Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Federal Judge Fernando Rodriguez Jr. sentenced Dr. Sylvia P. Atkinson to 80 months in federal prison today.

He also assessed her $35,000 in fines. She was ordered to report to federal officials to start her sentence at noon, June 18.

On November 4, a federal jury found Atkinson – a former trustee of the Brownsville Independent School District and administrator at Texas Southmost College – guilty of one count of conspiracy, one count of bribery concerning programs receiving federal funds and six counts of violating the federal Travel Act.

Atkinson remained on bond and was granted five continuances after her sentencing was scheduled for Feb. 9. Up to now, most of the motions have been sealed and no one is certain whether her cooperation with federal prosecutors will result in more indictments for some of her associates in the alleged illegal acts.

Atkinson chose Houston attorney Josh Shaffer as her new legal counsel  whose biography states he has "been recognized as a Texas Super Lawyer from 2016-19 and as a Texas Super Lawyer Rising Star, one of the top Texas criminal defense lawyers under the age of 40, for 11 years in a row from 2006-16."

Reporters say that there didn't appear to be any representatives of the board of the BISD present at the sentencing. And there has been widespread speculation that other indictments will follow her sentencing as a result of her cooperation to try to reduce her punishment.

A reader said that "the public needs to know that there is no parole in the federal penal system. Eighty months means just that barring a special release by the judge or by an appeals court."

The presentence investigation is often the first inquiry into the offender's past, and the initial interview provides the framework for the report's description of the offender's history and circumstances. The probation officer inquires about the defendant's family and developmental history, familial and marital relationships, education, employment history, physical and mental health, alcohol or controlled substance abuse, and finances. The emphasis throughout the questioning is on identifying information that is relevant for understanding the defendant's offense conduct and present situation.

It should be noted that Atkinson was outspoken of her innocence even after the jury found her guilty of all charges. One of the mitigating factors in the federal Pre-Sentencing Investigation Report is if the defendant takes responsibility for her actions and admits that they committed the crimes and show remorse for their actions.

After revising the report in response to objections, the probation officer develops a sentencing recommendation based on the facts and sentencing options identified in the report. The written justification for the recommendation is the probation officer's evaluation and analysis of the offense, the offender, and the sentencing options. 

The justification provides the officer's rationale for the specific sentencing recommendations. It should address the statutory factors to be considered in imposing a sentence and should assist the court in the preparation of the judge's statement of reasons for imposing a sentence.

The officer then discloses the final report and sentencing recommendation to court through a mathematical system of allocating points. The total number of points allocated in each case lets the judge know what the presumptive sentence is. 

The officer also discloses the report to the defendant, and both attorneys. The probation officer must then be prepared to discuss the case with the sentencing judge in chambers or in court, to answer questions about the report that arise during the sentencing hearing, and, ultimately, to testify under oath in open court as to the basis for the factual findings and guideline applications recommended in the report.

In the case of Atkinson, Judge Rodriguez denied the U.S. prosecutor's motion to enhance her sentence because she was in a position of public trust.


Anonymous said...

Get the white socks ready eric

Anonymous said...

Finally, She should have what she deserves. The only thing I do not agree on is 80 months, she should have gotten 10 years and straight to jail. She has been freed too long.

Anonymous said...

No honor among thieves. She is singing like a canary.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Now bust a gringo!

Anonymous said...

Y Adela que?



Culpables o inocentes?

Ay, Ama.

Anonymous said...

Atkinson got what she deserves. She affected a lot of careers with the help of her buddies Drew, Priscy, phill and adela at the college. Atkinson thought she was the smartest of the bunch and she used her ways to get boards to fire, move and have employees quit to stop the harassment ways. even though erasmos speaks not so kindly of atkinson, he drank her lemonade too, at first. Thanks to erasmo and others drinking the atkinson mix, they hired a top level folks to do their favors. I feel sorry for all the graduates that took their picture with a felon in the past few years. The board members who collaborated with atkinson should step down because they have tainted the district's reputation. Feeling sorry for atkinsons family because they don't know how to eat humble pie. Atkinson will finally get new rags to replace the unprofessional outfits she wore. she will look professional in orange. God bless all of us and keep us away from these kinds of people.

Anonymous said...

They should have placed her in prison right then and there. Pinche rata.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry this had to end this way she was in a hurry to beat Hector chirinos as School board member to get rid of Esperanza Zendaya's just to end up in prison

Unknown said...

She had a plan with BISD she had her hit list some area administrators had to leave the area to become superintendent another District because there were in her Blacklist so sad good luck in prison

BISD taxpayer said...

Too much education f*** you up she always thought she was better then anybody else she was mean and Evil and screwed too many people in BISD every dog has his day

Anonymous said...

Who is next?

Anonymous said...

Baltazar Salazar needs to get indicted. He was the bagman for Atkinson, Drue and Minnie. This $10 Grand was nothing compared to some of the other deals they got away with. Good thing the current Board at BISD got rid of him.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Sylvia Atkinson!
A BISD Board Member, Administrator
In the end labeled a common Thief!
Makes for a nice resume
Good luck Doc

Anonymous said...

This is one of those that need to be spun in GOLD..♥️♥️♥️Don't think you could find anyone who would disagree.♥️♥️🌟🌟♥️

Montoya is the New Cheno, although of darker skin!

Sin duda.

Anonymous said...

Will she flee the country?

Anonymous said...

Why wasn’t Charlie in the courtroom today? He’s probably disgusted with her!

Anonymous said...

Get out your popcorn...the show has just begun. We will find out how loyal she is to her friends when the sealed indictments are open!!

Anonymous said...

All of. Sudden she’s so religious. Por favor....cagas diablos culera!

Anonymous said...

She should have been handcuffed and sent to prison right away just like everyone else.

Anonymous said...

OMFG!!! Lawyer now arguing Atkinson is psycho, has a gambling addiction and is broke! Stop it man, you’re breaking my fucking heart!!!

Anonymous said...

7 years 8 months. She will be out in 4 years or so.

Anonymous said...

Juan So she gets 80 months or 6 pls years in a federal pen, ok, for how much was the bribe she got? $3k, $5k or $8K? Now really folks was it worth it? How about them boys over at PUB who stole $$$ millions from the poor and they aint no Robinhoods that for sure more like Robbing hood and gang? PUB Boys n PUB Board plus City mayor and commissioners need to be charged with this robbery. They can get a special deal like sylvia and get 80 months each too. just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Blame it on gambling OMFG!! No more Vegas trips for the next 80 months. Charlie Atkinson now wants a GoFundMe to help pay the $35k fees for her. Mary Tolman now wants some of the BISD Esser funds to help pay for consultants that will give her a cut for Sylvia. It will never end people, Sylvia still has her hand in all of the BISD cookie jars and Prisci her bff.

Anonymous said...

Why so quiet Charlie ?

Anonymous said...

She’s going to school, she’ll come out of there and be a smarter criminal , saludos desde el toilet de la courthouse raza

Anonymous said...

The career technology department needs to be looked at Cummins Career Center too many coordinators facilities suck job openings with no advertising What happened to the equal opportunity employer

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, she will flee to Greece to the island of Lesbos.

Anonymous said...

With this in mind, the board should remove tolman from managing funds. this should have been done to keep the honesty and credibility of bisd. Now, the district has lost its credibility and its mind. The board is dysfunctional to the max and they have been led by atkinson on the side and baltazar on the other. que lastima.

Former RGV LEO said...

All I know is that this carpet munching woman is gone! She can't be a superintendant or a teacher anymore, period!
Good riddance!

Anonymous said...

what about her credentials, fine, properties?

Anonymous said...

Them: Otis, you loves us!
Otis: Shut the fuck up. Get away from me. Mother fuckers going to spot the light on me next.
Them: C’mon Otis, you know we covered up them dollar bills with Vegas losses. Chill buddy, no ones going to find those.
Otis: (Looking nervous as fuck) Dude, I told you to get the fuck away from me.
Them: But, Otis, you said you’d be our loyal friend forever.
Otis: Mother fuckers, I’m moving to Alaska. Get the fuck away from me!
Them: Otis, but didn’t you say you were running for the board again? You know you want to. Besides you still owe us.
Otis: You mother fuckers don’t get it. They are going to pop us next! Get away!!!
Them: So, should we call you tomorrow to start working on another scam?
Otis: That’s it. Just get the fuck out!

Stayed tuned for the next episode of “How the Scumbags Turn”.

Anonymous said...

Why was tolman blocking the doors at the court house? Why was she allow to do this? As usual, the family members strategize to keep others out. Shame on you Mary tolman.

Anonymous said...

They probably gonna tell her: BEN “DOVER AND GET ON YOUR” NEECE!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

There was a homeless woman with long hair standing on Washington Street... I wanted to offer money but go figure, it was actually a man named Ben Neece with a chongo and bolsa.

Anonymous said...

@12:29 It was not Ben Neece pendejo! It was ese guey ladyboy Half coco retard mutt! Andaba putiando downtown! Hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Mojados at work go back to matamoscas and run for prsidente del cartel I hear you have lots of experiance.

Anonymous said...

80 months for $$$ ten grand, chingado at least make it one MILLIION $$$$, que costeye la encierrada. Guess sylvia didt'n study math too hard.

Anonymous said...

23 diaz mamasito

Anonymous said...

She better not take that rolex and pearl writ bands with her, just saying.

Anonymous said...

Hey that fijata guy got life! What's the difference?

Anonymous said...

Invite the sheriff and go out and get stinkin' drunk and 10-4 and 10-30 everybody

10-7A Out of service at home.
10-7B Out of service - personal.
10-7od Out of service - off duty
10-8 In service/available for assignment.
10-9 Repeat last transmission.
10-10 Off duty.
10-10A Off duty at home.
10-11 Identify this frequency.
10-12 Visitors are present (be discrete).
10-13 Advise weather and road conditions.
10-14 Citizen holding suspect.
10-15 Prisoner in custody.
10-16 Pick up prisoner.
10-17 Request for gasoline.
10-18 Equipment exchange.
10-19 Return/returning to the station.
10-20 Location?
10-21 Telephone:______
10-21a Advise home that I will return at ______.
10-21b Phone your home
10-21r Phone radio dispatch
10-22 Disregard the last assignment.
10-22c Leave area if all secure.
10-23 Standby.
10-24 Request car-to-car transmission.
10-25 Do you have contact with _______?
10-26 Clear.
10-27 Driver's license check.
10-28 Vehicle registration request.
10-29 Check wants/warrants.[vehicle] (PIN,SVS)
10-29a Check wants/warrants [subject] (PIN)
10-29c Check complete [subject]
10-29f The subject is wanted for a felony.
10-29h Caution - severe hazard potential.
10-29r Check wants/record [subject PIN,CJIC)
10-29m The subject is wanted for a misdemeanor.
10-29v The vehicle wanted in connection W/crime.
10-30 Does not conform to regulations.
10-32 Drowning.
10-33 Alarm sounding

Anonymous said...

Hey sylvia...member the time my wife went with you out of town and you had her waiting till wee hours because you were gambling, probably district monies. You should have listened to your real friends telling you to make some changes. My poor wife, she got home so fed up with you.

Anonymous said...

May 26, 2021 at 11:03 AM

La diabla 666

Anonymous said...

She should have gotten LIFE like that fajita guy!!!

Anonymous said...

May 26, 2021 at 8:56 PM
Hope you are not in the educational system I thinks its 'DAM not them' oh well par for the course.
