Monday, February 22, 2021



Anonymous said...

The Supreme Court cleared the way for a New York prosecutor to obtain former President Donald Trump's tax returns, dealing a massive loss to Trump who has fiercely fought to shield his financial papers from prosecutors.

The documents will be subject to grand jury secrecy rules that restrict their public release.

The ruling is a bitter loss for Trump, even if the tax records are shielded from public disclosure, after he consistently argued that the subpoena issued by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance was overbroad and issued in bad faith.

Reminder: Donald Trump's legal and financial problems are still very serious

It means that the grand jury investigation into alleged hush money payments and other issues will no longer be hampered by Trump's fight to keep the documents secret.

Anonymous said...

The Proof -

This is why Da Blimp's blog is useless:

"Now the trolls will say more than 39 million voted for Trump. True, but that was before the Trump incited insurrection."

Trump got more than 75 million votes in the 2020 election. If this clown can't give you good info, what the fuck is he good for? Oh, he's now friends with El Paya Jerry McHale!

Dos perdidos!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Regreso a mamar verga y a comer panocha!

Puro politico, ese Guey!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cruz is a hispanic cubano and thinks he's white now that the gringos know this he will never win again....Pinche cubanos llorones...

Anonymous said...

I bet that is his SUV that he is filling up with gas, when he cut in line, and packing it up with water bottles! Notice how he opened his sliding door and it tore the gas tank lid off. He acts and than apologizes.

Anonymous said...

Se ve que es buena gente. LOL

I don’t care what you think! said...

Phony ass bitch! He hates Mexicans and Cubans...he’s been sucking white ass so long he thinks he is one!
Canadian Cruz is definitely in cultural denial! He is doing photo ops everywhere because he got caught leaving town while Rome burned!
He thinks being a US Senator is to be a partisan bitch for the Repugnant Party! He spends a lot of time going to other states trying to help other Repugants get elected. He doesn’t know the first thing about trying to get meaningful legislation passed to benefit the average citizen!
A worthless, partisan whore for the Repugnant Party and their sycophants.

Anonymous said...

Today, let us all marvel at the depravity of a national media establishment that worries far more about Ted Cruz's trip to Cancun than about Bill Clinton's 26 trips on Jeffrey Epstein's jet or Andrew Cuomo's killing of thousands of elderly New Yorkers.

Stunning, really.

Anonymous said...

The mistake Cruz made was saying anything remember in May of 2003 when all the democrats !left Austin because they lost control of the house children Cruz should have told people stick it up yours

Anonymous said...

Folks ok so Cruz wasnt in town or Texas during this winter storm, would it had made a difference if he was? And if that was the case was corny in town or texas and did it make a difference? I dont think so. So like George Lopez says? Why you crying? We knw what we got in those two, like the rest of the gang we have here in brownsville or cameron county or PUB NADA.

Anonymous said...

Snowflake new name for hillbilly coco wanna be white pinche pendejo...

Anonymous said...

Ah yes Cruz he just is not the type of guy we want when we have the PUB guys around.

Anonymous said...

Pinche joto cubano

Anonymous said...

Pinches cubanos llorones... cocos la raza hispana blanca pinches cocos...

Anonymous said...

Esta en mcallen dandoles agua a los gordos...
