Wednesday, February 24, 2021


Cruz's family soaks up the sun while Texas freezes (NY Post)



Anonymous said...

juan ok so TED was in Cancun Mexico, and where was John Corny in Texas at the time and if so what was he doing? or was he over in washington DC? Good question??? can you answer that riddle????

Anonymous said...

pinche cuban hispano pinche coco but not hillbilly la gran mentira

Anonymous said...

Juan special BPUB meeting today to discuss how the effects of this freeze will affect financials at BPUB? MMM ar ethey going to charge extra like for the Tanaska project? a little bit more for the reindeer, a little bit more for santa claus, a little bit more for Bruciak aka Mr. SPI? just wondering.

Anonymous said...

Ted Cruz is now saying we are being RUDE to him because the MEDIA is a bully (like with Trump).

Former RGV LEO said...

Typical democrat hypocrites and sorry POS media who have nothing better to do than make big stinks when it involves Republicans! I hope Rep. Ted Cruz had a very good vacation!

Oh, just to remind you idiots! Rep. Cruz had nothing to do with the freeze and couldn't do anything about it since it was the department of energy and ercot' fault! But, the POS media not making a stink about that!

Anonymous said...

Ted Hess?

Anonymous said...

Pinche cuban mamon no tiene bigote porque se parese meskin so go ahead and continue kissing his ass at: February 24, 2021 at 5:06 PM, pinche maricon...
