Sunday, May 16, 2021


By Juan Montoya

Now we know who City of Brownsville city commissioner John Cowen really is: A self-serving, narcissistic, bald-head buffoon who steals others' thunder to make himself look good. 

Just his past Friday, Cowen, the city commissioner who is now head of the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, (GBIC) was featured in the cash-cow daily Brownsville Herald as the lead spokesman  announcing the first tenant of the North Brownsville Industrial Park, which opened for business on Paredes Line Road south of the S.H. 550 loop in 2012.

He told the toothless daily that the new tenant at the park – Excel Bobbins & Plastic Component – shows "our collaboration with (the company) is a clear example of GBIC's commitment supporting expansion within our local business community and helping businesses take advantage of market opportunities."

He forgot to mention the the company – Excel Bobbins & Plastic Components – actually started the process by which the company will build a new 30,000-square-foot manufacturing facility on five acres at the site way back on March 20, 2019.

And he conveniently forgot to tell the pandering newspaper that the initial approach to build the facility was handled by former GBIC CEO Mario Lozoya, the top Hispanic whiz-kid for Toyota USA who was forced out of the GBIC's top spot with the help of commissioners Nurith Galonsky and Ben Neece, Rose Gowen, including Cowen himself.

In short, it was Cowen who was the prime suspect for sabotaging a project for the  high-tech steel mill by Dynamic Steel  which would have brought the $1.9 billion environmentally-friendly plant and 600 high-paying jobs at $75,000 a year by relaying inside information that reached the ears of his pal on the Brownsville Housing Authority and land speculator Patricio Sampayo.

The city's tax base would have doubled if the plans for the steel mill would have gone through. A week after Cowen was given two private briefings by Lozoya, the GBIC realtors found that Sampayo held the option on three parcels of land totaling 141 acres which were critical for the plant's construction. But Sampayo was asking for $25,000 an acre where before GBIC could have acquired it for $19,000 an acre. GBIC refused. The potential profit of the land extortion scheme? A neat $864,000.

If it hadn't been for land speculation, the lack of real-estate for a suitable industrial park to attract industry, and the entrenched attitude that if a certain few people can't profit economically from projects they won't happen, the city's residents might have benefited and would have had a high-tech, $1.9 billion environmentally-friendly steel mill that would have doubled the city's tax base.

Instead, officials from Steel Dynamics are opening the steel mill on a sorghum field outside Sinton where before they had said Brownsville was on the top of the list to bring the plant here on land that the GBIC was acquiring.

Even more cynical was the fact that Cowen voted to authorize the hiring of special counsel to investigate land transactions under Lozoya since it was Cowen who was the most likely suspect in the  leaking the information on the steel plant. Why no investigation there?

GBIC should have more news related to the industrial park soon, he told the daily Friday.

"We do have another tenant that's supposed to break ground this year, so there's definitely movement, and hopefully we'll build on this momentum and get this park ramped up," Cowen said..."We are primed as an organization to provide that resource (land) full potential."

Really, John?

Which one of the other 15 companies listed as recruited by Lozoya and in their final stages now will you take credit for next?

Although GBIC hasn't closed on the deal with the second tenant, he said, the two parties are "99 percent of the way there," Cowen said.

"We continue to get a lot of calls from companies that want to expand or develop in Brownsville," he said. "I think it's a good time to invest in Brownsville."

All those prospective companies planning to come to Brownsville were recruited by Lozoya with the full support of former GBIC board members Pedro E. Cardenas, Vice Chair, Sandra Duran, Esteban Guerra, Dennis Sanchez, Treasurer, Nico Schaefer, Secretary,Graham Sevier-Schultz, chair, and Jason Wolfe who were replaced by the city commission.

Since the commissioners appointed Asst. City Manager Helen Ramirez under their direction at $195,000 to replace Lozoya, the only "accomplishment" that has been reported by the GBIC - established to create good paying jobs for local residents - was the hiring of OUTSIDE consultants at $450,000 to help Ramirez. An interesting, if not corrupted,  application of the concept.

Placing Cowen at the head of the GBIC is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. What other inside info is going to find its way to the ears of his land-speculator pals?


Anonymous said...

Cowen told his crook buddy Sampayo to buy the land and sell it for profit. They did a Carlos Marin... a guy who made millions doing studies for GIBIC... Cowen replaced Marin with his buddy Sampayo. It will not end well for them. Things like this have a habit of attracting interest to the FBI. I’m sure there was some criminal goings on with that land deal... did Sampayo and Cowen conspire? Stay tuned.... why do MexicAns vote for these Cowens? Time to get them all out.... Ralph, John... the one at BISD is gone... two to go.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for exposing what John Ford Cowen is really all about. Filling his pockets with public monies and catering to the elite is what he and his whole family are about. Shame on you

Anonymous said...

John Cowen seems to be a Republican in good standing with Trump, huh?

Plus, you can never trust a bald man. Ever.

Anonymous said...

FTP!!!!! Fuck that puto!

Anonymous said...


Local Blogger stated that "8 NY Yankee players tested positive although fully vaccinated" (BV May 15th). However, his stated is incorrect. According to CNN and ESPN reports, shortstop Gleyber Torres was the only player testing positive. Coach Matt Blake, Coach Phil Nevin, Coach Reggie Willits and five members of the NY traveling staff have tested positive for Covid-19. In total, 9 NY team employees tested positive and not 8 NY Yankee's players.

Again, wrong information given to the public by a highly educated individual who claims to know it all.

Anonymous said...

"Sabe a México" es la mejor expresión que pudo salir de sus bocas, paisanos. Es genial verlos comer.

Saludos desde Celaya, Mexico - tierra heroica.

Anonymous said...

Hey, John, why - and how - did tiny Robstown get that new Amazon distribution center with the 100s of jobs?

You ought to be recalled!

Anonymous said...

Super chida la comida mexicana, saludos de un Arabe en Mexico 🇲🇽

Anonymous said...

When I finish reading here, I'm gonna reach in my pocket for my Lifesavers - cause pineapple is next!

Anonymous said...

Vivir la niñez en Mexico. Es lo más hermoso que te puede suceder. Los niños de USA no disfrutan igual su niñez. Viven encerrados en casa. Y los padres viven extresados todo el tiempo y eso tambien afecta a los niños... En mexico se disfruta la infancia a lo máximo..

Anonymous said...

What "thunder" in Brownsville?

More like the backfire of an old Ford or the massive pedo of a nalguda!

Anonymous said...

I regretted voting for him the moment he betrayed the people of Fronton Street and took the side of the rich gringos.
The guy is a complete sell out and a fake.

Anonymous said...

We need to get rid of the cowens, gowned, Lopez, Benavides, Salazar that have leached one the tit for far too long. Let’s not forget Adela garza at TSC. Has anyone noticed how quiet she is lately, could be may 26 around the corner.

Anonymous said...

Cowen, Nurith and Ben are all in it for there own agenda! They all need to go, let’s start with Ben! Vote him out!

Anonymous said...

Sampayo and Cowen , partners in crime since the start? They must've had great training while growing up, because their greediness and shenanigans get shadier. Is that what your parents taught you? Is this what you will teach your children? I do hope you get investigated and let's see what rock you crawl under. You were elected to represent Brownsville , not just yourself, your family and friends. Ben or Pedro, whoever should win, you will represent Brownsville, as well. I am hoping you will be exposed if you do wrong doings, as well.

Anonymous said...

Mexicans are masters at stealing other peoples MONEY!

Anonymous said...

Pinché Woogie Rata! Nomas chingando la gente de Brownsville.

BobbyWC said...

The Republicans love to claim the left is destroying our history. But the fact remains it was Republicans Cowen and Gowen who stole our history of the river which helped to make Brownsville. It does not take much to imagine cotton filled boats steaming pass the bluff on the north side of the river. The street use to be called Fronton - Spanish for bluff.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Its a repeat cycle
First they come here to steal the lands
Second they keep the locals working the lands almost for free
Third they keep higher education institutions out no upper mobility
Fourth citizens still working for low wages.
First they now buy the lands that they stole for unheard of profits
Second no higher wage companies come here
Third higher education institutions offer courses that attract lower wages
Fourth citizens still working for low wages.



Anonymous said...

Give me a break, your so called list left behind by Lozoya was 90% BEDC project, back when Brownsville had a real EDC with a real board, by real made men and women that actually founded and grew a business with hundreds of employees.

Anonymous said...

There's good old shit for brains Wrightman chiming in with his philosophy of pendejadas. Always trying to contribute something pithy and clever, and always trying to reinforce his hatred of the Republicans. Try to keep the voices in your head calm for a few minutes to focus on the issue at hand. Cowen fucked Brownsville over with the steel mill debacle and should be recalled. Fucking St. Joe elite fucking us over again and Bobby El Pendejo flapping his gums about the Republicans. Baboso.

Anonymous said...

Political gaslighting:

Buffalo Law Review states that political gaslighting occurs when a political figure or group uses lies, denials, or manipulates information to control people.

Examples include downplaying or hiding things their administration has done wrong, discrediting political opponents based on mental instability, or using controversy to divert attention from important events.


Anonymous said...

Signs of gaslighting

People on the receiving end of gaslighting often find it difficult to realize they are experiencing abuse. They may not question the abusive person’s behavior because they are in a position of authority, or because they feel reliant on them.

The National Domestic Violence Hotline indicate that a person experiencing gaslighting may:

feel confused and constantly second-guess themselves
find it difficult to make simple decisions
frequently question if they are too sensitive
become withdrawn or unsociable
constantly apologize to the abusive person
defend the abusive person’s behavior
lie to family and friends to avoid having to make excuses for them
feel hopeless, joyless, worthless, or incompetent


Anonymous said...

There's a whole lot more people doing good than there are people doing bad.

Anonymous said...

May 16, 2021 at 5:19 PM

Its called the kick-back clause. Robstown hasn't thought of that one YET!

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas

Anonymous said...

The State should abolish the "Historical Designation " bullshit on personal homes. Every citizen needs to be paying their fair share of property taxes.

Anonymous said...

The state should outlaw the use of bikes its a danger to this stinkin town...

Anonymous said...

Today is 5/19/2020 11:53am
I have no water and I just lost electricity. Give this idiota pendejo a half a million dollars pay raise PINCHE JOTOINGO AMBRIENDO.

I hope all elected officials here have also no water and no electricity PINCHE MAMONES.

Anonymous said...

Give her wife over at the city a pay raise also they both deserve to make millions off of the poorest city in the country MAMONES

Anonymous said...

Saludos desde el puente en la catorce puros borrachos aqui viva mejico tierra heroica.
