Tuesday, May 18, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

With the new majority, San Benito CISD President Ramiro Moreno and Vice President Janie Lopez, along with Secretary Oscar Medrano and Trustee Mario Silva, are swiftly making questionable moves that are directly against what they supposedly ran on – transparency, integrity, and working in the best interest of San Benito students.

In an obvious political move, the majority has placed items on today's board agenda to terminate legal services with law firms that have been favorably working for SBCISD for years. 

President Moreno is bringing in his own legal team from out of town, with no competing buds or pricing, with no transparent plan for replacing the firm or any teamwork or discussion for the replacement. The current attorneys have never been notified of any displeasure by the board for their representation; therefore, there appears to be no other motive for termination of legal counsel other than political reasons. 

What are the qualifications of the replacement legal counsel firm? What is the price of service? Why are they pushing this change, without the input of the full board?

Another item on the agenda is to limit the purchasing discretion of the Superintendent from $50,000 to $25,000. The board majority is attempting to micromanage the efforts of the Superintendent to manage day-to-day operation of the district. There exists no other comparable school district in our area that has imposed such restrictions, and with the district at an “A” financial rating, there is no need for this type of restriction.

Finally, the board majority is requesting budget training – how can they effectively manage a school board budget if they have no experience?

Why do they feel they need to bring in an outside company to provide “budget training” when they have no basic understanding of a school district budget? Our Finance Director should be able to provide insight to the financial management of the district’s budgets.

These four board members that now comprise the majority of the SBCISD school board are intent on wielding their power and making decisions that benefit themselves, not acting in the best interest of the school district or it student. 

They must be held accountable. They must stop this power-hungry grab.


Anonymous said...

El Cenote del valle (San Bene) goes deeper into the abyss.

A team of researchers funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) will use the world's only full-ocean-depth, hybrid, remotely-operated vehicle, "El Idiota", and other advanced technology to find out. They will explore the minds and other human factors why they are acting as Gods. San Bene el cenote del valle will no dauntedly become the center of world studies.

Is this what Brownsville voters are trying to avoid???

Anonymous said...

A flash flood watch has been issued for the entire Rio Grande Valley and will remain in effect until Thursday afternoon.

Get ready to run out of water and electricity and expect a bigger bill, and give this idiota a pay raise say like up to half a million dollars a year with free public housing like all the useless professors.

Anonymous said...

De mexicana a mexicano espero de corazón triunfe su region, México presente en Rumanía yeaaaa!!!!🇲🇽

Anonymous said...

No surprise. San Benito is a rotgut, under-performing border town with the bloated face of a Mexican clown on its water tower.

The dream in San Bene, I hear, is to one day be like Weslaco.

Anonymous said...

En ese rancho de San Benito hay más riqueza que en todo Estados Unidos! ... La comida y su gente es la riqueza de México

Puros celosos en Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Estos, de San Ben no apprenden, they are like Oscar dela Fuente, want to be kwon as big shots, but are more like puppies!!!!! Wait and see, they will mess up things, and blame the Superintendent. They do not know their job----to hire the superintendent and set policy---that's it!!!!

Anonymous said...

That’s exactly what happens when Sandra Tumberlinson, Chuy Aguliar and Gonzalez family get a little bet of power. We all see what’s going on. Board President is a totally goof who has worked in several small schools districts and has been kicked out of each. Oscar Medrano is another loser who is nothing more than a free loader and a puppet. Janie López is another idiot who can’t land a job but considers herself a true professional. Than you got Mario Silva aka the biggest Rata of them all. Their first meeting was a totally joke with this majority denying a 2% raise for staff but Mario agreed to increase stipends for elementary Counselors because his daughter is one.. No shame in their game.. oh but they ran on transparency, sure... let’s set back and watch SBCISD become the laughing stock of the valley again...

Anonymous said...

This is way to funny knowing Ramiro Moreno is Board President and leading the charge of the puppets. Has anyone checked Ramiro’s employment history. He’s mainly worked for small school district which have nothing good to say about him. Ask anyone in San Perlita at eh mess he created there. Ask Rio Hondo and see if their happy with him currently! I’ve know this lying idiot for many years and I know his own family feels the same way about it. But go ahead Ramiro and show everyone your true colors. Your already doing a great job of it. I will watch how the Ramiro Moreno Show played out.. what a debacle for poor SBCISD!

Anonymous said...

Me encanta las babosadas de este articulo. Todo suena como la diahrrea que sale de la boca de la mama de Lopez y su familia. Nada que ver...solo el tiempo dira. Las mentiras duran hasta que se presenta la verdant. A su tiempo vera el pueblo de San Benito todas las desgracias y sin verguenzadas que han estado haciendo desde el tiempo del presidente alcolico y todos sus amiguitos de quieted ya nada mas queda uno. Me encantan ver las babosadas tambien en el Facebook de familiares de las que ya quedaron fuera. Que risa, pero dan lastima. Todos hijos de Dios, o todos del Diablo.

Anonymous said...

May 18, 2021 at 10:13 AM

Imitating Brownsville will get san beno NO WHERE. Copy a successful city like aaaaah matamoscas or roma where they still have gladiators that fight tacuaches.... pinches gueyes

Anonymous said...

Todo San Benito sale a las calles a bailar "a la vibora de la mar, de la mar..."

Son gente pobre.

Anonymous said...

Snakes and cats do not exchange words.

Anonymous said...

San Benny is one big barrio full of human ratas. The school district has some of the worst behaved students anywhere...little welfare ratas who don’t know how to act. Would somebody just flush this little slum of a town down the sewer pipes?!

Former RGV LEO said...

Oye Montoya, SBCISD is only following BISD' lead! Obviously, these four power hungry shakers and movers have met secretly and discussed the plays they are making! There's no way that they had this discussion in executive session? Remember this is a city that gave their city manager a raise based on supposed good work? The same guy that was looking for a job when he got put on the spot!
The corruption continues in CC!

Anonymous said...

Puros celosos en Brownsville.

May 18, 2021 at 9:14 AM

WHAT! Are you kiddin' me CELOSOS? De que? Los idiotas que viven en el cenote? No guey jose. Brownsville is the biggest shithole en el RGV with the largest contingency of RATAS. NO BODY BUT NO BODY CAN OUT DO LAS RATAS DE BROWNVILLE TEXAS.

Rats are various fat-sized, long-tailed humans. Species of rats are found throughout the Rgvtia, but stereotypical rats are found in the northern regions. Other rat in general include Neo-gringotoma (pack rats), Bandic-mexota (bandio-mexcoot rats) and Dipo-pendejosdomys (kanga-cocoroo rats).

Anonymous said...

Ese san bene is una bola de gringos nalga prietas.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The San Benito board meeting what very entertaining to say the least! Please check it ams watch how the new legal counsel was brought in. It’s so hilarious to see the Board President Ramiro Moreno lie multiple times about meeting with the attorney to negotiate prior to the meeting. The attorney even admitted knowing or meeting with all four board members prior to the meeting. What a freakin joke! Ramiro Moreno is nothing more than a corrupted power hungry fool. You exposed yourself last night and you should pay for your attentions. Ramiro lied on the record n the attorney lied too but eventually after being asked several questions admitted knowing all 4 board members. That’s considered a floating Coram! The decision was made prior to the meeting because the four corrupt majority didn’t ask not 1 question to the firm they forcefully brought in. What the hell are people in San Benito thinking voting these idiots on... The visor needs to get on the right law enforcements hands and it clear they broke the open meeting act... expose those fools SB... take care of your community and school district you guys were doing awesome till the circus came into town....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Amid all this, Trump is fending off a stack of other lawsuits, while still functioning as the de facto head of the Republican Party and teasing another presidential run in 2024. It’s possible Trump’s legal troubles will be behind him by then, but it’s also possible he’ll be a convict.
Witch hunters sometimes get their witch.

You out there pinche snowfake hillbilly coco wanna be white idiota?

Anonymous said...

Today is 5/19/2020 11:53am
I have no water and I just lost electricity. Give this idiota pendejo a half a million dollars pay raise PINCHE JOTOINGO AMBRIENDO.

I hope all elected officials here have also no water and no electricity PINCHE MAMONES.

Anonymous said...

Eric Trump says random people in the street hug him with tears in their eyes and tell him how much they miss his father

It was only that pendejo snowfake hillbilly coco wanna be white IDIOTA!

Anonymous said...

WESLOCO not weslaco inutil... next pendejo pueblo to imitate las ratas de brownsville tedejas.

Anonymous said...

snowfake hillbilly coco wanna be white idiota

go get some ben was

Anonymous said...

Pic: brownsville elected officials running away from the FBI....
