Friday, February 19, 2021


Carnac the Magnificent (Johnny Carson): The answer is Rick Cornejo (Applause).

Ed.'s Note: Carnac the Magnificent was a recurring comedic role played by Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson.

Carnac was a "mystic from the East" who could psychically "divine" unknown answers to unseen questions.

In this case, although new Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza is asking the commissioners court for approval of a budget amendment to fund three new position which will include an office administrator and two clerks (office specialists) and applicants will be required to go through the Human Resources selection process, the way that office has handled personnel matters it won't take a mystic to guess who will be picked for the administrator spot.

That person, of course, is none other than Rick Cornejo, Garza's former administrator at the Cameron County District Clerk's Office. Those new to the county's unique form of applicants evaluation and selection may well go through the motions and apply only to be disappointed no matter how well qualified they may be. Que sera, sera!

This has happened at least four other times when Garza filled key positions in the department with people who had actively participated in his political campaign. In a sense, he owed them.

The personnel changes at the department since January have been fraught with missteps with Garza going through the motions of the formal process but eventually getting the people he wants in key positions. And even when he hits a snag, such as placing Robert Gracia in the chief deputy position despite not being certified by the Texas Commission On Law Enforcement (T-COLE), he seems obstinate to keep him there despite not meeting the requirements of the job description and allowa him use of the chief deputy parking space at the administration.

However, Gracia pitched in close to $50,000 in campaign contributions and played a leading role in getting Garza elected. So much for the rules.

No one blames Garza or any elected official for wanting his own people in his office, but the department and the county are required to follow state and federal human resources law in the hiring process. Remember, despite the fact that eight people with T-COLE certification applied for chief deputy, when Gracia was disqualified, the position remains unfilled. Reports indicate that Gracia tried to pass the certification test and failed and now has a department officer on county time tutoring him until he passes.

The process can then start again and Gracia will get the plum job he so rightfully deserves.

When he ran, Garza criticized incumbent Omar Lucio for using compadrismo in his hiring practices. That criticism seems to have turned around and bit him in the buttocks.

Carnac the Magnificent: The question is: What are Robert Gracia as Chief Deputy and Rick Cornejo as Office Administrator?1
McMahon: And the answer is "What you get when you mix compadrismo and campaign contributions?" (wild applause!) 


Anonymous said...

UNBELIEVEABLE! what you people expect from a paper pusher house mouse with NO experience at all in law enforcement. WHAT DID YOU EXPECT?????????

Anonymous said...

ABC News
2 women dressed as 'grannies' to get COVID-19 vaccine, Florida officials say

gringas being gringas hahahaha...

Anonymous said...

Juan ese el mismo molcajete different chile.

Anonymous said...

Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz made a top-secret trip on Wednesday to investigate whether Mexico illegally stole heat and sunshine from his home state of Texas.

Cruz said that he undertook the dangerous heat-finding mission because he cares deeply about the current suffering of his fellow-Texans.

Anonymous said...

"Rush Limbaugh Taught Me How to Think Like a Piece of Shit." - Ted Hussy

Anonymous said...

When the Trump name is Instant Moron -

Tweet from Donald Trump, Jr:

"The hypocrisy of those trying to cancel Ted Cruz who have been totally silent on their Democrat Governor’s incompetence is telling. My thoughts on the Cancún Cruz fauxoutrage!"

Poor Republican Texas Gov, Greg Abbott. Ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

The change we need, The PROTECTION we deserve!
The protection??? On Feb 14, a Cameron County citizen called the Sheriff's Office for assistance, this citizen waited out on the cold for 2 hours, he passed away from hypothermia, and all because Garza doesn't know how to manage patrol and that shift is short because you decided to use those slots for your compadres.
Learn this from Sheriff Lucio "Patrol is always first" thats your front rookie... or what about the inmate who was brutally assaulted by the jailers about 3 weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry backtracks again -


McHale is a mojarra, no spine on that asshole. Shits on Pedro Cardenas, is called on it by Montoya and then melts at Juan's feet. Vale sebo, ese Guey. Sus esposas lo decian y lo siguen diciendo! Vato cagapalo.

Donde esta Pat Ahumada pa que lo agarre a chingasos. Puras naguas. Escribe sus pendejadas como vieja!!!!!

ja, ja, ja, ha, ha

Anonymous said...

El pendejo cruz wants to raise the fence so that mexico won't get anymore sunshine. racist republicans cruz is hispanic and a coco from cuba maybe even a spy for castro

Anonymous said...

@9:23 IDIOTA!

Anonymous said...

A few "Citizen Marches" on these lousy elected officials would do wonders. You know it, Juan. The bureaucrats hate publicity via the press.

March on the Sheriff's Office.

March on BPUB.

Get out there are raise some noise. Bring the mess to their table!

Anonymous said...

Eddie Treviño for Governor

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry is still making fun of candidate Pedro Cardenas and his English.
Que le pasa a ese pinche cagapalo McHale? Sera posible que un Mejicano de aqui se curo con una de sus viejas? Hiralo, hiralo. Sigue chingando con los Mejicanos! No tiene juicio!

Anonymous said...

This guy wants to waste 40 thousand dollars to change the uniforms... for what??? What about you go and ask for a raise for the deputies instead you piece of shit!!!!

Anonymous said...

Get some white socks ready Eric..

Anonymous said...

The end is near....

Anonymous said...

wtf is wrong with this guy, not even two months into the job and already requested a raise of 1,200 a paycheck!! what about the deputies you POS!

I am not a robot! said...

Carnac the Magnificent"

Anonymous said...

Great drain the swamp ... good job Eric .. entitled employees working at the sheriff’s office who think because they have been there forever are going to get a position they don’t deserve .. these people are the same haters.. who list an election and clearly are missing the kick backs they were getting

Anonymous said...

From the KKK city of Harlingen needs to go who?

Anonymous said...

Remember in November!!! When Carlos Elizondo AKA "Eliz-La Rata Pelona" and the Castro Circus of clowns were in the BISD elections, well for those that know Eliz-La Rata Pelona no of his criminal ways and disloyalty to fellow firefighters. When Eliz-La Rata Pelona and his mamon Estrada paid off Charlie Cabler to gain the Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief positions, well a throwback in history, Eliz-La Rata Pelona gained his purchased position then on the promise to Charlie he promoted Estrada from the lowest ranking position in the civil service to the second in command in the BFD. Garza will repeat Eliz-La Rata Pelona's failure to comprehend the command of authority other then to selfserve!!! NOW and once again the circus is back in town but now they are seeking COB commissioner seats!!! Oh well, you can't lose what you don't have which in this case would be dignity and respect!!! Once a FELON ALWAYS A FELON and a CRIMINAL WILL ALWAYS BE A CRIMINAL!!!

Anonymous said...

500$ a story!

Anonymous said...

500$ a story!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about it Juan, he'll be gone by spring break

Anonymous said...

Who's taller....Eddie Trevino or Trey Mendez?

Anonymous said...

Wow ,the Robert Mata and Javier Reyna comments are lit! Pretty obvious who’s who here guys.

Anonymous said...

What shift is Silverio in? Is he doing the FTO program? WTF is going on!

Anonymous said...

Did Garza just hired Mark Treviño? The one who got fired from 2 different agencies for showing up drunk! Who did his backgroud? Wow!

Anonymous said...

When are the deputies are going to start arresting for DWI? Wasnt that part of your "major" press conference Eric? Hahaha

Anonymous said...

Time is running out Garza...

Anonymous said...

You need to grow a pair kid, face the media or you afraid to say "I dont know" hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Is he walking around with the same blue coat??? Retard

Anonymous said...

We expected a change at the jail and is the same people in charge! Elizardi, who was promoted by the fake chief deputy robert gracia, is running the show. Same BS! Is that even possible? getting promoted by someone who is not even a county employee.... interesting.

Anonymous said...

Remember the people elected Erick and Erick Hired Gracia so whose at fault

Former RGV LEO said...

Eric Garza, what a BIG disappointment!

Anonymous said...

When are they going to start the investigation on Joe Elizardi for allowing his click bring in their family members to get the Covid shot which was suppose to be for the employees only not for their family. Many officers did not receive their shots because they ran out because one of Elizardies stoolies brought in his wife, parents, grandparents, in-laws, brothers, sisters, and well all of the family when the shots were for employees only. Wake up people the jail is falling apart. they are running the jail so poorly the morale is at its low. where is the investigation on Elezardi forging his time sheet. this guy does so much illegal activities and he gets away with it. Remember he was Conrado Cantu's chief jailer. Erick you are compared like Conrado Cantu and your are doing the same thing he did and hired the same people. Lets not forget Cisneros who is also corrupt and was paid off by the drug cartels.

Anonymous said...

This is stupid as stupid as everyone that voted for this fucking faggot

Anonymous said...

Corrupt Mexican democrats in Cameron county? Shocking.

Anonymous said...

Well well well.... has anyone checked out County Commissioners' Court meeting. Seems like Sheriff Garza didn't get his way for those positions that he wants to create and increase the salaries for. All of his items were TABLED!!
Way to go Commissioners', why to protect those county employees. If you haven't given any of your current employees raises in over 2 years; no one else deserves to get an increase. It's all of them or non of them!
Sorry Erik maybe your inner circle can give up there current salaries so you can give your promised kiss asses there increases. Oh wait, you can't you promised to many positions to people with not enough positions to offer. Well I'll be darn! Now let's see who of his inner circle, promised people will remain loyal to you. Oh, you have your so called Chief Gracia that remains on the county directory and apparently his doesn't meet qualifications but has access to everything. He funded your campaign have him fund your salaries.
WAKE Up People... This new sheriff in Town is a JOKE!

Anonymous said...

If corruption was a jail cell nobody down here would run

Anonymous said...

The ridiculous pay raises existed during the Omar Lucio and Reynas reign. Everyone knows that is a fact. Including the fact that Gus Reyna had retired and rehired under a different title(once retired the county doesn't allow to be rehired with rank as per policy). The enraged Javier Reyna continues to unravel his wrath and gather his close friends that can dish out money to post untrue statements in this blog.

Anonymous said...

Let Big Joe do his job. He's the only one that knows the jail system. Come on people give him a chance to prove himself. You can do it Comprade

Anonymous said...

All the Lucio inner circle real angry that they can't skate by doing nothing on county time anymore. Give the man some time to work, can't expect him to fix years of issues in a few months. And as far as Elizardi goes show me a better candidate for that position. a hell of a lot better than what we had under Lucio's jail administration. Talk about a freaking joke
