Tuesday, May 18, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

By a  6-1 margin, the stranglehold that Houston attorney Baltazar Salazar had on the board counsel position of the Brownsville Independent School District that earned him $280,000 a year ended after eight years, second only to Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez

Instead, all of the trustees – save for his "comadre" Minerva Peña – voted to retain Walsh, Gallegos, Treviño, Russo and Kyle P.C.  Board president Eddie Garcia made the motion to enter into negotiations with Walsh, Gallegos and Daniella Lopez-Valdez seconded it. Salazar tied for fourth in the rankings of seven firms by the board.

On April 2, 2013, then-trustees Otis Powers, the late Enrique Escobedo, Peña and former trustee Jose Chirinos chose him over hugely more experienced and able law firms despite having scored a 47 out of 100 because "he plays our game."

Even before he was retained as board counsel in 2013, Salazar had defended the BISD in a mold contamination case involving Bruce Aiken Elementary School and Besteiro Middle School where federal judge Andrew Hanen likened his representation of the district and his refusal to submit a brief to a horse that is led to water but cannot be made to drink.

The BISD sued Royal Supplies Lines Inc. in United States District Court in Brownsville to pay for the damages after several hundred students and teachers claimed they had been injured by the presence of mold.

In the case ( No. CIV.A. B-03-109) decided in 2005, his performance, to put it bluntly,was dismal, "feeble," and totally incompetent. His performance resulted in the district paying thousands of dollars in personal injury damages to the plaintiffs.

In fact, Salazar – despite repeated efforts from the court to give him more time and directing the manner of responding – failed to file any response to two of the motions for summary judgment from Royal Supplies Line and the one he did file was not "competent," according to the court order. He lost all three judgments.

Hanen, who had bent over backwards to give Baltazar a chance to speak up for the district against the companies' petition for summary judgment said at the time that:

"...BISD filed nothing. The old adage comes to mind that you can lead a horse to water, tell him to take a drink, give him extra time to drink, but you still cannot make him drink...Despite warnings by the Court and a direct order setting a deadline, BISD has not filed a response to two of the three motions. Also, despite warnings from the Court, including an admonition to supplement its sole response, and the issuance of a firm deadline, the one response filed was not supplemented to provide the Court with any competent summary judgment evidence that raises an issue of material fact. That being the case, the Court hereby GRANTS all three of Royal's summary judgment motions."

Still, BISD being a political morass and because of his relations to politically-connected friends and relatives, the 2013 board hired him as board counsel despite that performance and despite questions about his felony conviction for theft when he had an optical business before the went to law school. 

When he tried to have the record expunged, the Texas Department of Public Safety objected and the court's expungement was rescinded  by the 13th Court of Appeals.because he had served probation on the conviction.

At the time he made his pitch to land the lucrative board counsel position Salazar made a few prescient statements that should have raised red flags for the board members and public.

He stressed the fact that he was a straight shooter who would "stab you in the front" in contrast to others who would stab you in the back.

He looked at trustee Peña and said pointedly: "I've known some of you since I was a kid," and said his goal was (despite the fact he got $2 million over eight years) "not to make money."

He promised he would "tone down your legal expenses" and bring "stability, because you have chaos, and when there's chaos, lawyers make money." Pretty much what happened, isn't it?

Only then-trustees Catalina Presas-Garcia and Lucy Longoria voted against him. They said his firm has scored the lowest of all 17 firms handing in responses to the BISD's Request for Legal Services. 

Later, Salazar accused Presas-Garcia in open meeting alleging that she had made sexual advances to him in the parking lot of the BISD's main office.

He later tried to submit an agenda item to the board to censure her and possibly remove her from the board. The board refused to consider the removal motion.

But he was not done making Presas-Garcia's life miserable. When she ran for reelection, a PAC was formed to defeat her.

In a complaint filed with the Texas Ethics Commission it was revealed that the  Brownsville Taxpayers Political Action Committee formed to defeat Presas-Garcia deliberately violated the Texas Election Code in at least two instances and fined its treasurer, Juan Flores Fermin, $1,500.

Salazar was listed on the PAC's reports as the only donor to the PAC making in-kind contributions totaling $13,200 in the form of payments to Brownsville advertising and marketing firm Breeden/McCumber. 

The TEC also noted that all the invoices were billed directly to Salazar.

The Brownsville Taxpayers PAC filed a treasurer appointment on November 26, 2016 listing Flores as its treasurer, and listed an address of 925 N. Iowa in its 30-day pre-election report covering the period from Sept. 22 to Sept. 29.

The address was for a vacant lot up for sale. The commission found that the Cameron County Appraisal District listed the owner as Marser Corporation. During that period at issue, the property was being offered for sale by Marser Corp. through the company Liz Realty, which is owned by Liz Vera, Salazar's sister.

Flores changed the PAC's address in the eight-day pre-election report to 9574 Ravensworth, in Houston. The commission's findings indicate that Harris County Appraisal District records list the owner of the property as Maria and Baltazar Salazar.

Flores initially denied the allegation regarding providing false addresses. Later, in response to written questions, he stated that the Brownsville address he had disclosed in the 30-day election report was an "inadvertent error" and that "the address has been used on the same computer writing the report and it was mistakenly left on the digital page by mistake."

And so ends the thoroughly political reign of Salazar as board counsel, not with a bang, but with a distant-ranking whimper.

Board president Garcia has emphasized that the process to choose the new board counsel had been transparent and said that the new board majority would be accountable to the residents and students of the BISD. The board has authorized the administration to negotiate with the new firm and has until July to bring the new contract before the board, he said.


Anonymous said...

Music to Brownsville's ears.

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry McHale sigue con sus pendejadas. Es comico ahora? Vato no tiene juicio!!!


El Paya busca bronca con Juan. Pero si lo vieran! Parece ya sepultado, todo arrugado y seco. Viejo y jorobado. Camina como un perro herido.

ja ja

Anonymous said...

Is mike saldaña still employed by the walsh firm? If so, isn't there a problem? Daniella, Joey Lopez's daughter is Saldana's niece. daniella's mother is saldana' s wife's sister.

Anonymous said...

Surprised drew voted him out. He did her favors upfront by getting rid of former superintendent to hire the board's choice gutierrez. and prisci turned on him too. is that because his best friend, attorney garza did not help atkinson in court. atkinson thought she was be free with garza's representation. salazar earns more than what you stated juanito. you forgot to add the special ed monies he makes. what is he going to do now, turn in the board by making public their personal agendas and requests. the district will be better off. i am still voting prisci and drew out next year. inutiles!

Anonymous said...

Minerva is out of her mind for voting to retain this fool! We will remember come election time. Time for our board to oust the strangle hood of the other Salazar. We need better Heath Insurance for all BISD employees! We need to review all the contracts that awarded by the previous board members (some current who were easily steered).

Anonymous said...

Brownsville City Manager El Rata Bernal continues to steal from the citizens of Brownsville. As his partner in crime Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda continues to steal from the departments retirement plan. Officers have attempted to report all the illegal activities occurring with in the department but El Rata Bernal has turned the other way. CORRUPTION RUNS DEEP IN the City of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

What the Hell is that scumbag doing about all the homeless people? There is one on every major intersection in Brownsville! Its especially scary late at night there is two or three on the corners.
This is the absolutely the worst I have ever seen. Do something about it! Your Department Sucks or your a lousy

Anonymous said...

VERY True lots of homeless people at every intersection..I called Brownsville Police Department to complain about the issue and was told by a Lt. Calmaron that there was absolutely nothing they could do about it.
The Brownsville Police Chief should be removed for allowing such incompetent Lieutenant represent the Police Department and the City of Brownsville...
Terrible Department...

Anonymous said...

Montoya sucks, but McHale is one sick mother fucker, and a pussy too, he doesn't allow comments to his shit for brains comments.

Anonymous said...

Charlie, don’t forget . May 26th puñeton !

Anonymous said...

So why so much anger with Chief Felix Sauceda:
You be the Judge How'd all this attention get focused on Chief Felix Sauceda well here is the true story.
Most of the people writing in say because of his poor leadership that is correct but not his fault he had never really been a true supervisor at any level as a Sergeant he wasn't on the streets for very long then moved to evidence room and jail. Then over to the Special Investigations Unit where he really messed things up, comprised himself and the Police Department and probably would be sitting in jail somewhere if it wasn't for the kindness of the former Chief Rodriguez. Chief Sauceda was removed immediately than allowed to promote where he became a Lieutenant and spent his time as the Commander's secretary where most of his time was spent sending out emails.
Now for the rest of the story, when the Commander he worked for became entangled in a power struggle with Commissioner Tetreau over guess who Diane Martinez. The fight was over Diane's scheduling Because Diana refused to work late and did not want to work weekend's so she involved her good friend Commissioner Tetreau who then called the Commander at the time and told him to change Diane's schedule immediately and threatened to end his career if she didn't get her wish.
Well here is where It all got crazy Ex- Chief Orlando Rodriguez had all ready put in for retirement so he left the most senior Commander in Charge James Paschal. Now Lieutenant Felix Sauceda seeing the opportunity to advance made friends with Commissioner Tetreau promising that if he was made Chief of Police he would take care of the commissioners best friend Diane.
So the story unfolds; At the order of Commissioner Tetreau
Acting Chief Jams Paschall then demotes Commander Dale and makes Lieutenant Felix Sauceda ACTING Commander a position he holds very briefly, a short period later to everyone's suprise he is named Chief of Police over some very qualified individuals. So whoever said that Chief Felix Sauceda is not at fault for Diane's actions well that's not totally true but Chief Sauceda sure played a major role. Diane was given a special work schedule that no one knew about or even where she was assigned to work.
Now back to her arrest it is common practice that minor thefts are given a citation and released but if an officer is involved those decisions to arrest come from the Commander and Chief. So with Commissioner Tetreau and Diane no longer friends this was the Chief's time to get revenge on Diane. Typical Felix Sauceda!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Bobby Wrightman should apply to be board attorney. The district would be getting a deal. With the multiple personalities in his fucked up head, it's like getting a whole law firm in one. Oh wait, he's a disbarred, disgraced sad sack of shit. Nevermind.

Anonymous said...

Para todas las RATAS:

Amid all this, Trump is fending off a stack of other lawsuits, while still functioning as the de facto head of the Republican Party and teasing another presidential run in 2024. It’s possible Trump’s legal troubles will be behind him by then, but it’s also possible he’ll be a convict.
Witch hunters sometimes get their witch.

You out there pinche snowfake hillbilly coco wanna be white I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

Today is 5/19/2020 11:53am
I have no water and I just lost electricity. Give this idiota pendejo a half a million dollars pay raise PINCHE JOTOINGO AMBRIENDO.

I hope all elected officials here have also no water and no electricity PINCHE MAMONES.

Anonymous said...

I guess now he can go to san bene

Anonymous said...

No light no water all streets are flooded Welcome to the poorest city in the country

Anonymous said...

Saludos de bajo agua en Brownsville TX

Anonymous said...

Help flooded no lights

Anonymous said...

The board submitted 12 questions to all the legal firms in the Special Board meeting. The 1st question should of been "Are any of the lawyers related to a Board Member?" Daniela López Valdez is the niece of one of the new BISD Lawyers. Right there is a conflict of interest and nepotism. It's the same bs over and over at the BISD. It's who you know. Salazar paid Minnie campaign and he was devoted to Sylvia Atkinson and family. He was a BISD direct connection to Sylvia. He keeps her in the loop. Also HRs Maricela Zarate is a big time leak and Dora Sauceda. These two keep Sylvia informed daily about what goes on with the Super and then to Erasmo Castro. Dora Sauceda begged Erasmo to cover for the dwi and more on his FB.

Anonymous said...

Local blogs are a waste of time but like car wrecks it's human nature to slow down and see how bad it is. Lord, please forgive us for making them rich.

Anonymous said...

bueno salazar you had a long good run pos los vemos en las nuevas piscas next year carnal.

Anonymous said...

Hay que checar papeles de los americanos (estadounidenses). Se vienen a México a radicar o vienen de turistas. Pongamos el ejemplo de nuestra calidez como pueblo mexicano.

Muchos son indocumentados!

- Desde Monclova, Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Staff Report
The Brownsville Herald covers the latest news from the Rio Grande Valley as the leading source of news and information for the southern Cameron County communities of Brownsville, Los Fresnos and Port Isabel.

Anonymous said...

Denise / Daniela are cousins and are controlled by Joey López

Anonymous said...

If Drew backstabbed her comadre Sylvia Perez and her ex-boss, Esperanza
Zendejas, after she praised her during her two terms, what makes youthing she would not backstab Mexican Salazar. Drew has lost all respect from many of the BISD community, gringa falsa cara de Howdy Doodie. Karma, Drew, Karma!

Anonymous said...

Why in the hell these people get overinflated salaries in the poorest city in the USA? City management staff is not too far behind with almost a million dollars for six employees and that's not counting fringe benefits such as retirement. We the taxpayers are subsidizing their enormous salaries and it's definitely not fair. City management needs to reduce their unnecessary staff.

Anonymous said...

Minerva remained loyal to Salazars pockets to the very end and Daniella filled up a relatives pockets that same night by siding to give the contract to her relative. I'm just shocked that this is done so openly and really don't know if this is a way of life for you. You people lack humbleness and boast your arrogance .

"In the first place,God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards." Mark Twain

Anonymous said...

Is pushing allowed in cantinas watch out J!

Anonymous said...

‘People lose everything’: T-storms force migrants out of local detention sites

Powerful thunderstorms race across Valley, leave little damage in wake

WELL WHAT IS IT? Pinche herald still can't get their stories straight, oh well good that nobody reads this dying daily...

somebody said they only sold 3 papers yesterday must have been because of the "no damage storm".

Anonymous said...

May 19, 2021 at 2:00 PM

Local blogs are a waste of time

Anonymous said...

The Bombs Raining Down on Gaza? They’re American
Raise the tax MAKE MORE BOMBS and sent to everybody more bombs, start another war, kill more humans HERE'S MY TAX TAKE IT AND MAKE MORE BOMBS......!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Salazar is crook just like his sister
Liz Vera.

Pinche vieja rata!

Anonymous said...

Pobrecito El half coco transgender cunt got his cardboard house water damaged by the rain and no home insurance! People let's donate cardboards to help this guey! If we don't help, he'll again will start sleeping at the entrance of La Casa de Nylon! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Pos salazar esta poco gordo or gordiflon, so va perder peso ahora que no tiene chamba? Oink OINK

Anonymous said...

May 20, 2021 at 6:15 PM

I D I O T A !
