Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

A former Brownsville Police Department officer was arrested on Tuesday for distributing meth and cocaine.

And local political sources say that Jose Salinas, 52, was active in the campaign of now-sheriff Eric Garza and at one time was said to have been considered to be placed in charge of the county's courthouse security, a bone of contention now in court between Garza and the Cameron County Commissioners Court. 

(The photo at right appeared in the Justice RGV FB page.)

Other say that Salinas hosted political pachangas for other candidates besides Garza. He was listed as a security officer (bailiff) with the city police serving on the Brownsville Municipal Court up to two weeks ago at a $67,749 salary. Was he let go and allowed to resign to lessen the impact on the department? 

According to court documents, Salinas was arrested on maintaining a drug-involved premise at a house in Brownsville.

After the courthouse security position fell through, these same sources close to the campaign say that he was being considered to operate the jail commissary as an alternative.

The government contends Salinas, a now-former member of the Brownsville Police Department, maintained the residence to store and distribute methamphetamine and cocaine last March 19, according to the document. Were the feds listening to him on his cell and whoever was on the line on the other side?

An arrest warrant was issued for Salinas on Tuesday and he was taken into custody without incident. He is being held in jail without bond.

Salinas made his first appearance in court on Wednesday where his detention hearing was set for June 14. 

The Brownsville Police Department, Federal Investigation Bureau (FBI) , and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) are collaborating in this investigation.

It's not as if Garza needs any more problems. Over the weekend, inmates staged yet another riot – the second in one month – complaining of poor medical attention. 

The incident is said to have erupted at about 2 p.m. Sunday.

So far, there have been no disciplinary action reported  against the riot leaders, said to be held in the same cell where the first disturbance took place.

"Eric is losing control of the jail," said a department staffer. "The inmates know the facility is short of staff and they are taking advantage. This time they broke a window and assaulted a jailer."

This followed the release of a recording where Garza calls on the sheriff's radio frequency band at about 1:30 a.m. Sunday, apparently slurring his speech, and asked if everything was OK. When the dispatcher hesitated to answer, he is said to have called her supervisor an asked that he suspend her as a disciplinary action. Reports indicate that he also seemed to be inebriated during his call to the staff. 

His supporters say the tape doesn't prove he was drunk and some department workers say the administration is investigating how the tape was released to act against those who made it available to local mainstream and social media.


Former RGV LEO said...

GD, I guess we (I didn't waste my vote on eric) voted in another possible crook? Anyone remember "animo," and we all know what happened there! Only time will tell on whether garza will be a future inmate of his own jail? Oh well, this is Brownsville and CC!

Anonymous said...

I always used to see this cop snorting cocaine in bar restrooms. He wouldn't even hide it! It finally caught up with him. Dirty cops! SMH

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Both departments are compromised by a lack of leadership the justice dept should take control of both departments. County and city commissioners what you say? Take them all down NOBODY IS ABOVE THE LAW!

Anonymous said...

Weak reporting Juan... 1. He was not a "security officer", he was a bailiff. 2. He did not have a $67,749.00 salary, maybe 10 years ago he did. 3. He was never being considered to run the county jail commissary.
Maybe you need a secretary to double check your reporting along with your proof reading your grammar.

Anonymous said...

Damn Garza! take a fucking break! Everyday something new with you

Anonymous said...

Lmfao alv!!!!! Everyone is always involved with SHERIFF Eric Garza…….. let the man do his job already!!! Focus on the corrupt politiqueros!!!!! Abel Gomez! County judge Eddie Trevino and his damn mafia! Trying to tarnish the guys name for what????? To elect Abel Gomez so that the compadre system will never end????? The people voted for Eric Garza let him do his job as best as he can and if he fails let’s vote him out next time simple! Give the guy a fighting chance!!! Clearly we know what side your on by focusing on SHERIFF GARZA but lay off his sack and let him do what he was elected to do 🤷🏽‍♂️

Anonymous said...

Ben “dover and get on your” Neece is friends with this guy? Is this guy from municipal court? The dog ate the stash!!!!!!!!!!!! KISS THE RING!!!!!!!!!! Corruption at it’s finest!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VOTE PEDRO CARDENAS because Ben Neece pads is the worst commissioner in the history of Brownsville.

GGL said...

$67,700 how much does a jailer make to put up with the mess at the county jail.

Anonymous said...

Does Cameron County have a district attorney? Oh yea, former DEA guy runs the investigators for Saenz. Anyone heard of a drug case in Cameron County in the past year or so? Oh blame it on Covid. Guess guys are to busy fishing.

Anonymous said...

`Enough': Says vegetable Biden as he urges Congress to pass gun control bills after lowering flag for latest mass shooting!
Vegetable creepy Joe Biden ordered the flag over the White House to "yet again" be lowered to half-staff Wednesday after a gunman killed at least eight people at a light rail yard in California. And you still have mind controlled sheeples that believe those mass shootings are real! Como ese pendejo guey half coco transgender cunt! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Come on man!
Last time i heard..

Everyone is RESPONSIBLE for their own Sins!

Why oh why? Are we linking Cameron County SHERIFF name to someone elses wrong doing?

Why not mention all the good names behind Eric GARZA while AT it?

You know how the Mexicano say.

Cuando muere el Perro ..muere la Rabia.

Anonymous said...

This interconnected web of crooked Mexicans should surprise me, but it doesn't. It is just life in the Bally.

Anonymous said...

May 27, 2021 at 9:01 AM

Quien es el perro ravioso que anda pedo todo el tiempo guey?

Anonymous said...

And let me guess... this crooked cop also gets to leave the department with his pension and all his benefits. Fire them! Let them lose everything! Let it be a lesson to them, and other crooked cops!

Anonymous said...

commissary to start selling under the table aaaaaah l u n c h.

Anonymous said...

LMAO...strange how Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal now attempts to distance himself from His padrino and compadre Joe Salinas. After allowing him to operate his business during the day by giving him a day time job that allowed him to work closely with the court system.
Then Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal attempts to distance himself by saying he was a former Officer, yet he was arrested
As a Brownsville Police Officer!!
Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal is truly an embarrassment for the City of Brownsville!
# worstchiefever...

Anonymous said...

More indictments coming at Brownsville Police Department!!

Anonymous said...

CHIEF FELIX "El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal, hope he takes down with him "El Rata" Bernal when his Federal Indictment comes for El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal.
# worstchiefever...

Anonymous said...

Where do you think Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal got his money to run his failed restaurant attempt from his padrino, compadre Joe Salinas..

Anonymous said...

The only involvement Brownsville Police Department had in the investigation was when the Fed's told Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal they had an INDICTMENT for his padrino, compadre Joe Salinas and he immediately called out to His
padrino, compadre Joe Salinas to resign...LMFAO

Anonymous said...

ALERT ALERT: May 27, 2021 at 7:37 AM

Escapee for san antonio mental ward stays at the local bus shelter by the library. He'll be the lead bike rider on tomorrow's parade, problem is he doesn't know how to ride a bike nor does he own one. Since he's a gringo hillbilly cowen will loan HIM one... AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CITY of course.

Anonymous said...

Escapee from San Antonio? Hell don't tell Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal he will definitely hire him as his New Commander as his only Commander with an unblemished record jumps ship as fast as he can..
# worstchiefever...

Anonymous said...

Escapee from San Antonio? Hell don't tell Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal he will definitely hire him as his New Commander as his only Commander with an unblemished record jumps ship as fast as he can..
# worstchiefever...

Anonymous said...

FORMER Brownsville Police Officer indicated..LMAO Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauced- Bernal now trying to distance himself from his padrino and compadre Joe Salinas..Make no mistake the guy was employed and was an Officer up until his Arrest.. Felix El Chapo Sauceda is a liar and a huge fake...not to mention a P**y!!!!

Anonymous said...

Breaking News! There will be a nude streaker in tomorrow's parade! The nude streaker will be El half Coco ladyboy transgender cunt! Hopefully he shaves his back and legs! Everyone attending please bring your own bucket! So you can have a place to throw-up into! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal along with City Manager El Rata Bernal along with Brownsville City Commissioners have all been made aware of the mismanagement and unsafe working conditions due to the lack of Police Officers on the Streets, and the poor condition of the very used and unsafe police cars they have been purchasing.

Anonymous said...

FORMER Brownsville Police Officer indicated..LMAO Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauced- Bernal now trying to distance himself from his padrino and compadre Joe Salinas..Make no mistake the guy was employed and was an Officer up until his Arrest.. Felix El Chapo Sauceda is a liar and a huge fake...not to mention a P**y!!!!

Anonymous said...

Another Epic Failure by Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal as he attempted to protect his padrino, compadre Joe Salinas then acts as if he use to work at the Police Department by saying Former Officer lmao!!!Then trying to act as if Brownsville Police Department had any involvement with the Investigation!Besides Felix El Chapo attempting to cover up for Officer Salinas and allowing him to continue his Criminal Enterprise on duty while also on the clock for the City of Brownsville and El Rata Bernal fully aware of the Criminal Activities being allowed By Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda..
More indictments coming!!!

Anonymous said...

IT comes as no shock that Brownsville Police Chief Felix"El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal ordered Brownsville Police Officers Association President Carlos Zamorano to back his Friend and business associate Roy De Los Santos even though he knows of his Criminal Past..But That's what Chief Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal has surrounded himself with Criminals and liars..

Anonymous said...

THE City of Brownsville mainly the City Manager El Rata Bernal has continually ignored the illegal activities and Safety Issues being committed at the Brownsville Police Department by Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal. El Rata Bernal and his total Alignment Bullshit even turned over the complaints back to the Police department to investigate..LMAO... SMFH!!

Anonymous said...

A Brownsville Police Officer Supervisor seen in the Federal Court House giving two days of Testimony ..more black eyes coming for Brownsville Police Department Chief Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal..

Anonymous said...

LMAOOO MAN MONTOYA UR REALLY SOMETHING.... ABEL JAVIER MUST BE PAYING YOU REALLLLL GOOD MONEY LMAOOO..... WAT ABOUT ABEL AND HIS BUDDIES THE ONES WHO GIVE HIM THE COKE at that party hall he works at... TALK BOUT THAT...... You should really get a life or better yet get off the Sheriff's nuts bro..... Che viejito pedoro

Anonymous said...

May 26 2020
Yet more litigation..article.
May 26 2021..chepa k paso!

Anonymous said...

May 27, 2021 at 7:37 AM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha .. x sheriff and the reynas were crooks too but you see they were always protected by the court ..they scratch each others back .. Abel Gomez is as corrupt as they come ... ya Basta we the people elected Garza ... stop with the harassment..

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention close ties to Ben Neece. Ben, you should’ve deleted those pics sooner!

Anonymous said...

Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal is the dumbest Police Chief in Texas!!!

Anonymous said...

UNBELIEVABLE Brownsville Police Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda again Embroiled in a mess that he created by allowing his padrino, compadre Joe Salinas to operate his criminal enterprise while on duty...

Anonymous said...

Chief Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal attempting to get himself a raise by buying used 2008 Ford Crown Victorias that have over 200,000 miles with more then half of them having Mechanical issues..
LMAO...This guy is a fu**in joke..

Anonymous said...

Did he purchased those trucks from a friend NEEDS TO BE CHECKED OUT FBI?
Bring the office back to brownville texas corruption galore you people need more feathers on your hat and you can get them HERE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Chief Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal is soooo scared of anyone with Brains and people he can not intimidate that he has permanently placed the man he robbed his job from Lt. Dale and placed him on permanent night shift...
Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda is a joke of a Chief and a loser of a person.

Anonymous said...

Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal throws a grand Retirement Event for an Officer that had a long troubled Disciplanary history!!
Only fitting from a Chief that lets good
Officers walk off without a word or Celebration..Way to got Chief Gelix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal your a f****** Idiot!

Anonymous said...

Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal and his Executive team of Bandits continues to steal from the citizens of Brownsville and put the lives of Officers in jeopardy with only 6 officers on the streets and unsafe vehicles, poor working conditions and making the Police Department a Hostile work place.
CHIEF FELIX "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal is a joke!!!

Anonymous said...

Damn the Brownsville City Commissioner's still don't see what is happening at the Brownsville Police Department. FELIX "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal has No Clue WTF he is doing..The guy is so clueless he has allowed his Life Partner El Rata Bernal to run the Police Department..
With Criminal Indictments falling left and Right for Officers and one coming for El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal. Chief Sauceda- Bernal has made the Police Department and extremely Hostile work environment.

Anonymous said...

Felix El Chapo Sauceda- Bernal allows his buddy Joe Salinas to resign before his arrest...Why not he will rehire him once he gets out...SMFH!!!

Anonymous said...

Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal in his total Misalignment equals total failure!!
