Friday, May 14, 2021


By Yuka Hayashi
Wall Street Journal

WASHINGTON—The Mexican Labor Ministry said it is invalidating a union vote at a General Motors Co. truck factory, after the U.S. asked for a review under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement.

The Labor Ministry said late Tuesday that it found enough irregularities to invalidate the vote at GM’s Silao assembly plant in the central Mexican state of Guanajuato and ordered the union to conduct another within 30 days in a process that guarantees workers a free and secret vote “without coercion or intimidation.”

The U.S. said that it requested a review after receiving information “appearing to indicate serious violations” of workers’ rights during a recent vote to approve a collective bargaining agreement.

The U.S. sought the review under the USMCA’s labor-dispute settlement enforcement tool called Rapid Response Labor Mechanism, which makes it easier for the U.S. to bring complaints against specific facilities in Mexico.

The action reflects the Biden administration’s “serious commitment to workers and a worker-centered trade policy,” according to U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai.

“So, if in a company that exports to the United States there is mistreatment of workers, if fair wages are not being paid, if there’s no democracy, that must be addressed,” he said in a statement provided by the Mexican embassy in Washington.

GM has retained a third-party firm to review the situation and will cooperate with the U.S. and Mexican governments, a spokeswoman said.

“As a company, we respect and support the rights of our employees to make a personal choice about union representation and any collective bargaining on their behalf,” she said.

Several House Democratic lawmakers had recently written to GM Chief Executive Mary Barra to address the alleged violation involving two sparring unions at the Silao plant.

The lawmakers, led by Rep. Dan Kildee (D., Mich.), alleged that the vote by the plant’s workers was tampered with by members of a rival, pro-employer union through steps such as limiting voting hours and destroying unfavorable ballots.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said his nation was committed to complying with the terms of USMCA.


Anonymous said...


The labor janitor of the Dis-United Nations (coco Hillbilly) refuses to approve the votes to allow all local and future Homeless Diver's rights to dumpster dive at any location where there is a dumpster. Coco Hillbilly a "urban forager" known around most alleys refuses to budge.

Its affecting the local community in a guey that bike trails will no longer benefit the community. Without bike trails this community CAN NOT EXIST a local elected official burb that at a special meeting.

Coco Hillbilly said his loosely knitted bandidos will comply to all terms.

Anonymous said...

McAllen announces new flights to Mexico as passenger numbers climb

They have a cheeto vending machine and the local airport refuses to bring one in. Meskins love cheetos pinche gringo brought in begals instead.

You people want to sit around and DO NOTHING go to the brownsville airport but remember no cheetos...

Anonymous said...

McAllen International Airport, city officials unveiled a new route to Guadalajara with extended service to Puerto Vallarta on Thursday

Y aqui? NADA!!!

Anonymous said...

@6:39 You have too much time on your hand! Ponte a trabajar culero! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

@7:04 Just have patience Pinche guey! Soon we will have trips to Mars! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
@6:39 You have too much time on your hand! Ponte a trabajar culero! Hahahaha!

May 14, 2021 at 11:34 AM

Do not be rude. It is interesting what he writes.
