Sunday, May 2, 2021


(Ed.'s Note: She used to boast about being the only commissioner in the city's history to get elected as a write-in against Charley Atkinson. But now, just as voters wrote her in, they have also ended her career as a city commissioner by penciling in the oval and passing the term-limit Proposition 2 which limits commissioners to two terms. That effectively ends her career as a city commissioner unless she wants to run for mayor. 

What will Jess do now with all that free time on her hands? Idle hands are the devil's playthings, and we don't believe Tetreau will stay idle for long. Apparently, she is applying to be the poster child for Elon Musk's Tesla. That's the car Musk sent off to space in the photo behind the voluptuous Miss. Will Elon bite?)


Anonymous said...

Well, would you rather have Galonsky?

Or Minnie Pena?

Or Prisci?

Or Drew Brown?

We know you've always had the urge for Tetreau, Montoya. Yeah.

Helen Ramirez?

Ha ha ha ha Ja ja ja ja Los muchachos de la escuela me decian El Gorila...y se me quedo, se me quedo.

Anonymous said...

She's meskin elton el grifo hates meskins and no amount of yellow hair paint will change, that but good luck sent regards from mars when you get there...

Anonymous said...

When a man writes about a woman like you forever write about is because that man wants that woman. You're lusting again, Montoya.

Anonymous said...

Porke no enseƱa los dientes

Anonymous said...

She looks like a low class prostitute.

Anonymous said...

Her new name...THUNDER THIGHS!

Anonymous said...

Yummy...I'll ride her all day!

Anonymous said...

Hey that's what El Rata Bernal said to Felix El Chapo Sauceda- Bernal!!

Anonymous said...

Puro calle 14

Anonymous said...

Daum she thiccc

Anonymous said...

She is hot, and way out of your league bro. Your envy to her, Elon Musk, and every other successful person is obvious and showing. She didn’t make a fucking peep to protest against term limits because she has places to go and people to see. Maybe you would notice if you spent less time riding barstools for a good time bro.

Anonymous said...

She’s hot and you jealous sumbitches know it

Me myself said...

No. That is NOT the car SpaceX launched on Falcon Heavy.
They launched a First-Generation Tesla Roadster (a vehicle built on a Lotus coachwork & chassis)

Space Nerds know this, and anyone can use Google to find out.

Anonymous said...

This Guy Paints Penises Over Potholes To Get Them Filled Faster

A dick move with all the right intentions.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of what my Mom used to call them, "Las de la 14!"
How many other city commissioners in the valley have you seen pose like that or even dress like that? What a positive influence for our younger generation. Que tu esposo no le vale, Jessica? This proves that people are obviously right about your ridiculous actions. Te sales, Jessica!

Anonymous said...

What do you think your young son thinks about this picture?
Are you on steroids, like Tito?
Why bother to wear clothes, Jessica!

Now, now, don't cry cause someone is actually criticizing you.

Anonymous said...

Airline adding more flights to Mexico

That idiota CEO at the brownsville airport is making 150k a year FOR WHAT? Can't even add a flight to matamoros FIRE HIME NOW and no vending machine with cheetossss.

Anonymous said...

Juan, she’s hot and you are not dude!

Anonymous said...

She looks like a hooker. What an embarrassment to the city commission. She’s ugly on the outside and uglier on the inside. She’s full of hate and isn’t true to anyone. Pinche vieja changa!

Anonymous said...

She's hot in that photo but El Paya Jerry McHale always has her looking like an ostrich. Yes, I know that El Paya Jerry's face looks like cooked ham.

Anonymous said...

La Jessica esta bien quapisima. La #10.

Anonymous said...

In Oklahoma, Some restaurants have receipts on the walls. Anyone who is hungry can grab one for a free meal.

How 'bout it, Bronsvil?


ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Them thighs look like they can go for $15.50/lb. @ Carniseria EL Valle

Anonymous said...

Puro butterface, looks like she’s been working out good for her or could it be the navaja? I hear she’s got a ticket for the first flight to the moon.

Anonymous said...

But does she come from a good family?

Anonymous said...

Cuanto cobra?

Anonymous said...

Ira nomas. Que mamasota. Yo me meto en el ring y le through unusual cuantos rounds. Su pinche madre.

Anonymous said...

Pero esta mujer es bonita y guapa. Ojala y siempre se conserve asi.

No que uno parece la chilindrina : sin pelo, sin dientes, sin dinero, sin ropa etc

Anonymous said...

Thank god we will not be seeing her for much longer.

Anonymous said...

That taquache looking wuera went all out Kardashian with that rubber looking ass.

Anonymous said...

She is built like a Brick Shithouse.

Anonymous said...

@The person saying she didn't make a peep about the proposition...

I guess you missed her social media tirade where she specifically said the ordinance was targeting her and her only.

She won't go away. She'll run for mayor.

Anonymous said...

Yummy...I'll ride her all day!

Anonymous said...

Can you dedicate a pic section just for her, minimum clothes of course

Anonymous said...

Those hips don't lie!!!

Anonymous said...

All remember
This is someone's daughter, mother , wife
Be respectful

Anonymous said...

May 18th Charlie, it’s coming baby!

Anonymous said...

Why are people judging her on what she is wearing at an event? Why don’t we talk about all of the work she’s done for Brownsville? You can’t deny that out of all of the current city commissioners, she has done the most. She really has shown that she cares about Brownsville and making it better. Do you all judge Ben Neece on his hippie appearance? How about the rest of the make leadership who dress lazy? She’s entitled to get glam for special events. People in the comments with their rude comments are the reason why progress is so slow in South Texas. I love her dress and how she not only has great ideas for the city, but does it with style!

Anonymous said...

Martians are going to go bananas and invade cameron county and what can the sheriff do NADA!

Anonymous said...

Hey where is Masso when she is around so the police can be called.

Anonymous said...

Vieja Indecente, se ve muy Putona

Anonymous said...

She's got my votes all 10 of them...

Anonymous said...

how many tortillas de harina are those hips worth?

Anonymous said...


What, exactly, has she done for the community? I couldn't care less about her dress, but how has she moved Brownsville forward?

Anonymous said...

they judge her because she is flaunting the only thing that works for her.. and its not precisely brains.

Anonymous said...

It is the same dress. start a collection pronto

Anonymous said...

