Tuesday, May 4, 2021


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

My compadre and I were drinking brewskies and burning some bird in his backyard when the call came.

"I need to move," said Ruben (not his real name). "I caught Jezebel messing around town with another man. I ran her off. Now I need to move from this apartment. I need your help."

"But why does he have to move?," I asked my compadre. "The bitch is gone. Why doesn't he just stay?"

"Too many memories," was Ruben's curt reply.

Grudgingly, I asked my dad for the use of his pickup truck (that's why Ruben called. He knew I had a truck.) I also knew that Ruben lived in an upstairs apartment. And I remember that he had bought some very solid furniture to please her. 

I wasn't looking forward to carry them down the flight of stairs.

"Where is he going?" I asked mi compadre. 

"He wants to place them in storage until there's a vacancy at some apartments." 

"I see," I said, although I really didn't.

Sure enough, the huge oak sofa was the killer. We suffered bringing it down and then suffered placing it in the storage.

Ruben only kept his wall entertainment system and we left him with a six pack of beer and an empty apartment. It was depressing, but that's what he wanted. We did our part as camaradas to lend him a hand in a moment of crisis.

A week later, Ruben called me to say that a vacancy wouldn't be available until perhaps a month later. Could he stay over my place until then?

"Yeah, I guess," I said. "It'll only be a few weeks, right? I asked.

"Yeah, man," Ruben said.

Two weeks turned into two months and Ruben, wanting to drown his sorrows, would crawl in through the door after 2  a.m. after the bars had closed and put on music on his killer system.

"Blame it all on my roots,I showed up in boots," would start to bellow from the living room as I lay asleep in the bedroom.
"Come have a beer. Don't be a pussy," Ruben would say. Every night.

Finally, he he got the word that an apartment was ready and I gladly borrowed my dad's truck again and my compadre and I  helped him move his stored furniture (including the mammoth sofa.) 

Sure enough, it was on the second floor and we labored to haul his furniture upstairs. 

But I was only too glad to get Ruben out of my hair after two months of Garth Brooks and his damn boots.

Months later my compadre and I were driving past Ruben's new apartment and he asked whether we should go see him and see how he was doing. I said "no," remembering the chinga we had endured to move all this damn furniture from the second-floor apartment to storage and then from storage to another second-floor apartment. I had enough.

"Oh, c'mon. Es camarada," said my compadre,

"Oh, Ok, I guess it couldn't hurt to go have a beer with him," I conceded.

We knocked on the door and heard some movement inside.

"Si esta," my compadre said. "Someone's coming."

The door opened and to our surprise guess who answered?

"Hi," said Jezebel. "Ruben's in the bedroom. He'll be right out. How have you been?"

"I guess they made up," said my compadre aside when she went to get Ruben. 

"Well, if they break up don't even think of calling me," I said, with murder in my mind.


Anonymous said...

Most people I know would have hired a moving company, but that's Mexicans for you - always looking for the cheap side of Life.

Anonymous said...

Los caminos de la vida
No son como yo pensaba
Como los imaginaba
No son como yo creía

Los caminos de la vida
Son muy difícil de andarlos
Difícil de caminarlos
Yo no encuentro la salida

Yo pensaba que la vida era distinta
Cuando estaba pequeñito yo creía
Que las cosas eran fácil como ayer
Que mi viejecita buena se esmeraba
Por darme todo lo que necesitaba

Y hoy me doy cuenta que tanto así no es
Porque mi viejita ya está cansada
De trabajar pa' mi hermano y pa' mí
Y ahora con gusto me toca ayudarla

Y por mi vieja luchare hasta el fin
Por ella lucharé hasta que me muera
Y por ella no me quiero morir
Tampoco que se me muera mi vieja

Pero qué va si el destino es así

Los caminos de la vida
No son como yo pensaba
No son como imaginaba
No son como yo creía

Anonymous said...

Cual pinche Mejicano dice, "Oh, c'mon"? Quizas un Marica!

Anonymous said...

Sad day today. Prayers to all concerned and the wounded to be healed and make a full recovery.

Anonymous said...

Dang i dont even notice when She left.
I found out when she cried for me to stay
..but i said the grass isnt greener after all..huh?

I commanded myself to a Espiritual Cleansing



Anonymous said...

Typical Valley Women. What do you expect? Guy's here in the Valley all they simply have to do, is wait they're turn. These women don't respect what men go through for them only to go out at night to seek another sausage.

Go on Facebook and tell me how many of the Women (From the Valley) you see there with pics of them attached with 1-2 kids without a single picture of a guy. Women here want to be seen as independent, pfft shit.

All you whores do is open them legs, breed a bastard, and use that bastrard as a claim for Child Support. and the bitch has a extra income. what does she do now? Go for another claim, and another and another.

The valley should be named (El Valle De la Catorce)

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, Juan. El Paya Jerry is a real disappointment.

Anonymous said...

Could you dedicate some time for the retired and non- partying audience who would like to get a little publicity every now and then.

Anonymous said...

Port of Harlingen approved as Marine Highway Project
Who's gonna use the highway el cartel?

Anonymous said...

More pics of jessica

Anonymous said...

Jessica Tetreau is the root of all the problems within the City of Brownsville. Jessica persuaded the City Commissioners to hire a unqualified City Manager Bernal then Jessica is the only Commissioner in the History of Brownsville to have a high ranking Commander Dale demoted just because she couldn't get her way and the first to have a Police Officer Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda promoted to the rank of ACTING Commander and later made him Chief of Police because he promised to bend over and take it in the Rear. Great going Jessica T you have single handly made a mess of the City Of Brownsville and The Police Department! Good Riddance you idiot!

Anonymous said...

Por tu culpa Montoya! Ya la cuidad fue y corrio a el half-Coco retarded mutt de la casa de nylon! Now he's sleeping in the downtown bus shelters! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

May 4, 2021 at 9:25 PM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

Its rare that he can move from one place to another section 8 does not allow that Juanito.

Anonymous said...

May 4, 2021 at 8:49 AM
BABOSO look under all the bridges all you see is hillbilly gringos y ese snowfake hillbilly coco wanna be white has lived there all his life
