Thursday, August 26, 2021


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

"The nose knows...," so began a part in a  play of talking body parts written by Sigifredo Cavazos when he used to teach the fifth grade at Castañeda Elementary in Brownsville.

"There's something rotten in Cameron County, and the stench seems to be emanating from Cameron County's Precinct 3," said a local engineer's assistant who competes for local governmental contracts.

Increasingly, the cozy relationship between Cameron County Mobility Authority County Executive Director and also Cameron County Administrator Pete Sepulveda and Pct. 3 Commissioner commissioner Garza has fared well for engineering companies associated with his son Anthony.

Commissioner Garza's office has suddenly become the pivot point for engineering contracts that ended up at his son Anthony, the registered agent and sole owner of ROL Consulting, and an employee of GDI Engineering DBA (Doing Business As) LDG Enterprises LLC.

ROL and GDJ are less than four years old. And GDJ appears to have three professional employees, including commissioner David Garza's son Anthony.

It's president Lydia Macheska is a Licensed Occupational Therapist, not exactly glowing qualifications for a professional engineering firm looking to manage and design large transportation projects, unless you happen to have the right connections to a county commissioner who also happens to be Pete Sepulveda's boss at the county.

Apparently, it struck a chord with Sepulveda, who has selected ROL Consulting and GDJ's professional qualifications over larger established engineering firms with significantly greater personnel, resources and project experience.

In fact, Sepulveda, ignoring the potential of conflict of interest, just recently (August 2020) recommended that the CCRMA board award GDJ  a $16 million engineering project. He also wrote a glowing memo to the board extolling the unique and significant qualifications of ROL Consulting LLC and recommending that it be awarded a $8,000 per month contract, specifically identifying Anthony Garza as one of its principals.

"The sole owner of ROL Consulting LLC has significant experience and knowledge in providing the consulting services described above," Sepulveda wrote in that memo to the board, "especially for projects in Cameron County."

Then he piled it on thick.

"ROL the only prospective consultant that possesses the demonstrated competence, knowledge, and qualifications to provide the requested services...provided that the sole owner (Anthony Garza) of ROL Consulting, provides the services." (Click on graphic of letter at right to enlarge.)

At first, the blatant favoritism exhibited by Sepulveda in recommending the proposed award to Anthony Garza's GDJ raised a lot of eyebrows and the item was tabled, only to be brought back when the heat died down and passed and the $8,000 smackers ended up in his account.

Observers now are now looking at another CCRMA Request For Qualifications for General Engineering Consulting (GEC) to manage yet another large Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) project. Again, GDJ has submitted their qualifications against vastly more qualified firms with significantly more experience. In fact, GDJ doesn't have the GEC experience required by the CCRMA's RFQ.

With then odor still lingering in the air from the previous CCRMA award to Garza's son, will Sepulveda continue to tilt the scales and put his thumb on the scale like butchers at Lopez Supermarkets used to do to please his boss Commissioner David Garza and benefit his son Anthony Garza? And how was it that Anthony Garza landed a lucrative gig over at SpaceX's Starbase facility on Boca Chica Beach? Daddy's doing? Again, questions, questions...

Former Cameron County Judge and U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Tony Garza used to say that even the mere appearance of a potential conflict of interest was more damaging than the conflict itself, and Commissioner Garza appears to have no qualms about opening the lid of suspicion and allowing some of the stench to offend the nostrils of the general public. 

And worse yet, will the members of the board of the CCRMA allow the rising suspicions of a conflict of interest to cast a cloud over their deliberations and decisions made on behalf of the people of Cameron County?

"The nose knows..."


Former RGV LEO said...

So, why is it that this pete sepulveda get these high paying gigs or contracts? Who is he in this county OR who does he know OR related too? Seems that everybody complains including Montoya, yet this guy is making money hand and foot? He has to be dirty in some way?

Anonymous said...

Oye Juan, finally you put the light on the most corrupt Cameron County commissioner David Garza. His son was also on the payroll of the Engeneering firm that did the renovations at Isla Blanca Park… with no bids! And David Garza did not recuse himself and voted to benefit his mijito! And The same son Anthony is taking it in at SpaceX…. His dad David Garza also votes on issues dealing with SpaceX… giving Elon Musk all he asks for… but Elon chose his sons Engeneering company to be the ones doing the work for Elon! David Garza is corrupt…. Y esta pelón el guey! Pinche vato gordo! Pansa de vaca preñada!

Anonymous said...

And the beat goes on. Total corruption. Caca in, caca out!

Anonymous said...

Pinches ratas prietas!

Anonymous said...

The stench coming out of Precinct 3 could also be that of the dirtiest and sloppiest constables office in the county. The Deputies are dressed sloppy and look unprofessional as always. Have one deputy dressed only in a dirty black untucked shirt and dirty black pants, another one that doesn't bathe and has chewing tobacco drool on the front of his uniform. All the Deputies are dressed differently which is not professional at all. But what do you expect when you have Adrian "Sloppy" Gonzalez as their leader. Never knew the uniform for constable was dirty cowboy boots,dirty blue jeans and dirty button up shirt that has a dallas cowboy logo. So if anything stinks in Precinct 3 it might be Commissioner Garzas office but my money goes on the the constables.

Anonymous said...

The same guys that continue to support the County Judge and Commissioner Garza shenanigans.

Anonymous said...

Wasn’t Pete Sepulveda supposed to be an interim county administrator until they found a replacement? Sepulveda is the CCRMA Director at 200k plus! And he is also the counry administrator getting laid there too! How can he be doing two jobs at once? Maybe that is why he does as Garza tells him to do… hire my son and I will keep you getting two paychecks. That is why they got rid of him the first time… double dipping.

Anonymous said...

That is why David Garcia was let go as County Administrator, because he would not do as David Garza wishes and give his son all these gigs with no bids. He stood up to David Garza and he got fired. In comes Pete Sepulveda again and chi-Ching for Anthony Garza.

Anonymous said...

You know the plot. Why agonize over the latest episode?

Mexicans are just as good crooks as were the Anglos.

end of story.

Anonymous said...

Pete Sepulveda kiss ass to elon. He is at awe with the idea of building a tunnel from SPI to boca chica jetties to jetties. So they can close boca chica beach exit. And Pete is all for it.
Go back to California your birth place. Via Michoacan,La pieda.

Anonymous said...

On April 29 Leach walked up the steps to the House, prepared for a bitter floor fight over his bill to protect the owners of commercial trucks and delivery vehicles from lawsuits. Instead, he engaged in almost six hours of backroom negotiations with Democrat Eddie Lucio III.

Anonymous said...

The only commissioner that isn't ever talked about is Benavides. Never says a word. While joey lopez hosts a wedding while all others are banned, ruiz and trevino yell at santa rosa residents and mismanaged the freeze, voucher distribution, they all award themselves raises. Get ready people, your taxes are soon to go up. Employee morale is down throughout, covid deaths continue to rise, yet trevino and co. Laugh all the way to bank. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Pete Sepulveda raises all the money for Eddie Treviño’s campaigns. He hires David Garza’s son to all these projects, when he is not qualified. That is how he gets paid for two jobs and gets away with it.

Anonymous said...

All true, but they don't seem to care, when will they stop?

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas

Anonymous said...

Y El FBI donde esta??? Y El DA donde esta? Metidos entre dos cachetes?
Soon to bust a couple of gringos - NO CREO...

Anonymous said...

They all support the corrupt County Judge, Commissioner Garza,& Constable Gomez. Where is the FBI?

Former RGV LEO said...

8-26-21 at 11:57 P. M.

You nailed it! The only reason that adrian "Nose Candy Kid" gonzalez got voted into office is because of his dad' voter base. This kid is nowhere the man his dad is. I guess those voters are just as bad as the ones in Brownsville isd? Adrian is like eric garza, no experience and don't see him in public.

Anonymous said...

I have never met an honest demorat

Anonymous said...

Eddie Treviño and David Garza are butt buddies. David Garza gave his political support to the midget and Eddie turns a blind eye 👁 to Garza’s sons contracts…. Where is the FBI?

Anonymous said...

Sepulveda and Garza's, how long have you been milking the system? Were you bullies, didn't wait your turns or cut in lines when you were in school? Did your parents raise you to be this way? Dang, every time you turn around someone else is getting special dibs in our city or county. Shame on another group of corrupt rats and the list continues to grow. The greed continues, do things the right way and stop stealing our money.

Anonymous said...

‘Roaching’ Here's the newest gross trend to infest the dating world

hillbilly coco and trump roach dating bola de mamones...

Anonymous said...

Elected officials "Why is it hard to do the right thing"? Stop making crooked deals and stop selling your souls and dancing with the devil. The people making the deals and taking the deals,I hope more information is spilled on you so our community learns how you make your deals. How embarrassing that our state, county , school board , city, college officials are trying to outdo each other. Were you raised to steal and teaching your offspring the same things? The sad thing is you really believe you are the county and city's royalty. Right now you feel untouchable, but karma may be around the corner. This nepotism is also BS.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember that Pete Sepulveda has already been in jail for county corruption?!

Anonymous said...

August 27, 2021 at 6:59 AM

As were? You mean as they are! pinche coco.

Anonymous said...

If Anthony Garza was not the son of David Garza, he would never have gotten work at Cameron County. The son of David Garza would have. Pinches transas…. Up yours Pete and David.

Anonymous said...

Where is the FBI???? No wonder Cameron County Commissioner’s mantra is “ El que no tranza, no avanza “.

Anonymous said...

Which agency has the biggest budget COB, CC or BISD?

Anonymous said...

Stop your madness and greed !!! You need to be officially investigated .

Anonymous said...

It’s about time that someone puts this rat Garza in the spotlight. From the beginning, he’s been nothing but feathering his own nest by one way or another. Ya Basta Con Este Pendejo!


Anonymous said...

Folks in case you all dont know, Pete was city manager in Pharr texas and quit when the loan for the pharr international bridge came due and the city didnt have money to pay, RAJON, and also he was born in Rio Grande City, there is NO CORRUPTION there. lol. Yea right.

Anonymous said...

Juan what happen at PUB with CEO Bruciak, is he still there earning a huge salary? Hasnt retired yet? Y La Feira que se robaron for all these years? no chance of any refunds? or credit on your future PUB BIlls? just asking
