speakership will also take place, and Nancy Pelosi is poised to remain in the top leadership post for House Democrats.

In the Senate, the balance of power still has yet to be decided with all eyes on a pair of Senate runoff elections taking place in Georgia Tuesday that will determine which party controls the chamber.

Anonymous said...

REPUBLICANS love their money..... they want to establish a dictatorship.

More money for them : for INFINITY.

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry McHale's wallet was found by an illegal alien, who turned it in to HEB. Let's see how Republican Jerry rewards this good samaritan.


Anonymous said...

Gerry Marsden, the singer for the record-setting English band Gerry and the Pacemakers, has died.

He was 78.

Marsden died following a short battle with an infection in his heart, English broadcaster Pete Price revealed Sunday.

Price shared the news “with a very heavy heart” after speaking with Marsden’s family, he wrote in a tweet.

Marsden was born in Liverpool and co-founded his band there in 1959 with a group of artists that included his brother Fred. Each of the first three singles released by Gerry and the Pacemakers climbed to the top spot on the UK Singles Chart, making them the first group to achieve the feat.

Those three songs — “How Do You Do It?,” “I Like It” and “You’ll Never Walk Alone” — each came out in 1963.

Their song "Ferry Across The Mersey" was stolen from Rigo Tovar.

Anonymous said...

Trump badgered and pleaded with Georgia’s election chief to overturn Joe Biden’s win in the state, suggesting in a telephone call that the official “find” enough votes to hand Trump the victory.

The conversation Saturday was the latest step in an unprecedented effort by a sitting president to pressure a state official to reverse the outcome of a free and fair election that he lost. The renewed intervention and the persistent and unfounded claims of fraud by the first president to lose reelection in almost 30 years come nearly two weeks before Trump leaves office and two days before twin runoffs in Georgia that will determine control of the Senate.

Anonymous said...

How about if I respect the election results and Biden as President the same way the Democrats respected President Trump the last four years? How about uniting the country now the same way the Democrats united the country after the 2016 election?

Anonymous said...

Wait your ass till January the 6 Montoya y junto con ese half coco retard mutt y todos los que votaron por el viejito culero Biden! The world will witness the most historic voting fraud ever perpetrated! Lot's of people are going to be arrested for treason...unfortunately, the ones arrested will just be the lower rank criminals that were paid to do the cheating. Trump will be our President for 4 more years! Se chingo a Hillary y ahora se va chingar gacho a Biden! Hahahahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Starship program racks up wins in 2020
starship 2
La bruja 3
los idiotas elected officals 5
El grifo 10
Citizens of Brownsville -0

Yea still waiting for the 50K salary jobs

Jobs 0

Anonymous said...

Transportation funding prospects brighten
For what MORE bike trails!

Anonymous said...

Trump on Monday is expected to give Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, according to someone familiar with the plans. No word on whether Nunes threatened to sue if he didn’t get it.

Lifeless MOFO, that Nunes.

Anonymous said...

How white people take care of their own -

Sanger, Texas (near Dallas) = Linda Tutt High School students are helping organize a grocery store inside the school. The North Texas grocery store accepts good deeds — not money — to help students

Linda Tutt High School opened a no-cash business to help the school’s families that are struggling during the pandemic.

Y Brownsville? Pos no.

Anonymous said...

County Election’s website rated outstanding by LWV

Another AWARD? No League in your community? There is NO league here in Brownsville there is a RGV one but they never meet must not be getting any monies.

If ALL these awards were worth something this city would be rated NUMRO UNO in the WORLD but it ain't, it's rated number one in poverty, low paying jobs, voter turn-out and rated WORST amongst all 3rd world country cities in the world.

IS THERE AN AWARD FOR THAT????? Elected mamones and their cronies

Anonymous said...

And now again, Trump presents the country with a crisis and a conundrum.

What Trump did on that call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, first reported by The Washington Post on Sunday afternoon, might well have been a crime. More than that cannot be said until and unless a jury is heard from. But Trump has reason to worry about new juries today, alongside all the other juries he was worrying about yesterday.

The Raffensperger tape shows Trump’s Plan A to stay ahead of the law: election tampering. That plan will reach its finale on January 6—the point of no return, the last minute for stunts and sabotage. A shameful number of Republican members of the House and Senate have signed up for the stunts and sabotage, but not enough to prevent the inevitable outcome of a Biden-Harris inauguration on January 20.

Anonymous said...

Cuban Ted Cruz, a traitor to his oath and country, knows that his pushed-for proposal to delay Senate confirmation of Joe Biden as next president so that a muddy-premised investigation of "fraud" can be hurried through is nonsensical.

Cruz is, by all accounts, an intelligent enough lawyer to understand that the law and Constitution provides no mechanism to do what he is pretending to ask for.

Ted Cruz has gotten a near-dozen of fellow senators contemptuous of democracy to sign on to a demand that cannot be fulfilled, but will further promote the utterly fraudulent notion that Donald Trump only lost reelection because of fraud nobody in the nation has been able to identify, Trump's own lawyers are unable to give evidence for or even are willing to coherently explain, and is both utterly invisible and so large a conspiracy as to have, allegedly, overthrown the head of government.

Shitty Texan!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@2:36,7:15 First of all, why didn't you comment on the whole conference call Idiotas! I'll explain to you what Trump exactly meant in words that everybody in the Valley can understand! What Trump was saying to Raffenspeger, "No te hagas el pendejo"! Just find me the amount of fraud votes I need, or I'm going to open a can of worms and I will show the world how deep the corrupt in Georgia election was. According to Raffenspeger, only two dead people voted, and that Georgia's "suitcase under the table" video did not show any fraud! Even though the poll watchers were sent home and they kept on counting ballots! The law in Georgia requires them to be present if ballots are being counted! Just wait till January the 6 and the world will be shock to hear the truth come out! Trump se chingo a Hillary y ahora se va chingar a Biden y Reffensperger! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

The pendejetes hillbilly coco wanna be white was recorded talking to a tacuache about taking over all the bus shelters (there are only 2 in the city) and bringing military personnel to help.


Anonymous said...

This isn’t the party, these are Trump supporters. These idiots will make it a point to say they’re “Conservatives” and not Republicans.

Anonymous said...

I use to be a hardcore Democrat until I realized I had made the wrong choice. Democrats aren’t for the working people. They’re for big government, big taxation and for millionaires. They care less for the regular working people. My Awesome President Trump will be blessed by God for all his hard work! God knows what his doing, but I know my awesome president taught the democrats a big lesson.

Anonymous said...

@2:06 The real lesson will be taught to the democrats and Rhinos on January the 6! I'll be personally in Washington to support my president! Everyone who are honest and are tired of corruption, please go to Washington! This will be a historical event! May God bless America!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

"Ferry Across The Mersey" definition: un joto crusando el rio

Anonymous said...

@8:10 Hey idiota! Listen very carefully to what I'm going to say to you, so that next time you start your bullshit about no fraud was committed, you'll remember this! Do you know who the fuk is Rudy Giuliani? He bravely fought the American Mafia and won! He also lead the city of New York through the 911 tragedy! If you think he's going to be a fool to make up shit about there being fraud in the presidential election, then you must be a retard! It doesn't matter if Trump was his own brother, he would not be fighting in something that was a lie, and you can take that to the bank and shove it up your ass! Btw Cruz is no idiot either and on January the 6, expect some fireworks! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

@8:10 Hey idiota! Listen very carefully to what I'm going to say to you, so that next time you start your bullshit about no fraud was committed, you'll remember this! Do you know who the fuk is Rudy Giuliani? He bravely fought the American Mafia and won! He also lead the city of New York through the 911 tragedy! If you think he's going to be a fool to make up shit about there being fraud in the presidential election, then you must be a retard! It doesn't matter if Trump was his own brother, he would not be fighting in something that was a lie, and you can take that to the bank and shove it up your ass! Btw Cruz is no idiot either and on January the 6, expect some fireworks! Hahahahaha!
