Monday, January 4, 2021


 By Juan Montoya

In an unprecedented legal maneuver, attorneys for Marisa Leal, a candidate who lost by a narrow 8-vote margin against her opponent – Brownsville Independent School District Place 6 incumbent Minerva Peña - are asking a court to declare the results void and order a new election.

They argue that because of numerous Texas Election Code violations allegedly occurred in the Nov. 3 election, early voting, and mail-in voting that a true winner cannot be ascertained and that a visiting judge nullify the outcome and call for a new election.

The lawsuit filed December 30, within the 30-day period following the December 3, 2020 final and official canvas and certification of the November 4 election for Place 6 of the Board of the Brownsville Independent School District.

Peña, who was seeking a fourth term on the board, filed for a recount after the final tally in the Nov. 3 election showed Leal had won by one vote, 16,535 votes to 16,534 for Peña.

The recount came out 16,552 for Peña and 16,544 for Leal, with the third candidate in the race Joe A. Rodriguez receiving 10,575 votes.

The certified vote allocation gave Peña 16,552 votes, 16544 votes for Leal and 10,575 votes for Joe A.Rodriguez, a difference of eight votes between the two top vote-getters.

Leal's attorney – former Cameron County Judge and current Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa – claims in the lawsuit that this was not the true outcome of the election and that various violations of the Texas Election Code worked against his client.

Among some of the allegations of code violations are:

a. That numerous votes were illegally cast by individuals who were registered to vote at an address not a residence and not their residence as defined by the Texas Elections Code and therefore were not legally registered to vote in the election. Had these illegal votes not been counted, they claim, a different and correct result would be obtained in the election. 

b. That numerous voters casting votes during early vote and on election day were assisted at the time that they they voted even though the voters were not eligible for assistance in reading or completing the ballot,

c. That numerous voters casting votes during early vote and on election day received assistance that was not limited to that authorized by the Texas Election Code at a polling place,

d. That numerous mail-in ballots that were counted should not have been counted due to numerous violations of various requirements in the Texas Elections Code. The following violations of the Texas Elections Code occurred at the time that these numerous mail-in ballots were cast:

(a) the voter is not eligible to vote by mail, 

(b) the voter did not sign the application for a mail-in ballot, 

(c) the voter was assisted in completing or signing the mail-in ballot application by a person other than the early voting clerk or a deputy but the witness failed to provide the information required 

(e) the voter is not eligible for assistance in reading or completing the ballot but was assisted in doing so

(f) the assistant failed to sign the oath prescribed by the Election Code

(g) the assistant failed to enter his per her “signature, printed name, and residence address on the official carrier envelope of the voter,” 

(h) the voter permitted another person to take possession of the voter’s ballot and carrier envelope to deposit same in the mail or with a common or contract carrier for delivery to the elections office but such person failed to “provide the person’s signature, printed name, and residence address on the reverse side of the envelope

(i) the voter did not seal the carrier envelope containing his or her ballot before the ballot and envelope left the voter’s hand

(j) the voter received assistance that was not limited to that authorized by the Texas Election Code at a polling place,  including encouraging the voter how to vote or even pressuring or coercing votes;

(k) the person providing assistance prepared the voter’s ballot “without direction from the voter.

(l) the mail ballot carrier envelope did not contain the signature of the alleged voter,

(m) the alleged “mark” of the alleged mail ballot voter was not witnessed by any person, The lawsuit n ballots that were cast in violation of the Texas Elections Code  were illegal and therefore cannot be counted.

The lawsuit continues that "because the number of illegal votes cast exceeds the difference in the total votes cast for the Contestant and those cast for the Contestee, the Court cannot ascertain the true outcome of the election and, the Court must declare the election void and order a new election.

They also ask that "the Court determine that the election be declared void as it is impossible to ascertain the true results and issue an order for a new election for the contested office, disqualify local district judges from hearing the case, and assign a visiting judge to hear it.

The lawsuit was filed December 30 in the 107th District Court.


Anonymous said...

The latest turn in loser Donald Trump's campaign to overturn the 2020 election reveals a desperate man willing to say almost anything to get what he wants but instead getting rebuffed by officials who are made of finer stuff. As he pressures them to abandon their duty and come over to the dark side of politics, their refusal makes Trump's corrupt methods all the more obvious.

Heard on an audio recording with Georgia election officials obtained by CNN, and first reported by the Washington Post, Trump sounds more like a dictator than an American president. He is by turns bullying, flattering, and repugnant, frantically trying to close the biggest deal of his life.
"I just want to find 11,780 votes," says the President in a rambling one-hour telephone call with Georgia's secretary of state and others. In another moment he argues, "And the people of Georgia are angry, the people of the country are angry," he said. "And there's nothing wrong with saying, you know, um, that you've recalculated."

ha ha ha ha

Sounds like Minerva Pena few weeks back! ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Another graceless loser.

Marisa, give it up. You lost and you prove you're a loser by hiring Gilberto Hinojosa. ja ja ja ja ja

Live to fight another day!

Anonymous said...

WOW great news do it, if they refuse call the military start the demonstrations, rallies, labor strikes and block all entrances to all schools...

Anonymous said...

Que tal de pendejo es El Paya Jerry?

Le regresaron su cartera menos los $40 bolas que dice que traia, aunque habia dicho que eran $50. Y sin madre cuanto se la dieron, a mujer que la encontro dicienmdola que "Cual $40?"

El Paya McHale acepto eso y, como es un Galan sin auto o casa o vieja, corrio al ATM mas proximo para tomar otros $40 bolas para darle a la vieja.

Paya, pendejo, se tomo $80 esa ruca!!!!

ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Well if anybody knows about election fraud ( or fraud in general) its Gilberto (King of Fraud, scumbag, dirtbag, crime boss, general POS) Hinojosa. How is this guy still around? I cant believe he was ever smart enough to pass the bar exam. Probly cheated on that too....,.,.

Anonymous said...

Marisa Leal wants this, or Louie Leal?

Orale. A tirar ganchos!

Anonymous said...

Gilbert Hinojosa is a snake Juan. This lawsuit is all about the delinquent tax contract vote coming up at BISD. Gilbert Hinojosa is a paid consultant for Lienbarger....he is on retainer for 100k a year! Lienbarger wants Minerva out because Leal would secure the vote for them! on the lawsuit, The State Democratic Party Chair is making the same arguments Trump is making....and Gilberto says Trump is a by his own actions....Gilberto is a PENDEJO AND A RATA! This is a blatant lawsuit filed to secure a vote for the delinquent tax contract...plain and simple.....and Gilberto Hinojosa, the state democratic Party Chair is using Donald Trump's briefs for his client Leal. And it doesn't hurt that the County Democratic Party Chair is Jarred Hokema....and the elections administrator is Remi Garza....both of which worked for Gilberto Hinojosa when he was county judge! I would bet that Leal's lawsuit is being funded by Linebarger....they are already paying Gilbert.....baltant conflict of interest.

Anonymous said...

If there’s one thing we have learned about Donald Trump over the last four years, it’s that he’s not very creative and entirely predictable. So it’s not surprising that the recording of Trump’s hour-long shakedown to get Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find” 11,780 votes in his favor (exactly one vote higher than his current deficit against Biden — smart!) had clear echoes of Trump’s “perfect” phone call in July 2019 to Ukraine President Volodomyr Zelensky.

Once again, Trump tried to leverage his authority to help his own electoral outcome. Once again, he relied on explicit and implicit threats to try to make it happen. And once again, he failed and the call leaked.

Still The National Buffoon!

Anonymous said...

Da Blimp is still confused -


And then he adds a video from NBC News (a national media) to support his stealing of news.

ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

On a recount, you need to bring in impartial outside experts. Minerva Pena, a Republican, may have won because maybe County Elections Administrator Remi Garza is a Republican.

Elections need to be clean and non-controversial, or the public will start thinking the whole process is corrupt, so why vote?

Anonymous said...

So Gilberto Hinojosa is basically claiming the same thing that Trump is claiming happened in his election.

Anonymous said...

Voter fraud does not exist. It is a Republican myth. We Democrats know elections are clean and honest with no voter fraud. Next thing you know Republicans will push the false narrative that there are actual politiqueras hired to get votes illegally. Don't believe it. That doesn't happen. We're to smart to believe that.

Anonymous said...

And if Marisa gets it next, Minerva will file her lawsuit.

Que pinche despapaye barato.

Dis Amurica!!!!

Anonymous said...

Remi? Trump needs him in Georgia!

Waiting on the phone call? Ha ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

More than a dozen House and Senate Republicans over the weekend attacked plans by colleagues to object to certifying 2020 election results, calling the effort ineffective, dangerous or lacking in evidence.

Our Sen. Ted Cruz is leading this mess.

Anonymous said...

IF they did it to President Trump much less to a regular citizen like Ms. Leal. Good luck and I hope the truth comes up.

Anonymous said...

Sore loser.

Anonymous said...

@11:20,12:21 First of all, why didn't you comment on the whole leaked conference call with the dumbass Raffenspeger! I'll explain to you what Trump exactly meant in words that everybody in the Valley can understand! What Trump was saying to Raffenspeger, "No te hagas el pendejo"! Just find me the amount of fraud votes I need, or I'm going to open a can of worms and I will show the world how deep the corrupt in Georgia election was. According to Raffenspeger, only two dead people voted, and that Georgia's "suitcase under the table" video did not show any fraud! Even though the poll watchers were sent home and they kept on counting ballots illegally! The law in Georgia requires them to be present if ballots are being counted! Just wait till January the 6 and the world will be shock to hear the truth come out! Trump se chingo a Hillary y ahora se va chingar a Biden y Reffensperger! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Interesting, when Leal had the lead in votes and was sworn in as the elected trustee, she did not complained about any Texas Election Code violations. Pena followed the election procedures and asked for a recount of the votes. Pena did not claim Texas Election Code violations.
Let's say that the court grants Leal's request and a new election is held. Will there be also new elections for the other candidates because if the Texas Election Codes were violated it not only happened to Pena/Leal? There were other candidates elected on the same ballot.

Anonymous said...

Marisa, la fea, casada con el chisquiado problematico de “Louie”
Perdiste.. move along. We dodged a bullet- thank GOD Minerva came out victorious

Anonymous said...

Leal is wasting her money... another pendeja like erasmo

Anonymous said...

What a sore loser, we can’t challenge the integrity of our election process Pena is the winner. Gilbert is Hog Wash!

Anonymous said...

They're afraid that the truth will come out DO IT and the guilty sent all of them to Leavenworth kansas!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Voter fraud a la trumputo style FBI is looking and ready You pendejos get ready to do the time...join la otra pendeja.. La Tuna TIME!

BobbyWC said...

I am now 100% certain Gilbert Hinojosa is on the Republican's payroll. Under his leadership the Democratic Party got on F in trying to defend our right to vote by mail during this pandemic. Even with his total incompetence as a lawyer the Texas Supreme Court came back and said it is totally subjective on the part of the voter if their health qualifies them for a mail ballot based on disability. They went on to say the State cannot ask the voter the basis of their disability.

Look this lawsuit is a childish temper tantrum which throws in the kitchen sink to challenge the final result.

The only claim which concerns me is the Chair of the Texas Democratic Party claiming people who voted by mail were not qualified. This is exactly what Trump is doing and we all know where that has gotten him.

Look I am the only one who has tried an election case through appeal. Because of Gilbert's tantrum in how he plead the lawsuit, Pena will be running for another term before the appellate process is complete. My client was in her second term when the court finally had to dismiss the election contest as moot. In the criminal case because I could prove the DA intimidate possible witnesses he failed to call one witness and the jury had to find my client not guilty.

Leal challenging the mail ballots as people not being qualified when we have over 350,000 dead from Covid is just sick, real sick. This does not make Peña any more palatable, but it does make Leal a horrible disgusting vial human being. This is Gilbert Hinijosa and his puppet judge Janet Leal. People will remember Janet Leal in a bad light And not to be mean but what the hay, Janet those shoes made you look like a dominatrix. You really need some gay friends to teach you how to dress like a professional and a lady.

In the end with appeals Pena will be running for another term while the appeals are pending. All Leal did was make herself as bad as Trump and to my disbelieve make Peña look like a victim from a Trumpite.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Juan perhaps Prez Trump should hire gilberto hinojosa to represent him against joe biden, since gilberto knows all the ins and outs of voter fraud for many decades here in Cameron county along with juan magallenes too. Right Gilberto? Una coca?

Anonymous said...

For clarification and please correct me if I am mistaken; 1. Pena lost on election day and requested a recount. 2. Leal was sworn in to office 3. Pena paid for the recount but since the recount turned the election results in her favor she (Pena) is no longer responsible for payment but instead the Tax Payers are!!! 4. Leal was removed from office after being sworn in after the recount results. 5. Leal hired Hinojosa to request the entire Leal and Pena election be redone. 6. If the court approves Hinojosa's request and a new election is granted, will the election for that BISD trustee be opened to Leal and Pena only? 7. Will the BISD TaxPayers have to pay for the entire re-election or does it fall under the County TaxPayers or are they the same? 8. Bottom line, Taxpayers are the losers/dues!!!

Anonymous said...

Does that mean the ENTIRE election is redone?

who is funding this crazy suit?

Anonymous said...

orale, Juan! Way to go! Using Minerva's current picture is the way it should be done. She gets really upset when they don't use her Porter Belle picture. Since she is know for loving to eat or take home all that is left over at any meeting, no wonder she looks the way she does and can hardly move around. Yet, he mouth continues to move for she never shuts up and takes over to monopolize every conversation or discussion. Term limits should be for real on the school board. Minnie weenie is not minnie any more!

Anonymous said...

If Minerva is the winner, the children are the losers!
She will play with whomever buys her a What-a-burger.
Look at her face!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the school district could use small peddle operated mini buses to transport children to schools.

Anonymous said...

This is all about the delinquent tax contract.... trust me. Gilbert is on Linebarger payroll.... they need Leal to be the deciding vote so Linebarger can keep sucking on taxpayer tit... even after costing the BISD over 2 million dollars. If Gilbert can not make this happen for Leal and keep contract for Linebarger.... Gilbert is off payroll. There it is... it is simple. Gilbert has a conflict of interest... representing Leal in exchange for her vote on the delinquent tax contract. Linebarger is paying for Leal suit. Wake up.... I can lead you to water... the rest is up to you.

Former RGV LEO said...

Huh, did the fat pedophile loving POS Pena pay for the recount or not?

Anonymous said...

Minerva eat a salad!
