Tuesday, May 25, 2021


Little tipsy, Eric? Everything 10-73?

Is Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza becoming unhinged?

The weekend incident involving Garza calling dispatch to see if everything was OK (10-73) indicates that he might have been a bit tipsy and grew choleric when the dispatcher hesitated to answer. It was, after all, about 1:30 a.m. Sunday and she didn't understand whether he was asking or making an affirmation that he was OK. 

He then called her supervisor Abraham Rodriguez and wanted him to suspend her. That, apparently, is what is going to happen to the woman for not properly answering her boss.

Intoxication, when not under a doctor's care or prescription, are grounds for removal from office.

Is Eric a mean drunk?

Meanwhile, on on Tuesday the commissioners court tabled for the third time three agenda items for “consideration, discussion and action” on the transfer of all equipment, uniforms and material related to courthouse security, transfer of the budget and the transfer/reclassification of 15 deputies from the constable’s office to the sheriff’s department.

Commissioners voted to table the items after county attorney Juan Gonzalez said a meeting of a courthouse security committee chaired by 107th State District Court Judge Benjamin Euresti Jr. determined that issues remain to be resolved between the sheriff’s department and county regarding the transfer of courthouse security from the constable’s office to the sheriff’s department.

Also on Tuesday, 445th State District Court Judge Gloria Rincones denied a motion by Cameron County to dismiss a counterclaim by Garza against the county, which sued Garza for allegedly exceeding his official capacity in Garza’s handling of a transfer of courthouse security from the Precinct 2 county constable’s office to the sheriff’s department. She also ordered mediation between the two sides for July 16 and a bench trial — as opposed to a jury trial — for July 26.


Anonymous said...

El cambio que la gente pidio....que verguenza

Anonymous said...

Drunk Gus Reyna was the caller..... what a fixated plot. Give it up Reynas!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like another pile of shit paid blog.

Anonymous said...

More employees violating the policy and making up lies to continue the Lucio/Reyna/Gomez obsurd stories. Ponte a trabajar Javier!

Anonymous said...

Poor guy!! You can clearly see in his pictures and press conferences that he is mentally not doing well. His appearance looks very sloppy. I may say it looks like he is not practicing good hygiene. Get your shit together, Eric. You are your worst enemy. The country at this point doesn't respect our sheriff's office due to the so-called leaders leading the way. You all are a joke. I feel for the officers who are commissioned under this clown.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Guerra was telling everybody on my shift that Garza was so drunk that when he called Rodriguez he couldn't understand him

Anonymous said...

Seems like a 10 year old playing with a new toy.... the stupid we don't need the pendejo we don't deserve

Anonymous said...

Now they are going to use their puppet Domingo Diaz to find out who leaked the audio.... Diaz couldn't even pass a simple test... his score was 51

Anonymous said...






Sec. 87.001. NO REMOVAL FOR PRIOR ACTION. An officer may not be removed under this chapter for an act the officer committed before election to office.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.


Sec. 87.011. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:

(1) "District attorney" includes a criminal district attorney.

(2) "Incompetency" means:

(A) gross ignorance of official duties;

(B) gross carelessness in the discharge of those duties; or

(C) unfitness or inability to promptly and properly discharge official duties because of a serious physical or mental defect that did not exist at the time of the officer's election.

(3) "Official misconduct" means intentional, unlawful behavior relating to official duties by an officer entrusted with the administration of justice or the execution of the law. The term includes an intentional or corrupt failure, refusal, or neglect of an officer to perform a duty imposed on the officer by law.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Sec. 87.012. OFFICERS SUBJECT TO REMOVAL. The district judge may, under this subchapter, remove from office:

(1) a district attorney;

(2) a county attorney;

(3) a county judge;

(4) a county commissioner;

(5) a county clerk;

(6) a district clerk;

(7) a district and county clerk;

(8) a county treasurer;

(9) a sheriff;

(10) a county surveyor;

(11) a county tax assessor-collector;

(12) a constable;

(13) a justice of the peace;

(14) a member of the board of trustees of an independent school district; and

(15) a county officer, not otherwise named by this section, whose office is created under the constitution or other law of this state.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Amended by:

Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. 37 (H.B. 328), Sec. 4, eff. May 19, 2009.

Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. 508 (S.B. 122), Sec. 1, eff. June 14, 2013.

Sec. 87.013. GENERAL GROUNDS FOR REMOVAL. (a) An officer may be removed for:

(1) incompetency;

(2) official misconduct; or

(3) intoxication on or off duty caused by drinking an alcoholic beverage.

(b) Intoxication is not a ground for removal if it appears at the trial that the intoxication was caused by drinking an alcoholic beverage on the direction and prescription of a licensed physician practicing in this state.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Anonymous said...

Si si ..wee wee ..no no..
Speak in plain English..

SHERIFF Eric Garza is the Best think to happen.
To Cameron County in past 14 yrs!!

Vivs SHERIFF Eric Garza.

There Plan English.

Anonymous said...

Dam Montoya, how much is Lucio,The Reynas and Abel Gomez paying you for these bullsit headlines..either they are paying you or you love to be on SHERIFF GARZA'S NUTTS..lmao..So SHERIFF GARZA is drunk according to you cause he's checking if everything is OK? At least he rembers his call sign right! How about Lucio getting lost at Walmart which is why he was never than two feet apart from his side Bitch Gus Reyna.Gomez was drunk at the dog house and got his ass kicked and that's ok because he's your Bud..No matter what you post He's the SHERIFF and you're bullshit reporting and headlines will not change that!

Anonymous said...

Feeling Down?

Alcohol is a tricky substance. It may cause our body to release endorphins (making us feel relaxed and euphoric and sometimes suprior to everybosy around you), but it's also classified as a depressant. If you're predisposed to mental health disorders, alcohol can exacerbate the effects of certain conditions – including anxiety and depression. Drinking to relieve stress can in the long-term worsen that stress, and will intensify anxiety and irritability.

Drinking will cause a "foggy brain". It stops you from developing healthy coping mechanisms, relieve stress, can in the long-term worsen that stress.

Anonymous said...

Its time to remove this house mouse paper pusher A SHERIFF HE IS NOT AND NEVER WILL BE, PINCHE CLERK...(DON'T MEAN TO INSULT REAL CLERKS)

Anonymous said...

My patrol Sgt Crizanto, who was promoted for apparently falsifying a report for Captain A. Rodriguez, is making us work patrol on our days off under the Stone Garden grant (federal), that is only use to assist Border Patrol on the border, not to work regular patrol, and he is telling us not to inform them which is not right.

Anonymous said...

Un borrachin de cheriffe

Anonymous said...

Following the general elections on May 1 — during which none of the candidates for mayor or city commission posts for Districts 1, 3 and 6 received more than 50% of the votes — the top two vote-getters in those races are now facing off against each other in the runoffs.

The McAllen voter DO know how to vote y aqui PUROS PENDEJOS only 2 familes here run the whole circus.


Anonymous said...

Pinche borrachin resign!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Federal stimulus package flooding Valley coffers; Record infusion to launch public works projects


Anonymous said...

In a recent poll conducted by the University of Texas and The Texas Tribune, nearly 60 percent of voters said adults should not be allowed to carry a gun without a permit or license and only children under 16 years (hahaha).
One requirement to carry a gun is that you have to ride a hores here in Texas.

Anonymous said...

No, no, no, Can't be true. At the time he called in, he was riding around in a golf cart in Rancho Viejo with Chief Robert "Waterboy" Tyler. They were passing out water and waving at people. There was no drinking going on. Sheriff Garza though he could get "on the job training" with a real police chief. He's going to follow "Waterboy's" lead and start having his deputies pass out water to people walking in the streets. Next thing you know, he'll start having coffee with the citizens of Cameron County so they can tell him how to do his job. That's how "Waterboy" Tyler does it. If you don't have the experience or knowledge to do your job, you ask for help from the people who put you there. Keep them happy while you learn what it is you're supposed to do.

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza, Robert Gracia and Abraham Rodriguez are like the three stooges just three complete lost goons. I worked for Lucio and I voted for Garza because I knew the sheriff's office needed a change. Garza is worst thing that has ever happened to the sheriff's office. I regret voting for this imbecile now I hate working here at the Sheriff's Office. I hope Garza, Gracia and Rodriguez read this too. All of your staff hates you three. Three rookies are in charge of the sheriff's office right now.

Anonymous said...

Reúnas are desperate and whoever leaked the tape should be fired. Estamos contigo Érica!

Anonymous said...

Get to work pinches huevones, go patrol, arrest a gringo or do something useful and quit licking that house mouse balls first of all he ain't got none...MY TAX DOLLARS AT WORK - what work!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Erica will take the guns away from his deputies all the pistolas his reason, California is a no carry WMD. Pinche pendejo we're in Texas guey...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 2:50 simple solution... You dnt like ur job quit stop all ur dam crying lol worst than a lil girl... We all know whos behind this shit... The owner of this blog mainly, reynas, and that bitch ass Gomez ohhh and Mata... Hey abel why is ur boy Mata in graveyard ya he pissed u off lmaoooooo

Anonymous said...

Everyday is something new with this fucking guy

Anonymous said...

May 25, 2021 at 3:22 PM

Estamos contigo Érica! el cherif!!!! Hahahahaha who makes uniform dresses for cherif?

Anonymous said...

I work at the sheriff's office as well and I agree with person who made the comment about the three stooges. Especially Gracia no one cares if you were a federal agent pendejo that doesn't qualify you to be the chief deputy.

Anonymous said...

That boy is dumb

Anonymous said...

Pure buffoonery!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 5:55 why would I quit my job because my boss doesn't know what he's doing? Lmao stupid ass. Got any better suggestions goofball? I doubt it lol you're probably a reserve at Indian lake or los indios huh? Lmao 🤣🤣

Anonymous said...

Mata Gómez reynas los losers

Anonymous said...

@ 7:58 pm
You must be dumb and the Sheriff and his sidekick and the unethical cronies.
You actually think that Gomez, Reynas and Mata have that much power and influence. Please.... this so called unethical, narcissistic of a Sheriff has dug his own hole. What a crock of shit, disgrace to the department and badge. He took office without knowing shit. Plain and simple!
Judge, commissioner's, auditors citizens are demanding a full investigation into the department and misuse of federal funds!

Anonymous said...

Everyone here at the sheriff's office doesn't care for these guys. We have tried to work with them, and all they do micromanage and continue to give the kiss asses, which, by the way, are the fuckups of the department supervisory duties over the actual supervisors. These guys are so stupid they don't realize they are being used. Eric, come check our phones. You will see that we all talk shit about you. What are you going to do? Fire us? Previous admin promoted their favorites, not denying that, but these favorites who passed the promotion test had leadership skills. Now I regret voting against my ex-boss. We had stability under that administration.

Anonymous said...

The feds are watching this guy like a hawk.

Anonymous said...

Es todo lo que faltave un pinche cherife borrachine what else can go wrong???

Anonymous said...

I knew things were going to be bad, but damn this guy is not taking a break from fucking up... wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Eric, look around you man, you're the laughing stock of all elected officials in Cameron County, people like Gracia, Cisneros, Rodriguez and your rookies like Eddie Guerra, Mark Treviño they are not helping you, they create more problems for you, they are literally turning the department against you.

Anonymous said...

El chrif borrachin de cameron county QUE VERGUENZA!!!!
county commissioners get rid of this wino before its tooo late barrachos never stop

Anonymous said...

So you guys determined over a phone call if Eric was intoxicated? Not even a trooper can do that. i knew this was gonna happen when a man half of the age of his predecessor takes over. Bunch of haters. Tu dale Sheriff. Yea, he came in trying to do too much in such little time and that came back and bit him in the wazoo. You can't do that in this county. you will have so many enemies. Chief Victor Rodriguez would call us at dispatch on the weekends at any time, who knows if he was drinking in the privacy of his own home. We never did think anything of it. Maybe cuz no one would get butt hurt back then and go crying to the whole town and besides, all dispatchers knew who our boss was, we recognized his number on the caller ID and his voice whether he was sober, intoxicated or sleepy. No hesitation whatsoever on our part. we heard his voice, and we were at ATTENTION because he would sign our checks. Get over it Brownsville. Get a hobby, get a freakin life, go mow your lawn, go visit your parents, take a bag of groceries to an elderly neighbor, go paint someone's fence, fix your house that's falling apart,make your bed, take a shower, i don't know. Just do something else. I'm getting back to work now. Laters,

Anonymous said...

Lucio/Reynas miused alot of money throughout all those years including pocketing extra checks from the fund 90. They are trying everything to affect the Sheriff because they don't have the last say so.

Anonymous said...

Skip to 2:18:00 and listen to this dumbass


Anonymous said...

You guys are stupids. You have Lt Diaz in charge of looking for the person who leaked the audio. Pendejos it was him who leaked it. That’s what happens when you have no experience.

Anonymous said...

May 25, 2021 at 12:21 PM
Lambiscon aqui esta tu wee wee jotingo

Former RGV LEO said...

All this bullshit that WAS caused and initiated by this inexperienced LEO will cost us taxpayers! Because of this BS, garza is entitled representation because he is an elected official. Again, only in Brownsville and CC!

Anonymous said...

Puras viejas lloronas erica give them all dress unoforms without thongs of course.

Anonymous said...

Los piojos no votan that's why he went to Rancho Viejo. When and if he gets busted he'll go to el gran southmost.

Anonymous said...

Will he call tomorrow to check up on the employees 10-4 10-4 10-4
car 54...where are you? En la catorce guey donde mas???

Anonymous said...

When you’re drunk, how come when you speak it sounds like you’re speaking normal but to everyone else, you’re slurring your words?

It's because your brain is not impaired internally by alcohol but externally, meaning that sending signals to other body parts becomes slower, and therefore we perceive them as sluggish.

Do people mean what they say when they are drunk? yes

When someond is drunk, is everything they say actually what they have been bottling up inside/thiking? yes

How can I stop hating drunk people? Don't vote for them

Is the you when you are drunk the real you? yes

Why do drunk people tell people they are drunk? stupidity

Why do you lose your gognitive reasoning skills? all drunk people do

Why do drunks have so many philosophical thoughts when drunk? become they are stupid

Do people really say what they're thinking when they are drunk? yes

What do you call a person who easily gets drunk? SHERIFF

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha stability under the previous administration oh my God seriously there was nothing but corruption and cover up oh and let’s talk about drunks Gus Reyna All the coverups on the cars he wrecked because he was drunk ! He was a liability to the county and yet they covered up for him and the sheriff oh never mind he was always asleep Ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

All you complaining about the previous administration, should be concerned to what's happening now. You voted the old administration out and voted for Eric and things look shaky. Are you blaming Lucio for Eric's mishaps? Eric's a big boy and he's messing up.

Anonymous said...

May 27, 2021 at 10:54 PM

Sounds more like the new administration to everybody.
