Wednesday, March 24, 2021


By Port of Brownsville

BROWNSVILLE, Texas – March 23, 2021 – The Port of Brownsville is rescheduling its 85th anniversary celebration – traditionally held in May – to Saturday, Oct. 16th, given the current circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.

The celebration marks the port’s opening in 1936. And you can help by chipping in for a "sponsorship" of the celebration.

The port continues to expand as the largest U.S. shipping point for steel into Mexico, the only shipbuilding center on the Texas coast, a growing hub for agricultural exports, and the major transit point for wind energy components being installed throughout the region.

If social circumstances improve and mass gatherings are permitted, the 85th anniversary celebration will include activities ranging from ship channel boat and bus tours to live music, food, a children’s activity area and more.

Sponsorship "opportunities" are available for businesses and organizations interested in partnering in support of the port’s 85th anniversary community celebration scheduled for October. The sponsorships provide significant visibility throughout the week of the celebration, while helping offset the cost of the celebration that is expected to attract thousands of families from across the Rio Grande Valley and Northern Mexico.

“The Port of Brownsville’s 85th anniversary is an important opportunity to show our gratitude to our communities throughout the Rio Grande Valley,” said Brownsville Navigation District Chairman Sergio Tito Lopez. “We appreciate the support of our business partners in bringing this celebration together so that our community can celebrate our successes together.”


Anonymous said...

Sponsorship for what another trip to china with all expenses included. Take the whole family and friends. SHIT NO!!!


Anonymous said...

New study triples estimate of red snapper in Gulf of Mexico

New botana on 14th st cantinas red snapper wow!!

y mi cheque toda via no llega!!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump behind Mexicans being last on stimulus checks.

He's still laughing at you.

Anonymous said...

If you didn't get your stimulus check today (Wednesday), you're not getting it. IRS has ruled you ineligible.

Anonymous said...

@11:45 Your president is a made in China puppet para que te quejas ojete!

Anonymous said...

March 24, 2021 at 1:02 PM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

@ 2:35 PM

And yours - Trump - came packaged from Russia.

Putin's pussy.

Anonymous said...

@6:05 Otro pendejo talking about Russia and Trump! Are you related to Adam Schiff o que ojete? You know how that went with that pendejo ojos de maníaco! 👀Hahahahaha! Pinche Biden es la putita de China! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

March 24, 2021 at 2:35 PM

cross eyed pendejo
