Sunday, April 25, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Innocuous as the executive session item in the Cameron Count Commissioner's Court Tuesday agenda above  may seem, it signifies the end of a head-to-head confrontation between Sheriff Eric Garza and the commissioners over the control of the courthouse security fund budget currently under Pct. 2 Constable Abel Gomez.

In one fell swoop, Gomez will be stripped of the courthouse security budget and 15 deputies and their combined $579,487 salaries. He will be left with his 10-person staff and a $367,862 budget.

The confrontation was triggered when Garza's representatives – Chief Deputy Robert Gracia and Deputy Silverio Cisneros – showed up in the courthouse and ordered the deputies and bailiffs under the courthouse security fund budget to report to the sheriff's office at Rucker-Carrizales instead of to Gomez.

They were then sworn in under the sheriff, issued new uniforms, and told they were now under the sheriff. 

The choice of Gracia and Cisneros smacked of political backbiting. Before the sheriff's election, Gracia had rented the spot across Cameron Park community center from under Gomez, who had traditionally used it to barbecue chicken and give it to the voters as they emerged from voting at the center. Gomez was openly supporting former sheriff Omar Lucio against Garza in the Democratic Party primary.

Gracia went a step further with the corner lot of the Southmost Library where voters entered to cast their ballots. He bought it and prevented anyone from using the lot to campaign if it wasn't for Garza. 

The choice of deputy Cisneros is even more tinged politically. Cisneros had challenged Gomez for Pct. 2 constable twice and lost. To have Cisneros be sent by Garza and order the deputies under him through the courthouse security budget was a slap in the face for Gomez.

But there was one slight hitch.
The courthouse security fund was placed under Gomez by a Memorandum Of Understanding signed by former sheriff Lucio, who agreed that since Gomez already had an office in the Harrison Street county judiciary wing, it was convenient to place them under his supervision.

But when Garza came into office after defeating Lucio in the Democratic Party primary, he said he had not agreed to the MOU and unilaterally rescinded it.

The commissioners court – asserting their administrative and budgetary authority under the Texas Constitution – sued the sheriff and the case ended up in the 445th District Court presided by Judge Gloria Rincones. The commissioners court civil division attorneys argued that although they agreed that courthouse security was the purview of the sheriff, that the ham-fisted way in which Garza, Gracia and Cisneros went about it violated the administrative process. 

They went to the court and attained a Temporary Restraining Order to enjoin the sheriff and his agents from removing the deputies working under the courthouse security budget they had placed under Gomez.

Garza asked for an emergency hearing to dissolve the TRO and Rincones instructed both parties to work out an agreement that would also respect the budget amendment process. She gave them until Tuesday to work out their differences. 

The innocuous item above will result in a commissioner making a motion to transfer the courthouse security budget – and the 15 deputies – under Gomez to Garza. Rincones then scheduled a hearing on whether to dissolve the TRO at 4 p.m. Tuesday after the meeting.

As it stands now, Garza will get his courthouse security budget and deputies by adhering to the budget amendment process and Gomez will retain his 10-person staff like other constables in the county. 

So is the crisis over? Not really. The bad blood created by Gracia, Cisneros and Garza against Gomez and the commissioners court and the deputies in the first four months of his tenure will linger through his four-year term and will trigger political consequences none of them could possibly imagine. 


Anonymous said...

Both have jobs. Both can still support their families. There is no problem.

En el amor y en la guerra todo se vale. Here is just business, nothing personal. Lucio is retired. He served the community well. He is relaxing.

Montoya..... these men are officers, they have discipline, they are well trained. They will work well with each other.

Anonymous said...

You keep ignoring the fact that Garza was elected by the people of Cameron County (convincingly, I might add). He has the right to go about being sheriff as he pleases (unless he violates the law).

Give the kid a chance, Montoya.

Your prejudices are not innocuous.

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza is headed for a tremendous fall from grace. His missteps are astounding. Our sheriff as a petty asshole.

My, my.

BobbyWC said...

Where in the law does it say Commissioners Court has to give him what he wants? In the supplement he asks for what Judge Rincones found he took without authority. There is a process for Garza to follow if Commissioners Court turns him down. If they want to take him down they are not going to give him what he wants. They will drag it out.

Anonymous said...

He' learn but it will be too late end of his political career and he can thanked his close advisers (ha) for that.

Anonymous said...

The biggest assholes Is the County Judge who ordered the legal department to initiate bullying emails. The County Judge is part of the Compadrismo to Abel Gomez, Omar Lucio and the Reyna Brothers. LUCIO had numerous lawsuits and the Legal department never sent the bully emails. Interesting. I hope the voters can see throughout that politics by the County Judge plays a big part in it. Do not vote for the compadrismo.

Anonymous said...

Abel Gomez only got to his position because of chicken plates and Omar Lucio.

Anonymous said...

Gomez is a dumb person... stupid is more likely. He has aspirations of running for Sherriff.... he can barley tie his shoelaces and chew gum. Boy is dumb.

Anonymous said...

Once more the Blimp comes here when he could just post to his blog. That blog, however, is dead. So he comes to Juan's to have his incoherent crap annoy readers.


Scram! Beat it! Largate!!!

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk has admitted that “a bunch of people will probably die” in the race to get to Mars.

The SpaceX pioneer made his blunt prediction as he laughed at how his planned Mars mission was being seen as “some escape hatch for rich people.”

“You might die, it’s going to be uncomfortable and probably won’t have good food,” Musk told Peter Diamandis, the founder and chairman of the X Prize Foundation for scientific discovery.

* No Mexicans allowed in first 2,000 trips. They will follow when service jobs are created. *

Anonymous said...

Garza can't even control the office, it's a complete mess everywhere, clerks driving unmarked police unit, getting access to CR43s in dispatch, having portable police radios, patrol shifts without supervisors, Rodriguez keeps playing "GOD", retaliating against deputies and supervisors...

How ungrateful you are Rodriguez, Sheriff Lucio had you doing nothing for 15 years, in charge of your own boat, coming and going on your own time, who did security outside your house when you were "threatened" on a phone call? us man.. who helped you move from Brownsville and had you living out of town, doing nothing for years, who promoted Nate Rodriguez to Sgt just because it was your son? You know he was worthless just like you. How quickly you forget Abraham...

Now you sold Garza the idea that because you are a "captain" you can run the office, believe me you are going to be the #1 reason they are going to continue to receive lawsuits, we don't want you on patrol, CID, SIU, Civil Process, in fact, we don't even respect you only for the simple reason that you have no idea wtf you doing.... but I don't blame you.. Nate was the same, always lost asf, pretending....

Anonymous said...

Sheriff Woody can't manage the jails, soon he is going to shut down two of the county jails, jailers keep quitting, more than 56 openings...

Anonymous said...

Israel’s Health Ministry said on Sunday it is examining a number of cases of heart inflammation in people who had received Pfizer’s (PFE.N) COVID-19 vaccine, though it has not yet drawn any conclusions. That and the Johnson & Johnson blood clots, one has to wonder how safe are this fuking vaccines that millions of weak-minded herd of vacas are being injected with! Remember, long term research was not done, due that the vaccine were quickly done. But you still have dim-witted people who are trusting people like el enano Dr. Fauci, el ojete Bill Gates, and vegetable Biden! Por Pendejos! Enjoy your blood clots and health issues pinche Idiotas!! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

En la lavada sale Todo

Viva Cameron County

SHERIFF Eric Gatza..

Anonymous said...

I wonder if "Captain" Rodriguez and "Chief" Gracia are still going in circles around the Brownsville Sports Park and Villa de los Pinos.

Anonymous said...

As police officer ordered the man to show his hands, the man made a furtive movement as if he was pulling a gun and the officer fired three times at him, the officer missed.

WHAT? NOMAS EN EL VALLE. good for both

Anonymous said...

Captain Abraham Rodriguez no longer sending out emails. He writes with a crayon on Indian Chief writing paper and hand delivers letters around the office. And he still don't know how to write or spell.

Anonymous said...

Word is deputies are pitching in to by Eric a new coat. He should at least send that one he's wearing to the cleaners once in a while and starch those wrinkled jeans. I am not even going to mention that second hand store hat.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for all the jailers that are working 12-hour shifts and putting up with all the inmates and the risk of getting sick from covid-19. And then you have Eric hiring all his buddies with the title of being a Jailer but being around him at the office doing nothing. Not fair for the real jailers.

Anonymous said...

Most of the jailers are quitting and getting other jobs because they don't like what they're seeing of the people being hired that are supposed to be working at the jail working next door not doing nothing. Just taking long lunches with Eric and Gracia

Anonymous said...

Eric makes it seem it's easy finding money but couldnt find the $250,000 in the district clerks office

Anonymous said...

At least put on a real fu@ken hat! And take that stupid earpiece off you idiot!

Anonymous said...

Es que el Eric quere toda la enchilada.

Anonymous said...

I am very hurt because I didn't get a chicken plate and I did vote.

Anonymous said...

Wow just wow!

..told you
SHERIFF Eric Gatza is
an old schooled PUGILIST.

Rolos with the Punches.

Anonymous said...

Nothing new here, useless as the other city commissioners
just for themselves and families and friends.



Anonymous said...

Over 3,500 ballots cast early in McAllen city races

Here bearly 800 votes why?
NOBODY WANT TO VOTE FOR CORRUPT POLITICIANS. They do for themselves not for the good of the community. Its always for themselves, family and friends.




Anonymous said...

April 25, 2021 at 7:34 PM

Ha ha ha they're still at the park can't figure out how to get out bola de pendejos hire more of these idiotas.

Anonymous said...

Quit complaining we got a meskin as sheriff what more do you morons want NOT A PINCHE GRINGO that's for sure he'll sent every meskin to jail. BABOSOS I'm fine with this new sheriff HE'S MESKIN!!!!!

Anonymous said...

April 25, 2021 at 7:34 PM

I heard that the officer that missed his 3 count them 3 shots is CROSSED-EYED. POBRESITO he should go practice at the carnival you get a prize if you don't miss.

Anonymous said...

Silence, you were told Sheriff Garza knew what he was doing. He would not do anything before researching or making sure he was in his right to do so. You guys went out crying, como niƱas, Like mentioned above you still have jobs and can support your family. Gomez was ego hurt, and had compadres convince him to sue. Wrong move, only had courts and an entire commisstion tell you that the Sheriff was right.
Keep it up Sheriff Garza. Take care of people that work hard for you, Jailors, brass, secretaries, deputies, clerks, all of them. Share the cake. Para todos hay, y vas a tener un buen tiempo en el condado.
