Saturday, June 26, 2021


(Ed.'s note: Is that the legendary lawman lounging near the door of his old bar the Barrel House in historic downtown Brownsville in the shadow of the El Jardin Hotel and the Capitol Theater? Rumor among the homeless is that Gavito has promised he will reopen the tavern as soon as he can find a tenant for the drinking hole, said to have been refurbished after a arson fire a few years ago that gutted the interior. We would have asked the gent above, but he could not be aroused from his slumber.)

P.S. After this post was published we received a cease-and-desist warning letter from the ACLU Homeless Defense Division complaining about the perceived libel of the homeless in associating them with Gavito. We regret the apparent slight to this group.  


Anonymous said...

He's dreaming about his glory days pobrsito

Anonymous said...

No! that's not George Gavito, it's ese guey El half coco ladyboy dumpster rat who fell asleep drunk at that location, he was so drunk he couldn't find La Casa de Nylon where he usually sleeps at! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Looks like El Paya Jerry McHale to me. Same aguitado, pedorro.

Anonymous said...

@2:56 PM

I thought that, too. And that's where El Paya Jerry will die, in a downtown trash dumpster.

bank it.

Anonymous said...

Si, tiene parecido a El Paya Jerry McHale -

Eh, Paya Jerry, sientate aqui, guey! 👍🏿

Anonymous said...

David Betancourt should be lying next to him vato mammon lol

Anonymous said...

June 26, 2021 at 1:00 PM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

That is Ben Neece..
It is so sad...

Anonymous said...

George Gavito please someone write a book about him, but tell the truth about him!!!!

Anonymous said...

No no no no its Mr. Amigo a reflection of charro days ass. after every party. bola de mamones...

Anonymous said...

BEYOND A REASONABLE Doubt: Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal has torn the department in half by surrounding himself with people that have long disciplinary Records..Maybe he feels these are the only Officer's that will follow him and worship
The bullshit coming out of his mouth because under any other Chief they would not be able to function and some would stay terminated.
Everyone knows at the Police Department
That The City Manager El Rata Bernal is Running the Police Department because he knows Felix El Chapo Sauceda Bernal has no balls and is clueless how to lead or run the Department.
The truth hurts...But a true leader would stand up... But as we can all see the only true Leader has been chased off..
So go on and think everything is ok with Brownsville PD..
When the signs are all around;the rehiring of fired Police Officers, promotion of Officers with DWI arrests..
Making an Officer that also had been arrested for DWI his Internal Affairs Investigator!! LMAO!!!
A Bi-polar Patrol Commander who has also been caught Lying on several different occasions.
A LIEUTENANT WHO was terminated and IS BRADY Damaged and who has been a Prick his entire career..Another Lieutenant who is caught doing the wild thing on duty with a civilan employee,the female forced to resign and no disciplinary action taken on the Lieutenant maybe cuz they were SWAT Buddies?
A narcotic Sergeant caught lying again..
These types of people you want around
You? CHIEF Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal close Friend Officer Jose Salinas arrested by The DEA.. .
If the City Of Brownsville doesn't wake the F**k up it won't be long the Police Department gets another Black Eye!
YOU can cover up the smell and make it look pretty but in the end it's still gonna smell like shit!
As for the previous administration running circles around this clown Sauceda is Definitely matter how you try to hide it...
Felix"El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal with his degree in his hand took a huge pay cut just to get the job...But as it shows you get what you pay for...
Low budget, low quality shit!
Come on, everyone at City Hall will tell you that Chief El Chapo Sauceda tries to mimic the City Manager El Rata Bernal that's why the Department is running like shit!
