Wednesday, March 24, 2021


La Cebolla

Ted Cruz (R-TX)

“On my college debate team I would pick the most dipshit, indefensible positions and argue them until it irritated everyone in the room, so becoming a senator was the natural next step.”

Cynthia Lummis (R. Wy)
“Honestly, everyone in Wyoming just takes turns. There are only, like, 10 people that live here.”

Mark Rubio (Fla-R)
“I was in college interning Rep. Ros-Lehtinen. I’d just finished sending out a stack of contradictory memos, and I offered to stay late emailing generic responses to press inquiries. She looked at me and said ‘Kid, you’re gonna go far.’ I’ll never forget it.”


Anonymous said...


After months of bitching and with no fanfare local blogger will be receiving the COVID-19 vaccine tomorrow (March 25th) at the VA Hospital in Harlingen. What will be the odds that after receiving the vaccine that the local blogger will bitching about how the VA is administering the vaccine to local veterans?

Anonymous said...

Good post Juan. When can we see what the inspired some of the democrat senators to run, i.e. Schumer, "little" Dick Durbin, and "stolen valor" Blumenthal who lied about serving in Vietnam? Talk about objective reporting!

Anonymous said...

Republicans Cruz & Rubio are Cubans. Totally untrustworthy.

Fake Republican Trump was a draft dodger, as was Mitch McConnell, as was Don, Jr., as was Mike Pence, as was Rush Limbaugh, as was Sean Hannity, as was Tucker Carlson, as was Jim Jordan, as was John Cornyn, as was Ted Cruz, as was Bill Barr, as was pretty much every modern-day Republican.


Anonymous said...

If you haven't received your Stimulus check, it could be December before your see it.

That's from the IRS.

Anonymous said...

@6:03 Y el suddenly Asthmatic Biden que? You only like Republicans sausages o que? No seas mamon!

Anonymous said...

No seas mamon Montoya! Post some of the shit the Demoncratics are doing! Ya estas como Facebook y twitter! Hahahaha! I hear Puro crickets from you, when it's about Democrats. I do have to give you a little bit of credit, you do let us comment without violating our freedom of speech totally!

Anonymous said...

Mission approves contract for international bridge studies

WHAT! Are you kidddin'! Still thinking its 1950 Oh you only want the money but not the people.

Anonymous said...

Pathetic leaders, vote them all out.

I’m not a robot. said...

‘La Cebolla” aka “The Onion” = SATIRE

Anonymous said...

Cruz and Rubio no val di*k!!

Anonymous said...

Republicans eat shit. That's what turns their brains into mush.

Puro mojon-eater......


Anonymous said...

Mush brain Biden says he came to the senate 129 years ago! Este vegetable pendejo thinks he's a vampire o que! Pinche viejito doesn't have the fuking time to visit the border towns, but now dumps the responsibility to Kamala to handle the crisis! That's the pinche president you all idiotas voted for! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

March 25, 2021 at 8:04 AM

I D I O D A !

Former RGV LEO said...

The main reason that democRATS run for office is to line their pockets and grant big money government contracts like they have doing lately with the assistance of this alzheimer POS in biden! Oh, they run for office to appoint individuals who don't know their own gender! Just adding the USA to the laughter list. Look at the democRATS in this county, BISD, PUB and that short hitler dumb ass, eddie!

Anonymous said...

@6:06 IDIODA? La Idiota can't spell Idiota! Otro retard from the valley! Maybe este guey also tiene Asthma como el Draft dodger Biden? Pinche Viejito faking a disability so not to get drafted! My uncle died in Vietnam and este pinche guey lying about having Asthma! Is that who you want as Commander in Chief? Este guey could barely command his legs to Walk! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

At 7:19 mamasela Trump pendejo!! He called soldiers suckers and loosers your uncle who died in Vietnam would bitch slap your face for supporting ese pendejo Trump.

Anonymous said...

We need NEW BLOOD what do we have to loose. We know the current idiotas are NOT going to change. More bike trails more potholes more traffic jobs for all their family member and friends piling all the boards with relatives and close friends to control the whole city MORE DISNEY TRIPS parking places downtown and at pd for their businesses THEY PAY NO NO PROPERTY TAXAS
and who knows what else.

Anonymous said...

WOW you can tell who is a poor crock, but you can't tell who is a rich and famous crook.
