Sunday, July 25, 2021


(He was a firefighter, a teacher, a coach, a constable, an above all, a good friend, father, and just a good guy all around. Once considered a prospect for a professional baseball team along with his compadre Juan Ybarra, Pete probably touched the lives of many a Brownsville youth who picked up a glove, a bat or a baseball. This blog's name "El rrunrrun" was coined by Pete who  would sidle up to us and ask, "A que no sabes que dice el rrunrrun?" To us you just stole second, Pete, and and we'll see you at home. Rest in peace, carnal. To his family, celebrate a life well lived. Our condolences.)


Anonymous said...

Adios, cowboy!

Anonymous said...

Descanse en paz

Anonymous said...

He slud-in like a champ.

Anonymous said...

Good man. Always positive attitude and kind.

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry McHale sigue con sus chingaderas racistas. Y el guey es anti-Brownsville, Juan.

he wrote this on his nursing home blog: Downtown is a dismal place after dark. The prostitutes, transvestites, drunks and transients crawl out of their holes once the sun sets. The day and night experience evokes the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde contrasts. As has been said before, Brownsville is a tale of two cities.
"It's a place for the lost and the losers"

- El Paya hates Brownsville. Nos falta el respeto, Juan!

vato jorobado, limosnero y bowlegged!

ja ja ja ja

Ben said...

Rest in Peace Compadre. You left quite a legacy in the BFD and lived a life well lived. Last Alarm.

Anonymous said...

Met him when I was a kid at East LL. He was always interested in young people playing baseball and softball. He wanted everyone to succeed. He will be missed. RIP Pete.

Anonymous said...

Juan, el Jim "Manteca" Barton is writing about flooding in the Philippines, when he never writes about our street flooding here. Is he going todo pendejo now? I think he's blogging from a government nursing home.

Manteca Barton comes across like a closeted dumbass!

ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

I've knew Pete since our days at Putegnat School, played a lot of sports with him growing up. Not only was he a natural for baseball, but he was a wiz with the basketball. He was a joy to be around, my sincerest condolences to his family.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful caring coach, friend & father. Rest in peace in the Kingdom Of Heaven. You will be missed.

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace and condolences to his family, great man

Anonymous said...

Pete will always be one of the big guys from the Class of 63. He kept in touch with all of us and attended every reunion to share the news we had about each other. He and his wife were true Golden Eagles. Pete will be missed at our 55th reunion around the corner, but your name is enterred in the Class of 63 Hall of Famers! Rest in peace, Mr. What-a-Burger! You will be miased.

Anonymous said...

T0 11:21 AM. please have some respect for Avila's family, you f...king moron.

Anonymous said...

On the field he was known as “PAYASO”

Anonymous said...

A legend in his own mind. RIP my friend

Anonymous said...

To 9:11 am ...once you post in any blog, you can expect positive or negative feedback. Pete was no angel and neither am I

Anonymous said...

Pete Avila will be greatly missed. He was part of our Faulk Family for over 8 years. I appreciate his friendship and his advice he would give me and the other coaches. Pete Avila was a class act. We will keep his memory alive by telling the stories he shared with us. My condolences to his family. He will be greatly missed.

Coach Charlie Atkinson

Anonymous said...

Coach Atkinson is a cancer that spreads evil every time he opens his mouth

Anonymous said...

Why Attack Charile, Behind his back. Do it to his face.You Coward.Hes just showing Respect to Mr. Avila. I know Charlie from Little League. He's a good man. We all make mistakes. Your not perfect. And are a Coward.

Anonymous said...

Why Attack Charile, Behind his back. Do it to his face.You Coward.Hes just showing Respect to Mr. Avila. I know Charlie from Little League. He's a good man. We all make mistakes. Your not perfect. And are a Coward.

Anonymous said...

Charlie defines ignorance... a characteristic adopted by the entire family n yes, he is a good man... at being bad

Anonymous said...

Charlie Atkinson is a bully and a big asshole of Brownsville. We all know how C.A. got his illegal job with the BISD. SHIT stinks but C.A. makes shit good to eat for himself.

Anonymous said...

You will be missed at Whataburger..
