Tuesday, March 23, 2021


(Ed.s Note: On the heels of a near-death attempted suicide of a Cameron County Jail inmate in one of the downtown detention centers, the sheriff's department is launching a recruitment drive to fill empty jailers slots. Sheriff Eric Garza's tenure just started this January and already a de facto civil war has erupted behind the Rucker-Carrizales walls. Personnel transfers and political promotions have created turmoil in the department. Will anyone bite on the job offer?)


Anonymous said...

Obviously, they mean high school seniors. Government jobs are the only jobs in town!

ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Garza continue to make mistakes like putting Rodriguez in charge of patrol, the guy doesnt know crap about Policy or Procedures, he is giving write ups for something that doesnt even exist, he cleary cant type any english, walks around dress like a clown, in other words he is lost asf

ohhhh and he puts Mendieta in charge of CID LMFAO! dont even get me started on that one

Anonymous said...

Please someone give him a new F*** coat!!!! Maybe the President of the Association Sonny Pedraza can pitch in for one...he should be representing us... goofy looking mf

Anonymous said...

People in the jail need to stop crying and do their job. If you don't like it quit. It's that easy. Crying about personal transfers. Wake up and welcome to the world of law enforcement. Only lazy complacent people cry and complain about being transferred. You have a world of experience leading the way in the jail now so take advantage and learn something instead of Whining and complaining about everything.

Anonymous said...

And who is in charge of the jail?? yes, Joe Elizardi, the one who was caught falsifying his timesheet but nothing was done... Eric owes him too much, plus he is related to the DA... they are all corrupted.... Elizardi do know whats going to happen when the public sees the pics of you d*** you sent to the jailer from your office

Anonymous said...

The word is that Eric goes with a witch by the name of Maty from Los Fresnos for "trabajos" be careful people

Anonymous said...

a civil war with all the ex Lucio administration kiss asses who now have to work now. God forbid they actually earn their pay instead of sitting around drinking coffee. Keep up the Great work Chief Elizardi. Can't speak for the S.O but the jail is turning around and the rats are jumping ship.

Anonymous said...

When is the District Attorneys office going to arrest Robert Gracia for impersonating a peace officer and interfering with an investigation or maybe Mr Saenz only cares about votes...Do the right thing DA, thats why you were elected

Anonymous said...

Where's that pendejo who called Trump a draft dodger? But gives Biden a free pass for mysterious getting Asthma when draft time came along! This guy played high school football, college sports, was a life guard, and suddenly he gets asthma! Que mamon! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Thinking about the jail? Who?

Shit, we got other things to think about, Montoya!

Write better stories!

Anonymous said...

They mean pendejos. lo mas pendejo que estes, mejor!


Anonymous said...

Mata you’re gone so stay gone. Nobody fucken liked you anyway. We all know it’s you making these comments. Along with your compadre Almanza. Who needs to take fmla because he’s stressed out. Pinche wanna be soldier can’t even handle transports

Anonymous said...

Senior meaning

Of or relating to senior citizens.

Of or being the older of two, especially the older of two persons having the same name, as father and son.

Relating to or being a class of corporate debt that has priority with respect to interest and principal over other classes of debt and equity by the same issuer.

Senior is defined as a man who has a son with the same first and middle name, a person with a higher status, or someone who has been doing something longer than others.

An example of senior is a man named John Michael Davis who's son is also named John Michael Davis.

An example of senior is an accountant who's been at the same company for twenty years.

Of or relating to the fourth and last year of high school or college.

Our senior class.

Anonymous said...

Cameron County giving out wristbands to "seniors" and can get in free at dance hall La Villita en san bene
I think that the sheriff's office will taken them to san bene.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@3:46 PM ni el dik te falta xk ya andas de M@mon!

Anonymous said...

Del Bosque 2024!

Anonymous said...

Mata how do you manage to pay for all these blogs and purchase your prescription viagra? Next article should be how you can't satisfy women.. from past to current jajajaja

Anonymous said...

Must run in the family. What about the nudes of his daughter in law that she was sending all over the county in uniform in transport

Anonymous said...

Javier Reyna se la come

Anonymous said...

2021 is getting to be the year of los idiotas.

Anonymous said...

All these personal attacks are pathetic. If you work for the SO then suck it up or leave. If you don't then give the man some time to make his changes. He's been the sheriff for 3 months. It's going to take a little longer to fix years of corruption caused by grandpa Lucio and the crooked ass Reyna brothers.

Anonymous said...

Del Bosque 2024! The only real choice

Anonymous said...

What changes is he making??? Kicking the Lts out their offices to give it to his new clerks??? what a F*** joke of "Sheriff"... disgrace for the badge

Anonymous said...

Hey Eric and Carlos, why are you so obsessed with Mata? Everyone here at the office knows you both are the ones praising the office and talking about mata. Cause we all know it can't be the pendejo of Mendieta, he isn't intelligent enough to write or speak in a complete sentence. Eric must want Mata so BAD, and since he can't have him, he is obsessed commenting about him. Carlos, you are a joke, and we at the SHERIFF OFFICE DO NOT RESPECT your dumbass!! Please, someone, one of the dumb fucks buy your boy a new sports coat!! It's starting to smell.

Anonymous said...

They are looking for old gizzards, no tienen verguenza, what you expect from a house mouse paper pusher!!!!

Former RGV LEO said...

Oh, lets put our children in harm's way! Remember, these are the children of today who have no idea of work ethic, respect or manners. They're dictated by social media, instagram, you tube etc...
Maybe this inexperienced law enforcement Sheriff should offer the jobs to retired LEO' and or veterans? Experience would go a long way compared to someone who has to be on the cell phone all day!

Anonymous said...

Now who's daughter in law was sending nude pictures?? Hard to follow these stories when they don't identify the parties???

Anonymous said...

like Omar Lucio said; Experience does matter

Anonymous said...

children? last time I checked you're 18 when you graduate high school. They will gain experience, a strong work ethic, and an understanding of what it takes to continue a career in law enforcement. Way to think outside of the Box sheriff.

Anonymous said...

Change takes time and comes at the discomfort of those who have been complacent for far too long. With Big Joe running the jail you have nothing to worry about he's the right man for the job. And if anyone can fix the jail it is him. He's done it before. Sheriff what you need to do is pay attention to the deputies and the things your patrol division needs. The jail will run smoothly, your deputies need leadership and guidance.

Anonymous said...

Where are the AK's

Anonymous said...

@9:49am “Where are the AKs”? You mean the ones that Mingo Diaz stole from a couple of suspects and didn’t bother booking them in as evidence? The same few people seem to be complaining about the necessary changes being made. They’re all for the better. Morale amongst the deputies is higher than it has been in a very long time. It’s a damn good thing the new sheriff and his administration are cleaning house.

Anonymous said...

"Morale amongst the deputies is higher" LMFAO!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Del Bosque 2024!

Anonymous said...

What morale dumbass.... He wants to waste thousands on changing uniforms and painting units before getting us a raise... he kicked out the Lts out of their offices... obviously the compadrismo continues with his compadre Mendieta, Silverio, Cornejo, La cebolla, Gracia.... What morale

Anonymous said...

Can you believe that we have patrol shifts unsupervised? We have so many Sgts and Lts but Capt Rodriguez has not fkn clue on whats he doing, yes he puts a rookie deputy in charge of that shift but how are you going to held him accountable if shit hits the fan...is just a matter of time before this bomb goes off...a huge liability and officer safety

Anonymous said...

They need to a close look where Del Bosque orders everything, he buys from certain companies in exchange for special gifts sent directly to his house.

Anonymous said...

Mata will always continue to manipulate individuals into getting a higher position. Be careful Abel Gomez.Diaz will always be the root of all evil...he has everyone else do his job since he has no clue.Raises? Is that what you're bringing up? Ask Javier Reyna about how he has always manipulated the funds to give these individuals a "bonus".Lieutenant Huerta Lietuenant Diaz Sergeant Mata Sergeant ergeant Almanza...the list goes on.....these individuals have salaries that have yet to be answered for... but let's all just blame the new administration for bringing in transparency.
Keep up the great work Sheriff Garza... don't let the band of misfits discredit your name.

Anonymous said...

The jail is just as bad. Only ass kisses and family members get promoted and 8 5 shifts. If you're a fuck up you get a good job. If the chief is your father in law they put you at dc1 doing nothing and getting paid to sit there playing around all day. You don't need experience anymore Is puro mamadas and bullshit going on. The hard workers getting moved to shift work while the no good jailers get to take it easy.

Anonymous said...

