Saturday, August 28, 2021




Anonymous said...

Since the day he entered office, President Donald Trump hasn’t been able to make up his mind about whether the United States should keep fighting in Afghanistan. His most recent decision to arbitrarily reduce U.S. troops’ presence to a nice, round number by January 15 was no different. Far from ending what he calls an “endless war,” Trump has only put the 2,500 troops who will remain in Afghanistan at greater risk. The situation was already bad, but he made it worse—just in time to hand the problem to President-elect Joe Biden.

Anonymous said...

All the fucking biden democrats sure got quiet all of a sudden. The blood of the soldiers and marines recently killed is on your hands as much as his. May goddamn everyone of you who voted for him. May your families suffer the same pain as the families of the dead.

Anonymous said...

Inepto insípido inutil idiota

Anonymous said...

At 1:00 p.m. how the democrats keep blaming Trump. What a laugh. Why do you blame all the rats of the democratic party running Cameron County and the city of Brownsville into a bigger shithole. Shitless Joe blow has no idea what's going on in the world and his own backyard. Looks like he supports the ghetto people who don't work and are on pot. This president fires thousands of people who work to give billions of dollars to the laziest welfare people who don't want to work.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:00pm
This idiot still blames Trump. Chingada madre how pendejo and brainwashed can you be? Trump is no longer President. At least stay silent. YOU CAN STILL HATE TRUMP AND DISAGREE WITH BIDEN.

Anonymous said...

Afghanistan was a racket. US arms manufacturers and war profiteers made bank for 20 years, while lying to us about successful nation building.

These weapons didn't arrive in Afghanistan during the last 7 months of Biden's presidency. We've been paying arms manufacturing contracts for 2 decades.

Anonymous said...

Over 2,300 US deaths in AFG in our 20 years there, over 20,500 injured. Are all of Bush, Obama and Trump's voters damned too?

Anonymous said...

1pm anonymous

You sure are a dumb motherfucker! NEWS ALERT… TRUMP IS GONE!!! tas bien pendejo home-boy! Biden fucked up… own it! He should have taken out all Americans and allies… then the weapons and monies…. Then boarded all our troops and said goodbye Afganistán 🇦🇫. Pero no…. La cago el walking cadaver. And it looks like they took Biden out of the basement and locked Harris in! The woman is a joke! Not a fan of Trump, but I don’t think he would have handled it like Biden. Those are Biden’s body bags… there are directly caused by his actions. Own up to it already… Biden is an 80 year old embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

The Valley’s overall IQ can be directly measured by the people they vote for and elect. Creepy Joe can’t even tie his own shoes he’s so fucking stupid.The Valley has the dumbest population of human burros in the nation!

Anonymous said...

The world must be coming to an end! I cant believe that Trump hater Montoya finally puts a not so good Biden post and approved negative veggie Biden comments! No mas falta el otro pinche Trump hater half coco transgender dumpster rat to admit that his papito Biden is a fuking walking vegetable! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump
As a candidate, Trump vowed to bring American troops home from Afghanistan.

In his first major Afghanistan decision, Trump outsourced troop level authority to the Pentagon. His team was divided along ideological lines, between his military advisers who advocated a continued presence and more staunch nationalists who opposed foreign interventions.

Trump admitted in an August 2017 speech that though his instinct had been to withdraw all US troops, conditions made it impossible. He left the future of the American presence there open-ended, rejecting a timeline for withdrawal

A year later, Trump tasked Zalmay Khalilzad, a seasoned Afghan American diplomat, with leading negotiations with the Taliban meant to bring the war to an end. The talks mostly excluded Afghanistan's government, driving a wedge between the US and President Ashraf Ghani.

A deal was struck in February 2020 that set the course for a full American withdrawal in exchange for guarantees from the Taliban it would reduce violence and cut ties to terror groups.

Even as US troops began leaving, the Taliban gained strength. And the May 2021 deadline for pulling out all US troops ultimately was passed onto Trump's successor.

Anonymous said...

@6:17 Nice try ojete! Get your head out of Biden's culo and accept the fact he fuk up big time! He will always be remember in history for this deadly shit show he caused in Afghanistan! With Democrats and liberals open borders policy, those terrorists will soon be heading to America! Pinche Biden no vale verga! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Biden no vale verga.

Anonymous said...

Listen to how Biden pronounces Taliban. That will tell you who is advising him on what to do. The last person that I heard using that pronounciation was a crypto muslim ex president named Barack Obama.

Anonymous said...

August 28, 2021 at 1:21 PM

So are you vaccinated what - no, people are dying by the thousands just because trumputo said do no vaccinate y los idiotas do not want to vaccinate and are dying except los cocos de aqui pinche miedosos mamones

Now who do you blame for those deaths?

Anonymous said...

In each hubris and folly, none come near matching Donald Trump. For somebody who prided himself on his talents as a dealmaker and displayed an “I alone can fix it” conceitedness, the settlement he made with the Taliban is likely one of the most disgraceful diplomatic bargains on file.The deal has now led to tragic penalties for Americans and our allies in Kabul.

Mr. Trump’s dealing with of Afghanistan is an object lesson for why presidents of each events must be higher constrained by Congress and the general public of theirr conduct of international coverage.

There should never be a racist republican president ever again. This coupled with the pandemic has cost the world millions of deaths.

Anonymous said...

Trumputo can pick him up and take him to Mierda de lago fla...

Anonymous said...

Ese pendejo will not get in any plane Border Patrol will make sure of that. Ooooh they are not there they are at the Rio Grande!

Anonymous said...

Trump set the stage for the Taliban's rise.

But he didn't give a shit, as always.


Anonymous said...

@9:34 AM
You sure are smart. Can't fool you. You know it's Trump's fault no matter what the facts are. You do know that not even the Democrat Congressmen are blaming Trump for Afghanistan. But they're not blaming Biden either. Basically they are silent on Afghanistan. Just like they are silent on immigration, which of course is also Trump's fault because you're too smart to be fooled.

Anonymous said...

Funny how people in browntown are still obsessed with TRUMP. LOL. I am glad that he had such an impact on you all’s lives that you allow him to live rent free in your head. You should be more concerned about the weak ass senile biden that you think you got elected. Most of you illegals could not vote any way. To bad you can’t make it past the checkpoints. You would see a while new world out there. Now it is just San Benito and occasionally a trip to hildalgo county, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Texas man who worked against COVID measures dies from virus
Idiota there are some of those unbelievers here and the same faith awaits

Anonymous said...

Biden supporters speak up! Identify yourselves. Pinche putas!

Anonymous said...

ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION: TRUMP LOST Hahahahahaha TRUMP LOST HAhahahaha Hahahahahaha Hahahahahaha Hahahahahaha DaHika DaHika.
TRUMP LOST Hahahahahaha TRUMP LOST HAhahahaha TRUMP LOST Hahahahahaha TRUMP LOST HAhahahaha TRUMP LOST Hahahahahaha TRUMP LOST HAhahahaha TRUMP LOST Hahahahahaha TRUMP TRUMP LOST Hahahahahaha TRUMP LOST HAhahahaha TRUMP LOST Hahahahahaha TRUMP TRUMP LOST Hahahahahaha TRUMP LOST HAhahahaha
TRUMP LOST Hahahahahaha TRUMP LOST HAhahahaha TRUMP LOST Hahahahahaha TRUMP LOST HAhahahaha TRUMP LOST Hahahahahaha TRUMP LOST HAhahahaha TRUMP LOST Hahahahahaha TRUMP TRUMP LOST Hahahahahaha TRUMP LOST HAhahahaha TRUMP LOST Hahahahahaha TRUMP Hahahahahaha Hahahahahaha Hahahahahaha Hahahahahaha TRUMP Hahahahahaha Hahahahahaha Hahahahahaha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why do Republicans have the memories of guppy?
All that materiel left in Afghanistan was sent there first by GW BUSH and finally, by DJ T-Rump. All Joe was trying to do is what both he and Obama had to do: Clean up after Republican fuckups.

And if you think that's all, Look at Abbott's Grid and Mask fiascos. Too much lead in the GOP paint overs.

Anonymous said...

What kind of pitiful poodle, fawns after his owner who abuses him?

Steve Miller, Trump's immigration czar, hates Mexicans... and he still is Trump' man on getting as many of them as possible back to Mexico. And yet, some Hispanics are now hawking for Trump! I guess they figure if they are "good Jews" der Furher will give them good suites at the camps?

Trump is a self-declare White Supremacist. They hate Mexicans. Wake up!

Anonymous said...

August 30, 2021 at 4:06 PM

Tell it to the coco, brown skin white mask!
