Thursday, February 25, 2021


Brownsville Herald

The GBIC board appointed Deputy City Manager Helen Ramirez to the job (of GBIC director) on Feb. 12, and action coming on the heels of the Brownsville City Commission’s decision on Dec. 1 to remove all seven GBIC board members. 

City commissioners voted to appoint themselves as GBIC’s interim board, according to John Cowen Jr., At-Large “A” Brownsville city commissioner and interim GBIC board chairman.

“Obviously GBIC is an important economic driver for the city and I think in evaluating the organization, the commission felt that it was time to make some drastic changes,” he said. “We weren’t very happy with the performance of the board in terms of … making sure that we were in line with the commission’s strategic vision.

(Ed.'s Note: Oh, and never mind what I said about banning city commissioners from serving on the board. Now that I'm going back on my word and am the chairman of a $13 million budget, I think it's just fine. Just promises to get me elected to the commission, you know? And no, no one knows what the city commission's "strategic" vision is. Was it just to get rid of CEO Mario Lozoya? Or will you have to think of one as you go.")

“It’s sitting on $13 million in the bank and we’re not really getting a return on our investment. We were kind of spinning our wheels over there and it kind of needed to be refreshed, and I think we’re all very excited with Helen at the helm. She’s proven herself at the city to be a very effective economic developer and I think we’ll see some quick wins in the short term.”


Anonymous said...

Nothing new here. Typical rathole action in Browntown.

Anonymous said...


Nothing else has to be said about this bozo..

Anonymous said...

The Cowens have exploited Brownsville for their own personal benefit. They think they are better than everyone.
John, in particular, is an money hungry elitist who thinks his shit don’t stink.

Anonymous said...

John Cowen is a rascally politician. Too green to be feared, but too dumb to know better. Like his uncle, John Cowen should be retired in the next election. Anglos are wanting power now.

Anonymous said...

"Are you feeling yoself?"

"Yes, I'm feelin' muhself."

Anonymous said...

pinches gringos mentirosos junto con los cubanos. If its white and moves don't trust it!!!

Anonymous said...

Family approach: Pharmacist fills prescriptions with personal touch
Yea a autograph bill. hahaha

Anonymous said...

City of Brownsville is violating IRS rules by having GBIC and BCIC staff as city employees. These are separate corporations and they should be paying their employees on their own, not using city payroll and fringe benefits.

Anonymous said...


According to Republican Patrick, people who were hit with $17,000 electric bills last have only themselves to blame.

- You're screwed if you had a variable - not fixed - KiloWatt rate......

- Or if you have auto-pay.

Anonymous said...

Another Trumper just like Gowen they got to go.

Anonymous said...

Every polotico always says “I promise, if I am elected” full of bullshit and never holds up to “the promise”.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to get any one of any substance to volunteer to take time to run the city.
We need a professional City Manager.

Anonymous said...

Still got President Trump stuck in your head. Love it. He will live there forever.

Anonymous said...

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has suggested that the Texas Legislature should “step up and provide funding” for the weatherization of the state’s electricity infrastructure. Let me get this straight: The governor of Texas wants the people of Texas to give free money to private, unregulated corporations so that they can improve their equipment without having to take a hit to their bottom line. There’s a word for this: socialism. I thought Republicans were against socialism — unless it’s for rich powerful corporations, I guess.

Anonymous said...

February 26, 2021 at 5:58 AM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

Just can't get rid of all these mamones got em everywhere WOW!!!!!

Anonymous said...

SOS-Same old shit

Anonymous said...

@5:58 Ese guey you know who has puro Trump wet dreams! Hahahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

February 27, 2021 at 11:03 AM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

February 27, 2021 at 11:03 AM

