Wednesday, February 24, 2021


(Ed.'s Note: If you can avoid driving down Boca Chica Blvd. between McDavitt and Four Corners, by all means find another route. But if you must, be aware that there is a bewildering layout of safety plastic "barrels" that seem to make no sense for guiding you down then thoroughfare. 

And don't ask this man with the cane how he manages to dodge traffic and barricades to get across Boca Chica.

Access to local businesses along the route are blocked off and sometimes it seems like one needs to break the law and steer between them to get to your destination.

The construction will eventually result in medians being placed down the middle just as they were placed on Ruben Torres (FM 802). These medians, favored by the Texas Department of Transportation not only inconvenience drivers to take long detours to run left – and contrary to what drivers have been taught – to make U-turns to get to their destinations across the medians/obstacles.

To compound matters, there is construction going on on both major thoroughfares at the same time, a headache for motorists trying to avoid congestion on Boca Chica by taking Ruben Torres.

And it appears that the medians will go up before the drainage infrastructure is in place to handle the chronic flooding in that area around Four Corners. And it's not going to come cheap.

The $3 million project, which covers 1.5 miles, will take about 14 months to complete, and the installation of raised medians and sidewalks will be done in segments, said TxDOT spokesman Octavio Saenz.

They also pulled out some numbers which only they can verify. They say that Boca Chica Blvd. is ranked 93rd out of 100 congested roads in the state. The annual hours of delay per mile is 186,259 while the annual congestion cost is $5,531,648.

Now, to our way of seeing things, 93 out of 100 means that there are 92 roads in the state that are more congested than Boca Chica. Have they also been outfitted with the time-saving medians.

Those of us who have been "fortunate" to drive along Ruben Torres (FM 802) would have some slight dispute with that. Say you're coming from west 802 and cross the Old Alice intersection with Coffeeport. It won't be until the next light at Paseo Dr. approaching Paredes Line before you can turn left to get to a business on westbound 802 (or Ruben Torres).

The same applies further east. You can only go left and then have to make a U-turn to get to your destination on the westbound 802. Has anyone figured out what the delay is for this "solution?"

But as usual, it may be too late to stop this TxDOT "improvement." 

The project calls for full median openings at Paredes Line Road, Old Port Isabel Road, Strawberry Square, King Highways and Security Drive. A directional median opening will be on North Street. Anyone who has to turn left between these streets will have to drive up to a turn lane and make the U-turns.

This is progress?)


BobbyWC said...

You have some of your facts wrong. The sidewalks and new drainage are done. Anyone can see they have completed the drainage and sidewalks on both sides. In fact during the last two major rains I drove through OPI/MCDavitt and there was no flooding. The same goes for 4 Corners and Security.

If you drive Boca Chica daily you know people were using the middle lane as a passing lane causing accidents nearly daily. The medians will stop the accidents.

I will admit I am changing how I use Boca Chica. The medians which are already in have made it impossible for me to make a left hand turn onto Boca Chica in the areas I normally would. I have just learned to get around it. You have to use a cross over with a light.

The bigger problem with Boca Chica I have been discussing for years is the traffic. The construction east of 4 Corners is massive. Unless I am shopping on Boca Chica when I come home I use International to 4 Corners to avoid Boca Chica.

People will get use to the medians and there will be fewer accidents, but unfortunately the state has no plan for the traffic. 4 Corners is a nightmare. I will not use International when I come out of Home Depot. I go the other way to McKenzie and then cut over to Central and come home the back way.

Boca Chica cannot be widened. Depending on the day it takes me just as long to get to the highway as it takes from the highway to the VA in Harlingen.

These medians are nothing. They will make a difficult road safer. They will also help make the traffic move faster now that cars cannot just cut across anywhere they want. For now it will make Boca Chica a safer and faster drive, but with the rate of new construction east of 4 Corners it will soon become a parking lot instead of a roadway.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Out of touch normally they do these types of jobs during xmas, thanksgiving, easter, 4th of july and new years - WHAT HAPPENED?

Anonymous said...

Who was the brains on this one there are so many businesses on boca chica they put a solid curb all the way through and the congestion its gonna cause to turn around to get to other businesses is going to be bad.Not a very well thought out plan the city traffic dept engineers should get involved with this stupidity.

Anonymous said...

At one time there was a median down the middle of Boca Chica. I can not remember why it was removed. I guess we will all know after a little experience with the new.

Anonymous said...

Damn stupid!!! I'M sure they got imput from. That idiot of a Police Chief and worthless City Manager Bernal!
Brownsville is a giant joke now around the RGV...

Anonymous said...

stupidity is call city engineers remember the curb well they're b a c k....

BobbyWC said...

So this morning I learned they have a median from OPI all the way to Paredes. This means to turn into a shopping center on the east bound side you have to go all the way to Paredes for a U-Turn. In fact because of the design the traffic was backed up because of an accident. I made the U turn on the arrow. An idiot who wanted to continue to drive east bound while I had the arrow went nuts, nearly hit me and followed me into the HEB parking lot to have it out with me. I just offered to call 911 and he left in a huff.

But once it is done the traffic will move a lot faster on Boca Chica once people can no longer just cut across three lanes.


I was out this afternoon because I was helping someone who lives off Boca Chica near the highway. I then had to come home to make copies, pdf the documents and then go back out to mail them.

I did not use Boca Chica. At 4 Corners I turned onto International and it was smooth sailing all the way to the post office. No traffic. On the way back I needed to go to Walmart. I took Price [wide open] to OPI. No traffic. I exited through the light for Strawberry Square and avoided the worst of Boca Chica.

You can complain or be proactive and rethink your routes. I was fine.

But I know this for sure once done, although an inconvenience, the traffic will move a lot faster on Boca Chica.

For the record they could not make an entrance for the HEB because it is illegal to cut through a parking lot to get elsewhere. People would have been using it to access all of the stores along that stretch to include a U Turn.

Just change your route people. But for people just trying to get to the highway the time will be a lot faster once it is done and there will be a lot fewer accidents.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

bull shit is the city going to sell maps on how to get where you're going what about the tourist oh the city don't have any because of traffic...

BobbyWC said...

7:36 a.m

You obviously do not travel or never have been on Boca Chica. The only reason any tourist would have to be on this part of Boca Chica is to get from the airport to the highway. If they are visiting family, the family will know how to get around.

But I travel a lot and rent cars a lot. Every car rental company provides maps. If you ask them how to get somewhere they will tell you how to get there showing you the map. The map clearly shows you can get on the highway to avoid the shopping on Boca Chica. Those going to South padre are not even using Boca Chica. They cut over on Minnesota to South Padre Hwy.

If you are not visiting family you are probably renting a car and the GPS system will get you around.

I am about to go to San Diego for a wedding. I will be staying in Ramona north of San Diego where the wedding will be. With my rental car I will get a map. I will enter the address of the hotel in Ramona to the GPS system and it will take me the fastest route. It really is not a challenge.

So really people are travelling to Brownsville to go to Walmart, HEB and Pep Boys on Boca Chica?

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

The U turns are gonna cause accidents Booby there wasn't that many accidents on boca chica.This is someone's pet project so theY can tell there friends and grandchildren they built it EGOS BOOBY!

Anonymous said...

I don't use automobiles to travel I use the air routes I sent my assistants which number about 10 to do the shopping and they say the new route stinks so I go with what my help tells me not an automobile driver...
ps: I have never owned a car key I simply sit down in the pilot's chair, switch on a few buttons, and I'am ready to fly.

Anonymous said...

City Manager Bernal got a nice fat kick back from the company that did the work on Boca Chica and he will get another fat check from the company that has to tear out the crap they did on Boca Chica Blvd..
