Friday, May 14, 2021


(Ed.'s Note: With a bona fide personnel crisis brewing at the Rucker-Carrizales and other Cameron County detention centers, Sheriff Eric Garza is casting his net far and wide to attract potential applicants to fill some 86 vacancies for detention officers. The hours are long, hazards are plenty, and controversy hounds the department over personnel transfers, unsafe conditions, and rioting prisoners. Do you have what it takes to make the grade? Apply now and avoid the rush.)


Anonymous said...

That pay is way too-much for the unreliable local Mexican workforce!

They get food stamps too, bro.

$8,000 is enough!


Anonymous said...

Nobody wants to work for this people! Deputy Flores just got fired, his father passed away and he was called in tk work during the services because, thanks to Garza, they needed people for patrol..... he complained and almighty Garza fired him.... what a piece of shit

Anonymous said...

Garza you think we stupid or what, promising that in 2 weeks you're going to give us a raise plan, put your reserve badge on again, we know the game boy.... you should of tought of that before giving up those jailer positions just to hire your buddies... FUCK YOU!

Anonymous said...

All of Eric Garza’s right-hand men are the biggest losers ever

Silver- you can't win the constable race. Walk away now before you get smeared and tainted
Carlos Martinez- DWI. Fired from Port Isabel, let go from BISD, and now falsifying on his timesheets. Someone needs to audit his timesheets
Mark Trevino- alcoholic. Major liability. When he comes to work all under the influence, let's see if you remember everyone that warned you.
Chuck Hoskins- family violence
Elizarde- falsifying timesheets
Cornejo- pendejo

The list goes on. Eric, you made many promises. Stop corruption!! You have started the corruption that was cleaned when Conrado was caught. Continue listening to the guys who don't have the experience or brains. They are your biggest downfall. Can anyone find out what happened to Mendieta? He knows all the corruption that went in during Eric’s campaign. How much was he paid to leave?

Anonymous said...

Too funny Sheriff Garza promising raises... the budge for this current year was approved since September 2020! Who are you planning to ask the Judge and Commission?? You can't even make yourself available for questions when you place items on the agenda.
County lost revenue due to COVID; county will not have extra money for any employees across the board. The last time any County Employee received any money was in 2018.
Sheriff you are an IDIOT! you will be finding yourself in court with all the lawsuits that are coming you way. You have shown us that you are definitely not the right person for the job! The UNION did the right thing a submit the letter of "No Confidence".
No one is arguing that the previous administration was bad! We get it....county needed change. But if it was that bad then why didn't we see the law suits and all this shit come out! It's clear that Eric Garza(not going to refer to him as Sheriff) since he isn't worthy or have any honor in wearing the BADGE!
He needs to do everyone a favor and RESIGN!!!!
Judge, Commissioners, DA and everyone else .... how much more shit is needed to get him out of OFFICE and replace him with someone who can do the JOB!

Anonymous said...

Who are you going to send to the commissioners court to ask for the raise? Gracia? Yeah please send him so he can give us his background again, we want to hear how he dedicated his life looking for avocados in a trunk and he is just learning how to be a real cop...

Anonymous said...

$13 an hour??? FUCK OUT OF HERE!

Anonymous said...

The four clerks Eric hired are all his sidekicks from the District Clerk office. Those positions were not needed. He created them to pay back political favors. That was first on his agenda. Getting rid of 4 jailer positions to do it. He didn't give a SHIT about the jailers. And now he wants to give us a raise? How stupid does he think we are? He has 6 jail positions at the Sheriff Department that should be working at the jail. And don't forget about Jailer Carlos Martinez that picked his own schedule on a daily basis and comes to work when he wants to and bosses around Elizardi.

Anonymous said...

Stop lying to the jailers Eric, you can't even show up to the commissioner's court hearing to discuss the courthouse security.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rancho Viejo Law and Order Correspondent:

Doesn't matter where in Cameron County. Sheriff, Brownsville, Rancho. All corrupt leaders with no experience whatsoever to be leading a department.

Anonymous said...

Hire hillbillys they work for peanuts but must be exempt from the psycho text

Anonymous said...

Examining the inmate list and types of offenses I wouldn't want to be a jailer for the $14.17 hourly rate being offerd

Anonymous said...

the maricon gringo y el jotingo snowfake hillbilly coco wanna be white will volunteer only if they have access to the private room on the back to interrigate (hum) prisoners... MAMONES

Anonymous said...

El pinche panson quiere ser jailer pero esta rete-gordo.


Anonymous said...

Que pinche despapaye. El mundo se carcajea de nuestros lideres, que parecen ser maleducados o, peor, inutiles! Ami ni aunque me ofrecieran la vieja mas nalguda tomaria uno de esos puestos. No hay nada de orgullo en jalar para Eric Garza. Piporro fuera sido mejor sherif!

Former RGV LEO said...

So, when is the county judge and commissioners going to intervene and put a stop to the power junkie garza and gracia? The lack of jailers and now this small employee rebellion is going to COST the county when the Feds finally get tired of the CC politics that continuously fuck up the way things should be done.
And where our stimulus checks eddie? Hidalgo County gave their citizens $300.00 from the federal assistance that the county got?

Anonymous said...

Bring out the political signs so who ever gets hired will have to hold his campaign sign to his beer belly new requirement of personnel department.

Anonymous said...

I will apply for a jailer job if the job includes free pizza, six pack of beer every day, 50% off at the jail commissary . Also, can come to work late by 2 hours and still get paid for been late. Saturday and Sunday off, 30 days of vacation time off, all holidays off, birthday off, wife or girlfriend birthday off, 2 hours of relax time at the jail. No write ups. 2 hour lunch time off. Plus. 15 minutes to check Facebook messages per hour. I still get tired for working too much. A Brownsville Mexican worker on food stamps.

Anonymous said...

Law enforcement celebrates National Hospital Week
Who's next providers?

Anonymous said...

that is not a good salary: stress , nightmares, fear, followed by others,

depression, anger, injustices that result from working in this type of job etc

Pay good salaries to these brave people that protect our city, cameron.

Shame on all of you. You set the example: earn that same amount of work as your employees.

Anonymous said...

Just turn the place over to the State of Texas.

Anonymous said...

What the sheriff needs to do. Is drug screen the temporary kitchen Employees.. They are always yelling' yelling'saying badwords in front of the trustees. The morning temporary workers are at work with bloodshot eyes. At least 3 of them are pot smokers. The sad thing about it is that the aramark supervisor know they go to work all stone. As an employee of Cameron county at carrizales I seen their behavior and it's an embarrassment
