Monday, February 22, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The snub and ridicule heaped upon a member of the press – specifically Brownsville Herald writer Nubia Reyna – by paid city hack Felipe Romero and Mayor Trey Mendez have reverberated throughout the local political and professional scene and drawn supporters to her cause.

Numerous eyewitnesses confirm that Romero and Mendez openly ridiculed Herald reporter Nubia Reyna after a press conference where she asked whether the city would open warming shelters like the city of McAllen.
Obviously bothered by the question comparing Brownsville to its upriver rival, Romero and Mendez were heard openly laughing at her after the press conference at the central library saying that her questions were "pendejas" and ridiculed her.

Then, other sources say that Romero called her editor and requested that Reyna not be the reporter sent to other city conferences.

This has led at least three members of the city commission – Ben Neece, Nurith Galonsky and Jessica Tetreau – to join other community members including Hugh Emerson and Texas Southmost College trustee Adela Garza in disapproval of her treatment by Romero and the mayor.

Galonsky said that "it's disappointing to know that you were treated that way...Misogyny is rampant in our community and only by sticking together will we ever make progress."

Romero was hired as a Communications and Marketing Director by City Manager Noel Bernal in 2019. So far, his accomplishments have been minimal and are basically limited to the city's BTV, a little used medium. He previously served as Contract Relations Coordinator for the Austin Independent School District and promised to "serve the Brownsville community and highlight the great things happening at the city on a local and international stage."

So far, Bernal has not seen fit to discipline the city's spokesperson for publicly ridiculing a female news reporter who also just happens to be a recent immigrant or to distance the city from their employee's lack of civility and lack of professionalism.

Is this the new normal for city-press relations? If the question about comparing McAllen's response to the freeze compared to the feeble efforts of Brownsville (opening the Sports park 24 hours for one day and people could not stay overnight) made them uncomfortable, perhaps performing well might have lessened their discomfort.

Nonetheless, this level of unprofessionalism has not been seen in local government in many years. That it would come from a supposedly veteran public relations expert and who was a sports reporter in Laredo is even more surprising. That the mayor would have approved of that lack of class exhibited by his city employee is even worse.

Is Romero feeling his oats because he thinks he has the support of Mendez, the mayor? The city and its Brownsville Public utility Board – where Mendez serves in an ex oficio role – have a lot of explaining to do for their utter failure in managing the crisis. One of those failures was the provision of shelters for the poor and the homeless.

The people have a lot of questions and Reyna, as a member of the Fourth Estate, is their representative to get them answers. They have to answer them, no matter what they think of the questions or the reporter. If the public relations performance exhibited by both of these entities during this emergency is any indication of their competence, we're worse off than we thought and have a long way to go.


Anonymous said...

There is no "press" in town when the only daily so-constricts itself by drifting-off into (a valleywide effort now). That Mendez, especially, fell in with this P.R. loser is also part & parcel the result of a less-vigorous news media.

Perhaps a VLOG for you next, Montoya. Put these morons on camera and not simply writing.

I also suspect that this fuck'em attitude on the part of local politicians comes from the lousy blogging of Da Blimp (always bitching and turning on elected officials, like Mendez) and El Paya Jerry McHale, who really does not give a shit about Brownsville, and never has.

Sadly, Nubia paid the price.

Anonymous said...

Both of them should go, but to a certain special place, an outdoor toilet where they belong.

When is this going to STOP you idiots are PUBLIC SERVANTS bola de pendejos...

One needs to be fired and the other pendejo needs to be voted OUT OUT AND OUT.

Anonymous said...

Bernal do your job and fire este idiota do it NOW. NO idiots that act like trump are not wanted here...

Anonymous said...

Join the racists republican party and be with trump cruz and these two idiots...

Rattus is a genus of muroid rodents, all typically called rats. However, the term rat can also be applied to others outside of this genus. Hahahahahahaha you now know who!

Anonymous said...

This level of unprofessionalism is what runs Cameron county, This midget so called mayor, is involved in corruption with Sylvia Atkinson, Elia Cornejo, and many others so called wanna bees. He was also the one who directed so called physicians assistance Hernandez to commit fraud, making believe that Hernandez was a Real Licensed Medical doctor.

Anonymous said...

Mendez should offer an apology posthaste and Romero should be out of a job by sundown. How long can Brownsville put up with such senseless elected officials and employees?

Juan Mendez, III has been pathetic. A boy as mayor was never going to work.

Anonymous said...

SE BUSCA: Buena chaqueta no muy usada. Pago en efectivo, hasta $15. Este friazo me dejo adolorido, pero pos nunca he tenido mi propia chaqueta.

Dejar su Email aqui.

Anonymous said...

TRAY Mendez serving only certain people of Brownsville. Yes, TRAY!

Anonymous said...

Suspend or fire Romero. Only way for Trey Mendez to show professionalism .

Anonymous said...

Shame on you Mayor Mendez

Anonymous said...

Trey is a total arrogant SOB Mama's Boy who has no business running the water in his toilet, much less a city. He has to pretend to be someone he is not - a big huncho. All he is a self-centered idiot who can not carry on an intelligent conversation without "saliva' spiting out of his mouth. Remember this at the next election and elect his comadre Adela instead!

Anonymous said...

Trey Mendez is not a Mayor
Noel Bernal Is not a City Manager
Felipe Romero is a worthless douche bag
The City of Browntown is not a functioning city
Nubia Reyna is not a reporter with one fluff story after another
And the Brownsville Herald is the furthest thing from being a newspaper

I will tell you with experience that Felipe is highly disliked by the working press. He conveniently waits till right before or after deadlines to get back with reporters hoping that the story goes away. He and Trey’s actions do not surprise me one bit.
And the rest of the commissioners are just as worthless as all of the above.

Anonymous said...

Another misfire like over at PUB with Mr. SPI-Bruciak. Sorry folks hate to disappoint you but things here will continue the same in Brownsville Texas. El CM Bernal from La Villa Texas and the Midget mayor tray or trey aint worth a dime or even a pizza. Same small mentality or small mind Y el Felipe Romero wonder why he left Austin city limits or Austin ISD, things thaT MAKE YOU GO MMMMM, could be que has a big cola or long tail.

Anonymous said...

This city employee must be fired at once. Total lack of respect and very unprofessional attitude towards members of the media whose duties are to keep the public informed. This clown was hired with an overinflated salary (100,000) a year, more than likely because he's Bernal's buddy from up north. A great example of "Total Alignment ".

Anonymous said...

Mcallen is not a rival of brownsville. McAllen is light years ahead of brownsville. No comparison. Brownsville is a rival of San Benito, Ed couch Elsa and Palmview and every other shithole village in the rgv.

Anonymous said...

More of the same... unqualified and unprofessional people getting paid good salaries for inferior work and conduct. It has been an embarrassment to know how simple minded our Mayor and his communications "specialist" are when it comes to their work and personal ethics. They way they treat women reminds me of the audio of Trump saying where he grabs them... it's disgusting, we don't want that kind of people in our city! This Mayor has no honor so we know he will not resign... he is too insecure for that. The Romero guy has no prior experience to be named Director of Communications for any city... the City Manager Bernal is to blame for that. If the City Commissioners don't show that they disapprove of the actions of all of the above, they they are accomplices and should also be held accountable.

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't the Brownsville Herald made a statement defending their own? She must be a trouble maker and that's why you only see the Matamoros media defending her... send her back to Mexico Trey!

Anonymous said...

Juan the correct name for this COB clown is Felipe Gabriel Romero III (THE TURD) otro TURD, y es de Laredo, so who does he think he is? Thinks his Shit dont stink? Y de Laredo Texas? Gee whiz. Well Bernal is from La Villa Texas so what else can we expect here at the City of Brownsville? NADA.

Anonymous said...

Pura gente mugrosa en la ciudad. Pinches comisionados no valen madre. No asen nada para mejorar los empleos en Brownsville y el que manda alli es el Sucio Lucio. Toda la gente mierda estan alli por el ... ese Felipe es marica como le abla a las mujeres

Anonymous said...

I was one of the many who voted for Trey. I drank his obama playbook of “hope and change”cool aid. Never again.

Anonymous said...

You Cancel Culture idiots need to get a life.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions. You all have opinions about Mendez and others. Why can’t they have opinions about others as well? Not sure what exactly was said, but whatever was said was part of a private conversation. You idiots want to make something out of nothing for the sake of causing chaos and division.

Anonymous said...

I love when Liberals turn on each other. It gives me a WAP!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If this story is true, it is a perfect law suit for discrimination and freedom of the press which is a constitutional right. Teach them a lesson Nubia.

Anonymous said...

Why wasn’t the empty Brownsville Performing Arts Center opened as a shelter for the homeless downtown? Is it only for a few select citizens to use or is it for all of us? I guess the city manager and mayor expected the homeless to walk to the golf center and sports park dome. Shame on all Brownsville city leaders. Just because it’s nice and sunny right now does not mean we are going to forget about your leadership failures. You should hold a press conference right now and explain your failure in leadership to the citizens who voted for you. And put Nubia in the front row. I hope she sues your asses off.

Anonymous said...

Hey cancel culture idiot. If a COB employee called the Brownsville herald and told them not to send a specific reporter, that is a Constitutional issue. You are a fucking moron. It is not a personal opinion when you are representing a city. You are so stupid that you must work for PUB. That is a personal opinion.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This reporter is a real DRAGONLADY.
Good for her.
She's gonna go far.

Anonymous said...

Hey city leaders, The new City of Brownsville Airport will be empty for a very long time. That would make a perfect shelter also. The money you spent on That horrible grand opening could have helped a lot of citizens.

Anonymous said...

Trey Mendez got his debutante gig. The city got nothing.

Anonymous said...

Al menos no la mataron. Se mata a las mujeres cuando hablan , piensan y opinan. Ya salio ganando la morra.

Men are men: they speak like men, they act like men, they do not see ladies as equals.

Anonymous said...

Suck it up Mayor your a worthless leader anyways,you and that other idiot sound like Trump now no hard questions please man up dude!

Anonymous said...

Suck it up Mayor your a worthless leader anyways,you and that other idiot sound like Trump now no hard questions please man up dude!Gowe, Mendez and Cowen your next you all need to go!! These wannabes are leftover crap of Ex Mayor Martinez "Mr.Tenaska" the worst Mayor Brownsville ever had he not only took cookies he took the whole jar greedy bastards.

Anonymous said...

Juan "Trey" Mendez is a rookie boy Mayor that won because he was with the BISD Atkinson Clan and TSC Adela Garza pushing him all over Brownsville. Mendez is real arrogant and does not like any smart woman to question him. Mendez is all about the VIP wannabes and his own ego. Pinche chaparro no trai nada.

Anonymous said...

Will Bernal address this in his upcoming town hall meeting? Total alignment?

Anonymous said...

The bario is coming out of Trey puro Vista Verde just like his marijuana tios and child molesting family

Anonymous said...

Ask library director Juan to look at the cameras he likes to harass staff with the cameras.

Anonymous said...

Truth hurts - letting a "McAllen" question get under your skin says a lot about the insecurities when its brought up - Yes McAllen kicks Brownsville in the ass all day long, bigger population when you combine the neighboring Cities, closer to Monterrey, a lot more money circulating - a lot more business, a lot more investment, in all types of businesses.

Just go back to the political campaigns - we had Trump and Kamala come down to the Valley, both went to McAllen, not Brownsville.

So deal with it .

Anonymous said...

Trey needs to go as well as Felipe Romero

Anonymous said...

Esa Herald Reporter tiene sejas de Groucho Marks..... pero me la quiebro bien Rico..... ahuevooooo.... huurrryyyyyyy!!!

Anonymous said...

I 💘 Trey!


Anonymous said...

They all need to go worthless freaks...

Anonymous said...

@February 22, 2021 at 4:11 PM

LOL..Is that the best line you've got ? Stop making this divisive. Pedro Cardenas is for Pedro Cardenas,his cronies and self interests .

Anonymous said...

Total Alignment? Total bullshit that's what it is, these bozos are certainly not leaders. They sure dont lead by example, just take a look at where city management and directors parks their personal cars,they always park on metered parking areas instead of walking two blocks where all other city employees park their personal cars. It's do as I say not as I do Bunch of lazy people.

Anonymous said...

So sad and embarrassing to have such a public servant disrespecting a professional female just to make himself look good, but this only goes to show the trash that we got as politics in Brownsville, next time you vote, make sure not to vote for stupid idiots as these. Thank you

Anonymous said...

PUB COB and CC all of them need to go do not re-elect any of these idiotas that includes their cronies...

Anonymous said...

The shorter they are the faster they fall!

Anonymous said...

McAllen? pinche pueblo de gordiflones verguenza les da porque no tienen senderos para bicicletas pinche jotingos...

Anonymous said...

He's as tall as Herve Villechaize "da pizza da pizza".

Anonymous said...

Bernal needs to take responsibility for Romero behavior. Noel do your job and fire this clown Felipe "Macho" Romero.

Anonymous said...

Montoya for Comm Director !
