Sunday, February 21, 2021


Ted Cruz continues to be a trailblazer as he becomes the first Hispanic person to flee FROM Texas TO Mexico because of ICE.


Anonymous said...

People with those body shapes are always losers. Big belly, flabby shit, head like that of a pig, no sign of muscle - it all adds up to a useless human being.

ja ja

Anonymous said...

Mexico is laughing even louder!

Border Wall, may ass.

Former RGV LEO said...

Com' On Man! Let it go! He went and came back! Fucking democRATS & liberals, practice what you preach, supposedly!

Anonymous said...


Picture that.

Anonymous said...

If men here had to work and do good to earn a penis, not one male in town would have a dick. This city and county are full of eunuchs. They may have a penis, but it is not a Manhood.

Anonymous said...

Does Cruz works for ERCOT or PUB? Para que lo quieren aqui then? Let him leave anywhere he wants. One less person to warm or feed in Texas. Pinche Cuomo in the meantime gets a free pass from media for his utter lying and coverup.

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry McHale ya empieza aceptar al Blimp, escribe que Blimp ha sido aceptado a su organizacion que no existe. Lonely, Paya?

He labeled Blimp everything under the sun and now he says he welcomes him. Los dos valen sebo. Ninguno ayuda al pueblo. Vatos inutiles, pero se merecen!

ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Nobody cares except this blog. More people are dying with Biden than trump.

Anonymous said...

Virtual party: Online Charro Days aimed at preserving spirit
You mean their money who the hell appointed ese pendejo JEFE? Jefe de que bank accounts pinche gringo pendejos. jefe hahahahaha IDIOTA

Anonymous said...

people are just recovering from the weather and the pandemic y estos pendejos selling posters to make money for themselves! Out of touch idiotas nomas aqui....

Anonymous said...

Texas Senator Ted Cruz was pictured on Saturday handing out bottled water to residents who are experiencing a shortage due to the winter storm, but the moment was criticised as a “photo op” for the Republican.

But he did not reveal where the pictures were taken.

Mr Cruz faced criticism for the pictures he shared because many residents saw them as staged instead of genuine effort for him to help his constituents.

Selling charro day posters is the same NO SHAME all they need now is to sell vouchers

Anonymous said...


GGL said...

Hey does anyone remember back when the texas demorats left the state of texas when the republicans won control of the state house, did they care about you, oh did they care about there dog or cat. Nero fiddled while Rome burnt to the ground. Rename this state call it Rome.

Anonymous said...

SE BUSCA: Buena chaqueta no muy usada. Pago en efectivo, hasta $15. Este friazo me dejo adolorido, pero pos nunca he tenido mi propia chaqueta.

Dejar su Email aqui.

Anonymous said...

February 22, 2021 at 8:56 AM

pinche gringo pidiche go to the gringo flea market on 7th st. no seas guey.

Anonymous said...

You would be an idiot and stay with no electricity , if you could go somewhere else. 100000.00 deaths since Biden took over, what a killer!!

Anonymous said...

Ted had all the right to go on a short vacation, whether he left or stayed was not going to make any difference, he couldn't resolve the problem of electricity, so I don't understand peoples criticism, besides, there was also no food, very little water, so please explain what good was he gonna do sticking around??? I'm not defending him but it was useless for him to stay, being a politic does not mean that he has to sacrifice his freedom, as long as he takes care of his job, he can do whatever he wants. So please stop being so dramatic all you complaints.

Anonymous said...

cruz sin luz

Anonymous said...

Snowflake hillbilly coco wanna be white is his new name SNOWFLAKE loves cubanos

Anonymous said...

What a mistake he's going to mcallan not cancun pendejos...

Anonymous said...

ted hess same as ted cruz
