Wednesday, February 24, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Is Joe Elizardi's "promotion" a legitimate one one? 

We are in receipt of official documents, including an Inter-Office Memo signed by "Chief Deputy" Robert Gracia promoting Lt. Joe Elizardi to Chief Jailer date January 4, three days after Sheriff Eric Garza was sworn in. . 

How can Gracia, who was not listed then as a department employee, the sender asks, be signing official documents as Chief Deputy and promoting someone to take charge of all 3 county jails? How is that possible?

Rumors swirling in the department say that a clerk had reported Elizardi has been handing in questionable hours on his time sheet and that the sheriff swept that under the rug and had the clerk removed from her position.

Gracia donated close to $50,000 to Garza's his campaign. Other questions raised by our correspondent are: 
So, where is the oath of office on all this? 
Where is our Law Enforcement? 
Did Gracia, in fact, impersonate a peace officer, and getting away with it by buying a  "badge" to grab authority and to "promote" personnel?

With what authority? 
Where is The DA, Texas Rangers, FBI?


Anonymous said...

When are they going to start the investigation on Joe Elizardi for allowing his click bring in their family members to get the Covid shot which was suppose to be for the employees only not for their family. Many officers did not receive their shots because they ran out because one of Elizardies stoolies brought in his wife, parents, grandparents, in-laws, brothers, sisters, and well all of the family when the shots were for employees only. Wake up people the jail is falling apart. they are running the jail so poorly the morale is at its low. where is the investigation on Elezardi forging his time sheet. this guy does so much illegal activities and he gets away with it. Remember he was Conrado Cantu's chief jailer. Erick you are compared like Conrado Cantu and your are doing the same thing he did and hired the same people. Lets not forget Cisneros who is also corrupt and was paid off by the drug cartels.

Anonymous said...

Mexicans at play.

Anonymous said...

House mouse paper pusher what a joke!

Anonymous said...

Juan so what? No ONe can stop any of this? got to put up with this shitty situation for the next 4 years, ni modo, Vote DemocRAT all the time valle.

Anonymous said...

Chief Deputy Gracia is coming on like he's the sheriff.

Too-Mexican for me.

Where are the checks & balances, the answers to the questions raised by Juan Montoya? Is Gracia talking? He must be feeling invincible! tsk, tsk.

Anonymous said...

Gracia is acting as if he's sheriff. Fuera!

Gives law enforcement a bad name!

You can't have the citizenry pissed off at the department.

Gracia has to

Anonymous said...

Webster faces charges of assaulting, resisting or impeding officers with a deadly weapon, obstruction of law enforcement, knowingly entering a restricted building or grounds without lawful authority with a weapon, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restrictive building or grounds with a weapon, engaging in physical violence in a restrictive building or grounds, and violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.

Watch this guy get a 30 day probation - WHY? cause he's white!

Anonymous said...

Again, Da Blimp arrives to type away his lies.

His comments here leave me feeling slimed. Why doesn't he stick to his blog. It is dying and needs attention, yet here he is again on the street mess. Offering corrections to Juan's reporting.


He dicho!!!

Vato no trae nada al campo.

Anonymous said...

Well well well.... has anyone checked out County Commissioners' Court meeting. Seems like Sheriff Garza didn't get his way for those positions that he wants to create and increase the salaries for. All of his items were TABLED!!
Way to go Commissioners', why to protect those county employees. If you haven't given any of your current employees raises in over 2 years; no one else deserves to get an increase. It's all of them or non of them!
Sorry Erik maybe your inner circle can give up there current salaries so you can give your promised kiss asses there increases. Oh wait, you can't you promised to many positions to people with not enough positions to offer. Well I'll be darn! Now let's see who of his inner circle, promised people will remain loyal to you. Oh, you have your so called Chief Gracia that remains on the county directory and apparently his doesn't meet qualifications but has access to everything. He funded your campaign have him fund your salaries.
WAKE Up People... This new sheriff in Town is a JOKE!

Anonymous said...

How can Eric be so damn stupid

Anonymous said...

New Sheriff..
New Badge..
New Office



Anonymous said...

I expected more from you Garza

Former RGV LEO said...

Hey Eric, how come you aren't defending yourself with all these innuendos? What's the rumor that Gracia (who was a very suspicious DEA agent with a lot of skeletons) donated $35,000 in intervals into your campaign chest? Is that money from south of the border by any chance? Again, just rumor around Brownsville!

Anonymous said...

Luis Saenz won't do anything, he is also part of the problem

Anonymous said...

Everybody knows who is running the Sheriff's Office, Eric is just a puppet, Gracia already slapped around few times to show him who is the boss, but the good news is that this will be over very soon.

Anonymous said...

The DA won't do anything

Anonymous said...

Wearing the same blue coat...looking like shit

Anonymous said...

Texas Commission on Jail Standards Texas Commission on Law Enforcement does anyone know how to write a certified letter?

Anonymous said...

Is it me or do I see the New Sheriff wearing the same damn worn out blue sports coat? he wore it during his campaign and now on a daily bases. Can one of his kiss asses buy him a new coat. He already getting a salary of $107,000 plus your allowance of car and cell phone; plus any other perks that you have pocketed that's not part of the county salary. Or borrow sports jackets from your friend closet (JP Jonathan Gracia)

a very upset and concerned citizen of all the illegal and unmoral things happening in the SO department. How is it that you have a so called Chief impersonating a police office with out the required credential still be allowed on county premises? Allowed access to county issues equipment and software?? Has an active county EMAIL. (
You have regular deputies driving supervisor units; regular deputies giving orders to Captains, Lt and Sgt. You have people hired as Jailers, getting a Jailer salary and doing non Jailer duites.
How is that possible? Why hasn't DA Luis Saenz and his department done ANYTHING.

Anonymous said...

Not even two months in and we already have a mess in the office

Anonymous said...

The change we need hahahah

Anonymous said...

Deep state swamp with creatures going on the way back machine. Let’s see if they have the chutzpah to make a breakthrough,

L’ Cheim

Anonymous said...

But you guys wanted a clerk for sheriff right... I guess Sheriff Lucio was right... Experience Matters

Anonymous said...

Oh vey! Everyone knows the place was going down hill after Henry G. retired. Stop your kvetching and get to work.

Anonymous said...

That's exactly what the Reynas were doing.. jailer positions for favorite clerks. And felony offenders for clerks.

Former RGV LEO said...

It seems that the black cloud hanging over eric garza & his office? Eric has married someone who either was living or does work in Matamoros? So I guess the suspicion and gossip of political contribution money might be possible? I wonder if the Feds will look into this since the FBI is familiar with the history of ex-Fed Gracia!

Anonymous said...

Two incompetent leaders The new Sheriff and the Brownsville Police Chief Felix "Chapo" Sauceda. I'll give the Sheriff one point and El Chapo Sauceda zero.
