Thursday, April 29, 2021


Dr. Sylvia Atkinson is now scheduled to be sentenced on 8:30 on Mqy 18 in Courtroom 6 before Judge Fernando Rodriguez Jr. Her original sentencing date had been set for Feb. 9 and was reset to April 20.

In November 2020, a federal jury found Atkinson guilty on eight counts of bribery.

The eight counts of bribery pertain to a movie project that was in the exploratory stages in February 2019 when she was vice president of the Brownsville Independent School District Board of Trustees.


Anonymous said...

Sylvia Atkinson had it all - big salary, social position, colleagues as fans.

Now, she will have nothing.

El que la hace, la paga.

Why so quiet, Charlie?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

SPA thinks what is good for her is good enough for everyone else. She is Sociopathic and I'm am not sure that even if she does actually serve some jail time will she get it through her thick fucking head that she is toxic not only to everyone around her, but even toxic to herself.

Anonymous said...

Charlie, will your sis jump off the bridge ala marchan? Puñetas only you thought she was innocent. I’m glad the Atkinson will be a name of shame, lol

Anonymous said...

This case has become the 'circus of Judge Fernando's court. Spit it out now or shut up. Quit hoping for a miracle! Enough is enough. You made your bed and must be machita enough to take it. Yes, what a shame that she had it all and threw it away, just because she needed to prove that she was better than anyone else and could do as she pleased. Carl Montoya gave her the reins and she took over. Where is Carl now? Did he write a letter for leniency for her?

Anonymous said...

A word of advice to the soon to be inmate...don’t flaunt your education with the other inmates...they don’t care!

Anonymous said...

I would not put it past her that she will be directing the jail director on what to do or not do, once they put her behind bars where she belongs. She will talk her way into the system and become the superintendent of the jail itself, since she failed in getting BISD. But to those who don't know her, she will never admit she did wrong and it is time for her to pay back all the wrong she did to so many good people at BISD. She likes to kiss money, but she much preferred having ass-kissers on her side. Where are they now? Que dice Drew, Minerva, Prisci, Adela, Trey, Sherry, Big Sylvia, DeSaro, LOngoria,and all those she used to be friends with?

"A friend is someone who comes in when everyone else walks out!" I wonder how many friends she has left??

Dale gas, Judge Fernando Rodriguez, o si no, Nana will pow-pow!

Anonymous said...

She had it all and now she will lose it all, even her girlfriend. sherry stout! I’m sure Sylvia will have a lot to choose from in prison. No vale verga la vieja!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Roy De los Santos is also attached to the movie deal along with Mayor Trey Mendez as quoted by he himself Roy De los Santos. So now Mayor Trey Mendez and Gowen have aligned forces to keep taking away from our taxpayers. Pura tranzas...BTX cares for our money only is the new slogan for these miscreates.
