Thursday, April 22, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Something's afoot in the sentencing of former Brownsville Independent School District board of trustees vice president Dr. Sylvia P. Atkinson.

Her sentencing  has been delayed for yet a fourth time and some local attorneys think that the sealed motion was filed to give her and her attorneys time to produce more evidence against others in the hopes that her cooperation to uncover corruption in local government may merit a lower sentence.

 Her original sentencing date had been set for Feb. 9 and was later reset to April 20, and is now scheduled to for May 18.

"It may be a sign that she's singing and maybe needs more time to get a better deal," said a local attorney. "Four resets for sentencing in a federal conviction smells. A lot of people in town have to be pretty nervous about this."

 Atkinson was recorded soliciting and accepting a $10,000 bribe from an undercover FBI agent posing for an advertising and film production company based in Brownsville.

Her attorney Noe Garza said during her trial Atkinson regarded the $4,000 and $6,000 payments she received as consulting fees. She faces up to 45 years in prison and a fine that could total $2 million, in addition to any funds subject to forfeiture. She remains free on a $50,000 bond.


Anonymous said...

Elon musk gave bisd money for her bail

Anonymous said...

There is no question in my mind that she is positioning herself for a better deal. Her personality is all about herself...and ratting on others would seem to fit such an I-Me-Mine approach to life.

This, however, is a good time to drop the hammer on our selfish elected officials. Recent history has the larger portion of them finagling for themselves, skirting responsibility and in general doing anything but serving the public.

Sylvia Atkinson needs to go to prison. Perhaps not forever, but at least for 10 years. Sheltered individuals never learn their lesson. They invariably believe they are above the fray in any questionable situation. Maybe she's already fingered enough notables to have gained a bit of favor from prosecutors.

It's somewhat sad, but, then, that's the flawed biology in the doomed Human Species. She's a smart woman, even smarter than most in Brownsville. But that's also what they say about the criminal mind - it is so skilled in crafting mayhem that at times it does get them out of jams.

No jail time would be unconscionable in this particular case.

Anonymous said...

Gata encerrada?

Former LEO of the Valley said...

Oh yea, the fat carpet munching C@#$ knows exactly what she is looking at in years and more than likely from her attorney'S! I think its a safe bet that the C@#$ is singing like a jail bird and to get a lower sentence. I mean that' what all criminals who are convicted do, sing to lower sentences! So, all you crooks out there who got into bed with this back stabber? It might be coming, so be ready! What they should have done in the Limas & Yzaguirre fiasco? Hopefully, the reckoning is coming? Not like it will clean up the corruption in Cameron County!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Singers will regularly spend some time on rest perionds - total silence, with no speaking for a long time, giving their vocal apparatus time to recover. The rule with sore throats, and particularly laryngitis, is no speaking and no whispering - the very worst thing that you can do in this situation. Speak outloud and with authority like you know the subject. Good Luck ESTULLE!

Anonymous said...

She appears to be a person of many talents.
Probably one Hell of a singer.
She is not going down alone.

Anonymous said...

Sylvia Atkinson should file a discrimination lawsuit. How is it possible that she is already facing jail time and other rats like former Fire Thief Carlos Elizondo has not even had his day in court?

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas

Anonymous said...

The question is will she turn in her BFF’s Adela Garza and Elia Cornejo Lopez?
Unless Arnold Flores is all she has. What about Luis Saenz? He swept her other case under the rug!

Anonymous said...

BISD Sylvia Atkinson needs to go to jail. This lady will never learn. Send her off 10 years minimum. Who else can she turn in? Minne Pena or Purchasing Director Rosie Pena? She was the main one, no one can top Sylvia. Is the Mayor Trey Mendez involved too? Trey got lots of funding from Sylvia when he was running for Mayor.

Anonymous said...

@1:39 PM - Good one. Less is indeed more.

Anonymous said...

Yes, she is singing like a canary! If you were in “business” with her, you should be very afraid! Pass the popcorn cause the day lady is singing !

Anonymous said...

How did things get so bad at the office? Patrol shifts with no supervisor, investigators being sent to patrol, clerks driving unmarked police units bought with seized money, rookies in charge of patrol shifts, deputies and jailers quitting left and right, federal inmates with only one deputy at the hospital because of lack of manpower (wondering what the US Marshals have to say about this), lawsuits, restraining orders against the sheriff, administrators drinking and protecting Osiel Cardenas Jr at events, there is a no confidence letter against Abraham Rodriguez being signed by deputies..... the only credit Garza is taking is the new laptops in the patrol units and the body cameras, and even that was bought by the Lucio's administration.... it's sad

Anonymous said...

Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal rehired Officer Rey Rios after he was terminated for a DWI accident and pursuit with DPS..and now is in the process of Rehiring Officer Diane Martinez after she was released from the department after several thefts from local department stores. BUT IN Brown town anything is possible if your price is right and it wouldn't be the first time Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal has done this.
Starting with an Officer that was involved in a DWI accident that was released by the previous administration then rehired by El Chapo and given a promotion to Sergeant.
Then rehiring a Lieutenant and Sergeant that were both terminated for being liars.
Then rehired by El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal and given promotions the Lieutenant to head the Training division and the Sergeant to the Narcotics division.The Sergeant was then moved again from the Narcotics unit after he was caught lying on Criminal Cases...Corruption and Liars is what this Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal will be known for..#worstchiefever...

Anonymous said...

I think you missed another one; The president of the Brownsville Police Officers Association was also involved with a individual that was arrested by the Fed's for having terrorism ties. Then Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda gave the Union President a promotion and a position with absolutely nothing to do, the only requirement is to not fight as the Chief steals from the Officers.
Make no mistake Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda and City Manager El Rata Bernal are filling their pockets with $$$$!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Don't forget that Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal also covered up for a Swat Lieutenant that was involved in a on duty sex scandal with a civilian employee in which Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal forced the female to resign and just moved the Lieutenant to the Patrol Division with no disciplinary action..With the Blessing of City Manager "El Rata" Bernal..

Anonymous said...

CHIEF Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda and City Manager "El Rata" Bernal implement a new policy They will only hire pendejos. Lo mas pendejo que estes, mejor!

Anonymous said...

She was recorded by the FBI! Regardless, she was also found guilty already so what is she waiting for. Did the judge not say it was too late for her to start singing? It reminds me of when we were caught doing something wrong and we immediately tried to blame someone else and drag them down with us. Juan,
you also forgot to include the May 4 date that was changed to May 18th. Someone needs to produce a real movie about this idiot and all the wrong that she did to so many people in BISD and maybe even involved people from the college and the city. Hechenla al pozo ya para que se calle el ozico!

Anonymous said...

Sing fat lady, sing! Don’t go down alone. Take all of them with you!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Brownsville Police Dept is really screwed up where is the honor, where is the integrity looks like the dept has been compromised to the lowest form of ethics.The city manager has the last say Brownsville needs better.

Anonymous said...

Hey Charlie is your sister jumping off the causeway? Puñetas, you’re all quiet now, lol

Anonymous said...

Betcha nobody will take her calls or have coffee or drinks with her.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal has gone all out and out now by placing a department misfit and a proven liar as the face and spoke person for his administration..To make matters worse Chief Sauceda-Bernal has placed another misfit who has also been arrested for DWI in his Internal Affairs Department!
Great Going Chief Sauceda-Bernal you have now Officially have Become the Biggest Idiot of the RGV...You are truly the worst Chief Ever...
Oh by the way Cornado Cantu is out of Prison you should reach out to him and make him Assistant Chief!!

Anonymous said...

Nah the PD is not screwed up. It's your envy and lack of balls that is screwed up. We stopped by to renew our retiree IDs and the PD is actually doing pretty good.

Anonymous said...

The brown-team at Fla needed a cheerleader now they got one (I think).
