Saturday, August 28, 2021


La Cebolla

GAINESVILLE, FL—Promising to let him know as soon as something becomes available, nurse Janae Howager informed a man having a heart attack Thursday that there was about an hour wait until the next Covid-19 patient died. 

“Sorry, we just had a couple large groups of infected people come in, so it could be anywhere from an hour to a couple days depending on how long they can hold on,” said Howager, revealing that something would definitely open up due to the virus’s high fatality rate, adding that he was more than welcome to sit in the lobby and have some complementary aspirin to keep his blood from clotting until it does. 

“If you can’t wait, there are a few other hospitals in the area that you can try, but most places have overbooked their ICUs. Now, there are just a couple of people who were in a car accident and a gunshot victim ahead of you, but a few of our Covid patients’ oxygen levels are pretty low, so there could be a quick turnaround.” 

At press time, Howager was wheeling the man’s gurney into the emergency room early after someone died ahead of schedule.


Anonymous said...

"Tutti Frutti

Aw Rooty.

Tutti Frutti

Aw Rooty."

Anonymous said...

Childish nonsense.


Anonymous said...

I'm crying a river! All bullshit! My daughter-in-law is a nurse and she says no nurses are allowed to talk to the press! It's just more propaganda to scare the smart unvaccinated people to get vaccinated, and for the vaccinated idiotas to get vaccinated again! Folks, guess who getting filthy rich with all the vaccinations! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Please don't post these fake news pendejadas. Liberals believe this shit. Quit dumbing them down more. They don't know it's fiction. Or at least put a disclaimer in large bold print.

Anonymous said...

Biden the killer , deaths continue at his watch. Corona and military personnel now.

Anonymous said...

Patient with a heart attack went to a local hospital emergency room and was give a number, number 350. The patient sat at a chair and heard the announcement say "Calling number 5 number 5 is next". I think he's still waiting but at a funeral home...

Anonymous said...

August 28, 2021 at 7:24 PM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

Ida nears Louisiana (a repblican state) as the most intense hurricane in years

Trump is readly to help he's sending golf balls and asking for donations for his campaign..

Anonymous said...

homeless shelters scramble to bring in residents, facing storm and Covid surge
Pinche pedejo hillbilly coco wanna be white showed up at the shelder on Houston Rd. Idiota its going to New Orleans pendejetes NOT HERE. guey
No te digo idiota!

Anonymous said...

Demand Surges for Deworming Drug for Covid, Despite No Evidence It Works
It works for worms like el pendejo hillbilly coco wanna be white worm...
Trumps lover y mamon

Anonymous said...

No cash or gas to run from Ida: 'We can't afford to leave'
A republican state trump should have sent free gas NOT GOLF BALLS IDIOTA!

Anonymous said...

Texas man who worked against COVID measures dies from virus
Idiota there are some of those unbelievers here and the same faith awaits

Anonymous said...

Aqui esta tu "Tutti Frutti baboso!
