Sunday, May 23, 2021



Anonymous said...

Will spend a year to 18 months in prison...then be granted early release. Bet on it. Noting says she cannot be a "consultant," although on that one we'll just have to wait and see.

I love these good-gone-wrong stories. Well, sure, you must know there are a million such naked stories in the city.

Good luck, Sylvia!

Anonymous said...

Hay cocho! Esto me da mucho gusto y tristeza a la vez. La corrupcion es el cancer de nuestro gobierno local. Soy originalmente de Zamora, Michoacan, Mexico y yo se de oficiales que no tienen a la gente en su cerebro. Todo es para aca y al diablo con ustedes.

Con suerte, esta mujer pagara el precio maximo.

Mexicanos al grito de guerra!

Anonymous said...

Y la supuesta involucrada Adela Garza que?

La Drue Brown esta en la vista del procurador?

Lo mismo con Prisci Tipton-Roca?

No me digan que a solo Sylvia Atkinson le daran por la nuca. No, mis valientes, no se termina alli este cuento. Sigan adelante los reporteros!

Anonymous said...

Maybe she will next go into movies about the border. Someone get the Almeda Brothers on the phone.

ja ja ja ja

Y que dice Charlie?

Ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Why is Charlie so quiet ? Is Rio politics going to cover this story , curious minds would like to know.

Anonymous said...

You're next Eric

Anonymous said...

Hang her high, to reduce the line waiting to take her place. The Gringos ain't the problem vatos!

Anonymous said...

Que le paso al run-run del vato de los seguros que le estava pasando feria al la Drue, Cowen, y la Prisci? Ese chavo se esta clavando un choro de feria. Hasta le paso feria a la Sylvia, no?

Anonymous said...

Did she ever do any wrong to people?

Former RGV LEO said...

I hope that this is coming to an end? If the USA' office did their job right and followed the guidelines, then this carpet eating stealing C@#$ should do over 12 years? Everyone who has ever dealt with this C@#$ knows that she is a crook and will steal whatever is not tied down, intimidate for her personal gratification and then throw everyone under the bus when she gets caught! Of course, this include the "bad acts" that this C@#$ did in other school districts especially in Socorro! Well, we'll have to wait for Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

May 23, 2021 at 12:17 PM
IDIOTA they have ALWAYS been the problem pendejo...

Anonymous said...

Charlie is quiet because he is having to cope with a sister who MAY be spending some time in jail due to her greediness and her goal to hurt as many people as she can/could. I tend to agree that she will get away with it since she is about to push everyone who supported her, under the bus. She could care less, as long as she gets it her way. In all honesty, I do feel sorry for her since she wasted a life-time of hard work for a small amount of money and prestige. Look where she is now? Mary Frances brought her up with that rancor and selfishness and should not spill a tear over it now. You reap what you sow! Take care in prison cause those people are bigger and fatter than you are and will go out and get you if you try to do to them what you did to so many.

Anonymous said...

Ya dejenla pobresita she'll enjoy the stay lots of entertainment day and night suerte pick and choose

Anonymous said...

Sylvia will get away with it. Her family that works at BISD are just the same. Full of greed and lies to get what they want. Charlie and Mary Tolman are the worst. They step over anyone who does not go along with their lies and corruption. Mary tells everyone in that BISD money is her money and Principals have to beg her for federal funds. Mary gets away with it because of Sylvia.

Anonymous said...

Let’s see how loyal she is to her friends. Sylvia thought she was going to have power for the rest of her life. Her best bet would be for her to earn her law degree while in prison.

Anonymous said...

Will she be coming out on the new orange is the new black ?

Anonymous said...

Monday, Tuesday and WEDNESDA - CHALUPA (BINGO)!!!! CON EL PESCADO te van a traer pero bien pescadota... uuuy uuuuy uuuuy pasa la tequila...

Anonymous said...

Leave it to Beaver, in the new Orange

Anonymous said...

Pobrecita! She is just following the example of The biggest pinche rata in the world, El vegetal Chinito Biden! Ese puto pedofilo is running the country to the ground and getting richer from China! Fuk everyone who voted for this senile retardado PO💩! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

“Sylvia’s mother said Sylvia’s busy, too busy to come to the phone”... Lesbo will get one year per count totaling eight years. She/he will get one month “good time” per year if she behaves himself. The verdict will be 7 years 4 months...minimum.

Anonymous said...

They are working out the fine print to authorized the filming of a documentary about corruption in South Texas, (main filming crew will the The Black Monkey), the feds, the defendant and attorneys are in discussions. The focus will be on a learning institution and also in the area of politics.

Once that's done the time to serve will be administered to defendant according to sources not authorized to comment...(there maybe another delay)


Anonymous said...

From pobresita to doctora to convicta to a movie star back to pobresita!
Documentary about a South Texan coming to a TV near you sooooooon.

Anonymous said...

How do you say Mafia Boss in Spanish? This woman has ruled with fear and intimidation. When she was an AA, she demanded her principals feed her on crisp linens, china plates and silverware at their monthly meetings. No paper plates. They also had to have little gifts for her and the others in her cluster.
Rules seem not to apply to her and her family.
If it is true that she has attended some board meetings since her verdict, that is for pure intimidation purposes.
I'm betting she will just get probation.
If she does do actual time, it will be a rude awakening. The food will be crappy. During lock downs the only food she will be fed is peanut butter sandwiches. She will have to obey the rules and realize that she is NOT special.
But who knows? Maybe she will end up like the character, Mama, in the musical, "Chicago." "When you're good to Mama, Mama's good to you."

Anonymous said...

Ya Pat!

Anonymous said...

too bad they could not get that other bitch, Rachel ayala.

Anonymous said...

May 24, 2021 at 5:02 PM

I D I O T A !
