Thursday, May 20, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Hold the Handle Down

A Board Meeting Called
For legal services and
Negotiation of new contract

All so BISD can finally flush away
That floater
That top-feeder

After years and years and millions down the drain :
Flush away, BISD
Flush away
Flush once

Flush twice
And hold the handle down till you
Send Balty
To the Great Salty

Where he'll be caught by the Gulf Stream
Scraped across the ocean floor

Tumbled past foundered wrecks
Until seized.

A monster of the deep
In its jaws
Grinds his bones to pulver.


Anonymous said...

A typical ending for a failed Brownsville public servant.

But, I ask, what good does it ever do?


Anonymous said...

A todos aquellos hombres que tienen una humilde mujer así Cuidenla porque de esas mujeres ya no hay!!

Saludos desde Soto La Marina, Mexico.

Anonymous said...

He made his money...farmed out the work... played the game. I'm sure he saved it all under his's not in his office as he didn't have an office.

BISD just gives away money.

Anonymous said...

The Brownsville/Matamoros ISD...I wouldn’t wish this school district on any child.

Anonymous said...

What a Poem?

Anonymous said...

Although the new board should be commended for replacing Salazar, it is very obvious that Salazar had the last laugh. Despite being unqualified for the position, he was able to finagle a contract that earned him millions of dollars in salary, unwarranted raises and contract extensions. He accomplished all of this by conning board members (like Minerva Pena) with donations, dining and favors. For years and years he was untouchable and no school board member, with the exception of Cata Garcia and Lucy Longoria, had the courage to question his job performance or his ethics. He was a flash in the pan with no accountability whatsoever and yet, school board members looked the other way all those years. Although we can vote school board members in or out, we rely on them for making ethical decisions for the betterment of the district and community. They have to learn that when making decisions, they must make them with their brain, and not their heart or their private parts.

Unknown said...

No vale vergra

Anonymous said...

Voters are really stupid in Brownsville because you all don't vote but still complain about these idiots at the school board and city hall.Blame yourselves for these pendejos these same slim ball politicians will not stop unless you go vote!! Look at PUB (TENASKA) Been going on for 10yrs you got ripped off of over $130million and counting and you still dont vote.These politicians are laughing at your faces while they steal from YOU and stillyou idiots dont vote.Next time just say I'll take it without VASELINE PLEASE.

Unknown said...

All the money that was made was not put in the bank it was stored with his sister Liz Vera caboose

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the "bridge to no where" at the port another 30 plus millions. Want more millions on the airport where "NO PLANE LANDS"!

Kickig citizens out of their homes PITIFUL for nothing!!!!!

Anonymous said...

May 20, 2021 at 2:57 PM
Don't forget NO VENDING MACHINE FOR CHEETOS meskins will never go there NO CHEETOS!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good riddance! Useless attorney that should have never been hired in the first place. Raped our community for eight years. Needs to go back home to Houston and try to make a living over there.

Anonymous said...

He cut a deal to remove the S.A. connection.

Anonymous said...

@10:51 Pendejo it's spelled Verga! Pinche retard! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

End of the road for MR HOUSTON ATTORNEY? Yea right he lives here in browntown, would never make it in Houston, too many SHARKS over there y BRAVOS.

Anonymous said...

May 21, 2021 at 7:55 AM

You love it so much you hate to see it misspell anda mamasela maestra o eres un maricon?

Anonymous said...

Now if only the BPUB board and city of brownsville city commission would do the same with el PUB CEO Bruciak and fire him too that would be great, but as forrest gump says Na wouldnt ever happen. Too many fingers to point all the way AROUND y pos se queman.

Anonymous said...

@2:21 Pendejo! You are the one writing the word, even it was misspelled...then you are the one that must love dicks! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

May 21, 2021 at 5:06 PM

Pinche coco learn to spell first than do the act idiota
