Thursday, February 18, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

He led Brownsville down the wrong road in 2013 by pushing with former City of Brownsville Mayor Tony Martinez to force through the construction of a $500 million-plus gas-powered, electric generating plant with private energy giant Tenaska.

He recommended the city commission raise utility rates over a five year span by 36 percent to be used toward the construction of the plant. The rates remain high despite the fact that as far back as 2017, PUB and Tenaska knew it would never be built. 

In that first year, he and his two top executives got raises approved for themselves that eventually placed their salaries approximating $300,00 each. After the project was closed, he told the commission that all but $29 million of the approximately $130 million raised through the high rates was left and he wanted to use it to install LED lights on PUB poles.

Then, under his watch, the PUB sent a $1.3 million to a fictitious vendor by "mistake" and said everything was alright because the depositor bank that was instructed to pay the charges would charge the "mistake" to its insurance which would cover it. His CFO, agreed, and didn't have to answer to anyone about the apprentice-level "mistake."

Now, in the last three days of a frigid front that caused widespread electric outages he admitted in press conference that he had subjected the residents of the city to live without heat or lights because he had directed that 80 percent of the electricity PUB produced be sent to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) grid while subjecting the people of the city to blackouts.

And it wasn't until people started asking him why he had not ordered the Silas Ray plant 100 percent owned by the people of Brownsville capable of producing 170 MWs – enough to power the city and surrounding communities and prevent hardship to families here – activated Wednesday, subjecting residents to three days of misery and life-and-death situations for the PUB bottom dollar. 

This is John Bruciak, who has been at the helm of the PUB for the last two decades and lives in a condominium in South Padre Island. State investigators say that many utilities, including PUB, did not produce electricity using plants like Silas Ray because it would operate at a loss and hurt their profit margin.

Can you put a price on seeing your children and elderly relatives shivering from the cold when you've been paying artificially-high utility rates recommended by this failed energy guru? Can you put a price on the suffering of the old and sick who need electric medical devices (oxygen, ventilators, etc.) to stay alive? 

At today's joint PUB/City of Brownsville press conference, Bruciak said that he would fire up the plants and produce more energy for local consumption of the municipally-owned utility. But –  and there is always a but with this guy – the extra fuel charges will have to be passed off to the ratepayers' bills and their families who have been subjected to a cold hell for the last four days.

We have an idea. Why not combine the top salaries of these three top pendejos which will total more than $1 million and pay the fuel surcharges?

Or even better, local residents can reach out and touch the PUB board members who are supposed to be representing their interests and demand they dump this guy and his accomplices. These board members have allowed this situation to fester and the Big Freeze has cause the suppurating sore to burst. Give them a piece of your mind and tell them to get off their ass and do something for you instead of kissing Bruciak's butt.

Jude A. Benavides, Ph.D.
Chair, 1st Term

Sandra Saenz
Vice-Chair, 1st Term

Sandra Lopez-Langley
Secretary/Treasurer, 2nd Term

Anna Oquin
Member, 1st Term

Timothy Lopes
Member, 2nd Term

Patricio Sampayo
Member, 2nd Term

Mayor Trey Mendez
Ex-Officio Member, Elected


Anonymous said...

What about the 80% he gave out who's going to replace that HIS SALARY????


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bruciak is a white guy. At least put a Mexican in his job.

We're Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

City Commission can dissolve the PUB with a simple motion. Why don't they do that? Ben? Ben? Whwere you at Ben?

Anonymous said...

People you need to call mayor especially ex Martinez and commissioners Gowen and MUNGIA and Pub board for this crap no wonder they got away with stealing from rate payers in the tune of $130 million and counting in regards to the now defunct Tenaska project. Texas ESCOT is not regulated by the federal government they what they want these asholes should be in jail imo!! Citizens of Brownsville you got scammed.

Anonymous said...

Did they turn of the electricity in the Los Ebanos subdivision where Blue Jean Tony Martinez lives? You are right - bola de pendejos babosos!

Anonymous said...

Jude A. Benavides, Ph.D.,Sandra Saenz, Sandra Lopez-Langley, Anna Oquin, Timothy Lopes and Patricio Sampayo.
How do you sleep at night? On this list we have people with degrees, without degrees, ex bankers, bankers,and lawyers on this committee or whatever title you bring to the table. How are you helping our community, did your education, titles and experience with your jobs help you step it up and fool people? Are there little tricks you learned throughout your lifetime in conning people? I hope all of you, including the top guys you support, are investigated and you have to answer to the community you're supposed to look out for. The entitlements you throw at us is unbelievable. You are going to have to answer for your incompetence. STOP STEALING FROM US !.

Anonymous said...

Lets hold each and everyone of those board members legally and financially liable

Anonymous said...

Lets hold each and everyone of those board members legally and financially liable

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. More excuses & not any better solutions. Why not give all the PUB customers a break right away by giving them an automatic rebate or discount on their utility bill. That would help ease some of the economic stress suffered by so many in these trying times. Maybe the community would think better of PUB and gain some trust. The funds are there, why not just do it out of good conscience and service. Thank You to all the PUB employees working outside in the cold weather to provide this essential service that we take for granted.

Anonymous said...

It's Trump's fault. Every bad thing is Trump's fault. All good things are Biden's doing. We are the sheep.

Unknown said...

Bruciak le vale verg, he has proven thta many times over y que, City MAYOR, EX MAYOR AND CITY COMMISH NADA, PUB Board NADA, Citizens NADA-maybe its time to revolt and take matter into our own hands AND DO SOME RALLYS LIKE TRUMP FOLLWERS HAHA. I would Bet when the PUBLIC HEAT is turned ON-Mr. Bruciak aka el Cheeseburger in Paradise on South Padre Dude will come out and announce he is retiring, we shall see. ONWARD THRU THE FOG GENTE DE BROWNSVILLE.

Anonymous said...

BPUB Board members, so MANY MISTAKES by BRUCIAK and his TWO other TOP DOGS in charge at BPUB, so when does the Board plan to make a CHANGE?

Anonymous said...

Juan, el Bruciak (aka Mr. SPI) salary is $300k per year MMM that comes out to $144.23 per hour NO POS WOW. Y NO VALE, PUB Board its time to take action. BTW juan if you check the employment records for both City of Brownsville and PUB you will find out that Mr. SPI has been with the City of Brownsville and BPUB for over 35 years maybe its time for him to retire and go directly to Jail. FUERA.

Anonymous said...

Juan just a quick fyi that there are No Morals by the BPUB Board members, they should be removed and replaced with more city commission compadres right? Sounds like Billy Preston song" will it go round in circles". Oh well i tried.

Anonymous said...

We'll pay extra in our bill so he and his thief board can get more on their salary.

Anonymous said...

ERCOT only talked about the cold weather for one minute in their meeting.

Texas /Republicans want no Regulations from the Federal Government and we have no power, no electricity, no water !!!

It is time for Texans to reject the Republicans.

The cows died, people died, and only Beto O'Rourke was worried and helping Texans.

Shame on all voters that voted for the Republicans.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In 2011 Texas was informed that it needed to do something about the power grid. Rick Perry was the Governor and Greg Abbott just declared that the Federal Government/ Biden should not touch Texas's power (independent and not regulated by the Federal Government).

This frozen tragedy is going to happen again. Texas' voters need to do something about all this.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't have this city's best interest nor its citizens NEVER HAS and he never will HE NEEDS TO GO... NOW!

Anonymous said...

Why does jude need to put Phd

Do the others put BA ot BS or GED on their titles?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget "La Casa Del Fraude" I mean Nylon which was purchased by the City for 3 times of what was worth which was against the law. By the way, it still sits empty after the brilliant purchase over ten years ago. Pura pinche rata de dos patas.

Anonymous said...

Juan all of this sounds like Chorizo San manuel for the citizens of Brownsville. Puro chorizo

Anonymous said...

Juan, no va pasar nada en pub. Slap on the hand to the honchos. Todos se tapan con la misma colcha en pub (tenured staff). No accountability.

Anonymous said...

juan check out the special meeting agenda at BPUB for thursday feb 25, 2021, guess the board and mr. bruciak el Mr. SPI want to see how they might be able to charge the citizens more to cover lost revenues from last week. Yikes, chorizo san manuel here it comes.

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it BPUB staff are forced to use vacation hours due to power loss during the winter storm. Fucked up thing is they caused the power loss.

Anonymous said...

Juan so any news about what took place at the special PUB Meeting on thursday? BPUB public needs to know. whats going to happen with Big 3 PUB gorillas? NADA?

Anonymous said...

Juan Guess the 3 top gorillas win at the BPUB and nada for the citizens.
