Thursday, April 22, 2021


Special to El Run-Rrun

The Cameron County Auditor's Office has compiled a list of the $250,000 in checks found along with $500 in cash left in a box in the office of former District Clerk's Office Administrator Ricardo Cornejo after he left to become the administrator for his new boss Sheriff Eric Garza at the sheriff's department.

New District Clerk Laura Reyes-Perez confirmed that the box was one of several found in the office after Cornejo left. Workers found its contents when they cleaned it for the new occupant. She said that the $500 in cash had been traced to a case dismissal and was never refunded to the person who had paid the money to the county. The $500 was to pay for court cost costs, she said.

"In an effort to be transparent, we have compiled a list of the individuals named in the checks," she said.

Among the checks are some issued to child support recipients where people couldn't be tracked down, she said, adding that she is awaiting word from the county's legal department and the auditor's office to see what can be legally released.

The auditor's office has concluded that some of the checks date back to the tenure of Aurora de la Garza who apparently pitched the unpayable checks in a box in her administrative assistant's office and the practice continued through Garza when he was the district clerk, and then to Interim District Clerk Elvira Ortiz before Perez-Reyes was elected to the office.

Cornejo, under Garza, continued the practice until the discovery of the money and the checks were found.  

De la Garza worked for Cameron County for more than 33 years until she retired December 2014. She was elected as district clerk for eight consecutive terms. Some of the checks date back to her tenure as far back as the 1980s.

When Cornejo moved out to the sheriff's department, he left the box among other items in his office.

"Commissioners court was notified because auditors and legal department had to get involved," Perez-Reyes said.

What will happen to the checks will have to be determined by the court, she said, but the practice of merely pitching them into a box in the corner of the administrative assistant's office will stop, she added.

"We have set up checks and balances and monitor monthly reports and accounts," she said. "We will address this issue, absolutely."

The discovery of the money and checks was first reported by Azteca Valle, KRGV 5-2's investigative reporter Enrique Lerma. 


Anonymous said...

Still fishy.


Anonymous said...

And this is the guy who without interviews Garza hired as Sheriff Administrator.....what a joke

BobbyWC said...

This may go back to Aurora but it does not justify Eric and Rick continuing the practice


Anonymous said...

M E N T I R A S ! Pobre Aurora ya ni la chingan dead people can't talk
Call telemundo great material for a novela pinches mentirosos

Anonymous said...

Is the DA involved in this raqueta? Is he sending a message of hands-off? So the only solution now is the FBI but they're out of town and the county commissioners are afraid. end of story

Anonymous said...

Go to central library and see the show 10 gringos holding la bruja her political signs. No meskins just gringos go see for yourself and think about who to vote for

Anonymous said...

Honetarys and sweetarys are put there to follow orders NOTHING ELSE verdad J??

Anonymous said...

Sheriff: Deputy fatally shot Black man while serving warrant
Instructions from their academy: If its black and moving shot it! Brown also.

Anonymous said...

Biden Set to Raise Taxes on the Rich to Fund Child Care and Education

Anonymous said...

The Postal Service is running a 'covert operations program' that monitors Americans' social media posts
WHAT? That's all we need another law agency who they gonna shoot? Stamps?

Anonymous said...

Another visit from Blogsquartter Blimp. He could post this on is blog, but he knows there are actual readers here.

Poor guy. Never got a readership. Losing his last few, for sure.

Anonymous said...

Omar Lucio's and the Reynas reign were smarter hired a shredding company before January 1, 2021.

Anonymous said...

Sylvia Atkinson is probably connected with this since it has to do with money. When is that evil woman going to prison? Ya fue mucho

Anonymous said...

Laurita Perez is a half termer.... that Linebarger money won’t get you re-elected Laurita. Surprise coming your way, mijita.

Anonymous said...

Muchos pedos y mojones on the horizon get ready Juanito

Anonymous said...

How did things get so bad at the office? Patrol shifts with no supervisor, investigators being sent to patrol, clerks driving unmarked police units bought with seized money, rookies in charge of patrol shifts, deputies and jailers quitting left and right, federal inmates with only one deputy at the hospital because of lack of manpower (wondering what the US Marshals have to say about this), lawsuits, restraining orders against the sheriff, administrators drinking and protecting Osiel Cardenas Jr at events, there is a no confidence letter against Abraham Rodriguez being signed by deputies..... the only credit Garza is taking is the new laptops in the patrol units and the body cameras, and even that was bought by the Lucio's administration.... it's sad

Anonymous said...

April 22, 2021 at 4:39 PM

Easy no one knows what the shit they're doing pinches pendejos.

Anonymous said...

Its been several months now since I've seen a county patrol unit. WHERE ARE THEY POSTING TO BLOGS AT THE OFFICE???? Ooooooh its their new assignment ok

Anonymous said...

He's gonna need a bigger badge guey

Former RGV LEO said...

Well, this only proves that aurora de la garza and her second and third in command didn't "DO" their job. Only proves that de la garza was just no good at her job and just rode that title and because she is good at directing certain cases to certain courts, she got voted into office. Then, you had an interim and she didn't do the job. Then eric garza gets elected and he doesn't do his job. And I'm talking about being an administrator! Oh, you have to know that richard cornejo was manning the box or checks, money orders and cash knowing full well that someone out there was not getting credited for any court issues OR much less getting the money they deserved! Worst part, going back to that one check in the 80's, everyone in that office knew about the box. Especially the elected official and or head administrator, period! They all failed to do their job that us taxpayers supposedly were counting on when we voted for them? As far as this taxpayer is concerned, richard cornejo should be terminated and the CCDA should open an investigation into what appears to be criminal negligence? Whose not to say that someone who entrusted that office with ensuring that their check, money order would take care of any court issues? Impeach eric garza!
