Monday, March 8, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Even after the first four months of dismal COVID-19 testing by one vendor who had been granted a monopoly on testing and "treatment" followed by a byzantine vaccine application process, city officials and administrators say they have been in the "forefront" of the pandemic.

We're not joking.

Starting with Brownsville Fire Chief Jarrett Sheldon – who conveniently disappeared during the height of the infection – and then Mayor Trey Mendez and Health Director Art Rodriguez who implemented an ineffective testing process and approved the one location at the Brownsville Sports Park in the city's distant north side, they all pat themselves on the back for a job well done. (That's a photo of his truck at his home during the pandemic that circulated around the fire house. The real firefighters showed up for work.)


Sheldon, Mendez and Rodriguez – perched atop the Brownsville Herald soapbox –  claimed that the city has been on the "forefront" of the pandemic with every member of the fire department, and of the city, undergoing great physical and mental stress. 

Pobrecitos! Their hands are probably shaking as they collect their city checks. If you can't stand the heat...Isn't that part of the job description, Sheldon?

Sheldon said the department learned to overcome the challenges of this “extraordinary” year by modifying the way they operate completely and educating the public.

“Even as the leader of the fire department, I’ve empowered and challenged every member to become a leader as well. This has allowed an accelerated innovation in developing, analyzing and redeveloping our COVID response plan," Sheldon crowed. " All the city members and directors and leadership, really come together to create effective plans that we utilize,” he said.

“To really have the continuity of operations, we never lost fire services, we never lost EMS services. A lot of services continued throughout the whole year, even through the unknown. That really speaks volumes of our most vital asset, which is our people, our personnel within our city and within our fire department.”


Tell that to the medical personnel at the local hospitals' emergency rooms who waited – sometimes for hours – before they could get an ambulance to transfer a patient. We would wager that if such a poll were taken from them, Sheldon wouldn't brag about the "empowerment" of the department. 

And for months the real numbers of infected people and deaths was hidden behind bureaucracies as Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño and Mendez pointed their fingers at each other in a blame game while people died.

Mendez  thinks his performance related to the testing for COVID-19 is a feather in his cap.

“Absolutely. When we saw our first case pop up, I challenged our staff to get a drive thru testing facility up and running as quickly as possible and they did an amazing job. It was in operation within days,” he said when asked on the importance of the drive-thru testing and its impact. 

“The city prioritized the health of our residents and was willing to undertake the expense of running the testing site. We were the first city in the valley to do it and continue to do it.”

Prioritize, indeed. Why is it then that numerous city workers have told us that many of the city's top administrators – including some elected officials – were first in line to get the vaccine while elderly above 65 and others with underlying conditions have waited in line and some still have not gotten theirs? 

Mendez did not say that he and the city administration handed Valley Urgent Care and its pious booster P.A. Eder Hernandez,a monopoly on testing based on what can only be classified as political connections and until they claimed exhaustion, contracted with three other medical outfits to lighten the load of Martyr Eder.

You almost feel sorry for Hernandez and his staff until you realize that a physicians assistant with a dozen staff members raked in close to $850,000 in four months with their monopoly before their meager resources were overwhelmed and other firms had to step in and handle the crush.

Meanwhile, instead of adopting the system that took testing to the people, the testing site chosen was the Brownsville Sports Park which lies miles from the city's barrios and neighborhoods. If you were one of the vulnerable groups – the elderly with underlying conditions like obesity, cancer, diabetes or heart problems – and had no car, internet access, or a relative who had the time to sit with your for four to five hours, you were out of luck. Just another statistic, hey Trey?

Are they serious?

Rodriguez, who should have said something about the testing site and the lack of testing personnel for four long months while Hernandez had his monopoly, said his biggest challenge this year has been trying to compete with the likes of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott who rushed to open the state. Poor Art. That meany Abbott is drowning out his message. 

Kind of like trying to preach against obesity while he and other commissioners – like Rose Gowen, for one – are the walking poster children of la buena vida.

Rodriguez also mentioned that Brownsville has had four times the death rate when compared to other parts of the country due to a high number of residents being overweight and diabetic. He said things could have been worse if the city would not have been as "proactive."

"When you look at Laredo, El Paso, and other border cities, the impact they’ve had, Brownsville could have been the same story, but the collective work that we’ve done with the Fire Department and the partnership for the vaccines, with communications and partnerships to communicate and then with the hospitals to learn and get together every week.

“...We have managed through the pandemic in a way that I feel the citizens still feel safe, they still look at us as the subject matter experts and I think that’s very important.”

What did we do with that barf bag? "Oh, Jeez, it's full!"

Mendez said Brownsville is resilient and does the best to take care of its family.

How resilient? There have been 19,752 COVID-19 positive cases confirmed in the city and 750 deaths. How much more resilient can you get? 

Brownsville, according to State of Texas statistics, has tallied the majority of positive cases and deaths. Is this a testament to the outstanding performance by Sheldon, Mendez and the embattled Rodriguez fending off that pesky Abbott? 

"We do our best to take care of our family, our friends and our neighbors," Mendez summed up with a flourish. 

Apparently, their best has never been good enough.


Anonymous said...

The word in the halls of City Hall and the county has it that it was "just Mexicans" that died. No biggie to them.

But Brownsville is the barrio of the valley, so....who cares, right?

Get a Culinary School already!

Anonymous said...

Mendez was created by bloggers El Paya Jerry and Da Blimp. Both carried the lunch bucket for Shorty during his campaign.

Blame El Paya McHale!

Blame Blimp!!

Madonna Mendez is a dismal failure..............

Anonymous said...

Short people never breathe my air. They're always breathing shit the dogs exhale. The point: These two chihuahuas never would rise to be leaders. What Mexican follows a shorter Mexican?

Time fort a sorga as mayor and another as county judge!

Anonymous said...

Vaccine-skeptical Trump country poses challenge to immunization push

The expansion in vaccine supply marks a critical time to confront deep skepticism among large numbers of rural whites and Republicans.

Arrest them; Jail them!

LOCK'EM UP!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

A todos los Viejitos Eduardos en Macallen les están metiendo las va unas rectal-mente.... viejos corruptos están llenado todos los días por más va unas... 3 a 4 veces a el día. Eso ya es maña.... les gusta que se las den por el chiquilin....verdad Eduardo PUTZ PAYAZO Martinez.... EHH?

Anonymous said...

SE BUSCA:...Peet Bool. Perro de la cass que aparentemente se escapo este fin the semana pasado. O quizas se lo jambaron, pero ofresco $20 si me lo regresan vivo. $10 si lo encuentran muerto. Mi hijos le llamaban Oso.

Dejar su email aqui.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Biden, Tear Down This Wall!

The president has halted construction on Trump’s barrier. Activists and residents on the border say that’s not enough.

Anonymous said...

On Monday, Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt became the fifth Republican senator to announce that he would not seek reelection in 2022. Blunt’s decision came as a surprise as his spokesperson had said in November that the senator would be seeking a third term.

- Abandoning the Titanic.

Anonymous said...

Typical city of bro elected officials somebody does something good and they take the, credit pinches mamones. The county and pub and the port are right behind

Anonymous said...

Juan, todo fue un desastre. Mas de mil personas murieron. Muy mal desde el condado a la ciudad. Espero que cambien todo el sistema y todo mejore. Habla con el condado y la ciudad para preguntar que van a hacer con el dinero que les mando el Presidente Biden.

Anonymous said...

El pinch midget con Martinez que le apesta el osico no van Madre.

Anonymous said...

I give all of them a big ZERO "0". resign or get voted OUT.

Anonymous said...

Why does the city continue to subsidize the Brownsville golf center? Every year, this golf center needs hundreds of thousands of dollars to operate, the city would be better off closing it and save much needed taxpayers monies for street maintenance or drainage issues. Mayor and commissioners, please look at this issue and take appropriate action.

Anonymous said...

Art "la marrana negra" strikes out again! What a waste of a health director. He has no leadership skills, his own people do not respect him since he's just collecting a paycheck. No accountability at the health department.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who knows Jared knows those words did not come out of his mouth. Plus the guy worked from home throughout the first two months of the pandemic while the real firefighters showed up to work.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has ever met Trey for more than 5 minutes knows his only main concern is optics. He doesn't truly care about Brownsville and sees himself as above the populace. He is an arrogant,small person (and I do not mean just in stature). Do yourself a favor Brownsville, get yourself a real leader, whatever color, shape, or size they may come in!

Anonymous said...

Que ases tremenda

Puro pedo

Anonymous said...

Just ask Jared Sheldon where his fat ass brother is? Let me tell you, Jason Sheldon has been hiding at home as well all during the pandemic. Oh, and so has Jorge Lerma the President for the firefighter union. What a bunch of mugrosos!!! While all of us are forced to go to work these bastards stay home.

Anonymous said...

Remember when Cesar De Leon on the recorded conversation said his female cousin that was dating Eddie Trevinio told him that Eddie had a little dick. I guess he also has no balls. No one has seen Trey's dick nor his balls, except Ruben O'Bell and Ruben Torres Jr. They all seen each other miseries and they also suck each other off.

Anonymous said...

The golf center is run by lucio and family the one over by the college the I hear..

Anonymous said...

the sad thing is that they really believe it. pinches estupidos...

Anonymous said...

Just like Sylvia Atkinson who labeled herself as A+ school board member and she really made a mess out of her career. Are they going to be selling tickets for her sentencing? I promise to wear my mask and sit quietly and clap when it is finally over. KARMA, Sylvia!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Golf center has been subsidized for decades, millions of taxpayers monies down the drain, it makes financial sense to close it down. I don't see any reason for keeping it running.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda gives himself an "A"...I'm sure he meant A-hole!!!!

Anonymous said...

8 Officers on the street for the City of Brownsville officers getting injured on the street in numbers never seen before in the history of Brownsville Police Department. "El Chapo" Sauceda and the Cit Manager Bernal all stealing from the Police Officer's retirement funds and giving the Officers money to an ex-con and he gives himself an "A"!
Oh I guess he meant and A in corruption!!
Then he's right!

Anonymous said...

It helps to understand the notion of “deficiency” in general. To be “deficient” means that a thing lacks something which it ought to have, right? A car should have 4 wheels, and if it lacks a wheel it’s something less than a car — it’s not whole.

Who's taller the county judge or the mayor? The only fact here is both are deficient!

Some of us are too short, some are too old, some are too poor, some are too dumb, some are too arrogant, some are too ugly, some are too fearful, some are too indifferent. (The list goes on, but that’s enough for now.)

The more deficient you are the more arrogant you become too short is number one on the list of most arrogant...

Anonymous said...

With all the things these city officials do wrong, we have a bunch of dumb asses complaining about people's heights. The point of the post was lost to them completely.

Anonymous said...

There will be a march on april 1st "HEIGHT MATTERS" sponsored by the two shortest elected officials here... guess who?

Anonymous said...

City Manager "El Rata" Bernal as he was known as one of his previous Employers teams up with Police Chief "El Chapo" Sauceda to combine their super powers of Stealing and Robbery to take from the City of Brownsville and leave it bankrupt But their pockets full and Bank Accounts too..

Anonymous said...

They are doing away with retirees health benefits and looking to do the same with their retirement benefits. So much for "Total Alignment" which translates to Total Bullshit.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:02 @ 8:33 @ 8:16

Si alguna vez hablaste mal de mi Ó mentiste inventando un chisme, te perdono.

Nah, no te creas! Chinga tu madre cada vez que respires! JAJAJAJA!

#Orliputito #purolloron

Anonymous said...

To measure a person's intelligence by their height is in itself saying a lot of the person who is speaking it!!! A person or a group of people are measured by their actions or failure to do so, downfalls and/or accomplishments, ambition or a lack of, ability to disseminate, etc, etc...but stupidity is always proven when spoken!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't be so quick to judge and put blame!!! The fact is the entire RGV was unprepared AND overwhelmed as was New York, as was our Nation, need not say our world 🌎!!! If you are so WELL INFORMED and SMARTER then those who serve and protect then I challenge you to provide US your MASTER EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN that details the solution to this pandemic!!! You obviously can do the TALK but you surely can't do the WALK!!! I sure you not one first responder, medical personnel, elected official as you say, stood around doing nothing. The nightmare is not over, we are still in this pandemic, people are dying or getting sick, so please provide us with your MASTER EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN!!!

Anonymous said...

With a city manager, a deputy city manager, two assistant city managers and an assistant to the city manager, with all these overstaffed positions, the least they can do is justify their overinflated salaries. Time to downsize the city managers staff to include the director of government affairs who don't manage a budget or staff. I thought that to be classified as a director you have to supervise staff and manage a budget. Only in the city of Brownsville you see this types of high paying jobs with zero responsibilities.

Anonymous said...

City elections are around the corner
Don't vote for bike trails
Don't vote for commissioners that support PUB
Don't vote for commissioners that don't pay taxas
Don't vote for el enano
Don't vote for vaccine jumpers
Don't vote for voucher holders that gave them to their families, friends and their voing pals.
Don't vote for those that attended the secret meeting
Don't vote to re-elect any of them....
