Friday, August 13, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

As predicted, City Attorney Rene De Coss was introduced as the new Brownsville Presiding Municipal Judge by City Manager Noel Bernal.

While it is within the purview of the city manager to choose the municipal judges, many local attorneys, administrators, and even some city commissioners say that if this is a sign of the "transparency" and "accountability" and "inclusion" touted by Bernal in his so-called "Total Alignment" philosophy, he has failed miserably in this application.

City observers say that as a result of De Coss' ascension to the top city judge's spot, Bernal now faces a firefight with the city commission in his unilateral selection of the former city attorney to the presiding judge's spot.

Instead of accepting now-interim city attorney Victor Flores – a Bernal protege brought in from Edinburg by the city manager – it is expected that the city commission in their next meeting will open the selection process to allow local attorneys to submit their response to the Request For Qualifications (RFQs) instead of sealing the spot for Flores.

Many had suggested Bernal forego his prerogative in choosing a presiding judge as an olive branch to the views of the commissioners and open up the process with a call for RFQs for the sake of transparency. He chose to ignore those suggestions and go at it alone.

Bernal made his announcement – which De Coss did not attend – during am 8 a.m. full-staff meeting at the municipal court. He congratulated interim municipal judge Rigoberto Flores for a job well done, and then announced De Coss as his replacement.

Several city commissioners have made their displeasure known at Bernal's unilateral system of decision-making, saying that although it is within his charter-granted powers to choose the municipal judges,he should have consulted with the commission members for their views as a matter of simple courtesy.

Some have gone as far as saying that Bernal's management skills in this appointment have been called into question and that it would play into the next review of his job performance.

In this instance, for example, there has been very little information on the appointment available to the public. How will this affect then City Attorney's office, the legal counsel at the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, etc. ? If we depend on the services of another Bernal import – Communication and Marketing Director Felipe "Flip" Romero at $98,000 salary – we'd remain in the dark. 

Observers say that the fallout from this appointment – and the manner in which it was done – will have far-reaching consequences in upcoming personnel appointments recommended by the city manager.

"Bernal talks a good game about transparency, accountability and inclusion," said a mid-level city administrator. "But acts speak louder than words and everything has its consequences. He might find himself isolated as his tenure continues."


Anonymous said...

He's the city manager until he isn't, Montoya.

You're the Chicken Little of Brownsville, bro!


Anonymous said...

Total Tragedy

Anonymous said...

Compadrismo is never going to stop… now it’s coming from Edinburg

Anonymous said...

Most employees don't buy the Total Alignment concept as they believe that leaders lead by example something that city management lack. We hoped that someone within the city commission would question the reason that the entire city manager including the director of government affairs and the HR director park their personal cars on metered parking every day, taking away revenue from city coffers. These employees are easily identified as they display a special permit on their dashboard which exempts them from paying the meter like everyone else. Their example is plainly "do as I say not as I do" as they require every other city hall employee to park at city plaza parking lot. City commissioners, have the courage and do something about this issue.

Anonymous said...

The mayor is useless to Bernal.
Bernal runs Brownsville. While the mayor runs his personal business from his office. Tell me what has the mayor done other than modeling as a toyboy to Musk?

Anonymous said...

This city continues to be a disaster. Poor management from top to bottom. Browntown you are an embarrassment to the great state of Texas. We would be better off if there was a way for Matamoros to annex you to Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Time for this bozo to go back to edinbury and stay there and take your tiliches mamones with you...

Anonymous said...

Brought more Nasty habits from Edinburg.

Anonymous said...

Rigo Flores is a true professional and runs a respectable arrignment process. It was too good to be true.

Anonymous said...

To Sen. Paul, Trump and every right wing diva with the vapors of victimhood: Toughen up, buttercup. And while you're at it, try telling the truth. Wear a mask. Get a vaccine. Love your neighbor, and that includes ese mamon hillbilly coco wanna be white IDIOTA dumpster diver.

Anonymous said...

Hey isnt he a republican WOW

Anonymous said...

Decoss is most handsome

Anonymous said...

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

Big worm said...

Why is it that Edinburg mexicanos are infiltrating Brownsville several at the city and several at BISD.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville City Manager El Rata Bernal total alignment and Servant Leadership is Bullshit..El Rata Bernal is a Self Serving F**k!
DEMANDING every Department Head to cut cost so he could give himself a huge raise allowing him to hire so many Assistant Managers all making well over $160,000.
Terrible Leadership!

Anonymous said...

Get this mojado looking, pumpkin pie hair cutted fool the f up outta here. Ain't this some shit.

Anonymous said...

SAD un pendejo comes here and runs this city and from edinburg how sad. DON'T VOTE FOR EL OTRO PENDEJO DA MAYOR PINCHE ENANO

Anonymous said...

Bernal is not from Edinburg, get your facts straight he is from LA VILLA TEXAS population 2720, wow what a large city compared to Brownsville Texas with 182,271 population. Really guys???? Was the city commission smoking and passing a joint (Ben Neece) when they chose this guy as city manager. No Pos WOW.

Anonymous said...

Bernal and Helen have greasy faces. Goodnight!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville City Manager El Rata Bernal has allowed his Royal Ball washer Chief of Police Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal to allow a certain Police Officer to work a 2nd Job for a computer company while he is still getting paid by the City of Brownsville with Benifts and all.
WHY WOULD El Rata Bernal and Chief Felix El Rata Berna- Sauceda allow such a thing???
Well the Officer has promised to give them BOTH half of what heearns as he tries to develop a computer program.
Its so bad that one of the IT specialist for the Police Department left since he wanted no part of such illegal activities occurring in the Police Department.
Terrible Leadership and one of the worst Chief in the history of Brownsville Police Department!!

Anonymous said...

Blame the city commission for this poor leadership this city manager has at least 5 asst city manager positions costing the tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars in wages and benefits that is unesasary.

Anonymous said...

Is he the idiota that stopped people from going into rancho viejo to get vaccinated just because they didn't live there? HE NEEDS TO GO FIRE HIM NOW!!

Anonymous said...

@3:46 pm, get your facts straight. That IT guy is my cousin, he did not leave the PD because of that lie you mentioned. But since you cry so much about #worstchiefever, why not grow some nuts and tell he him personally? By the way, CAPATALIZING your words does not get any more attention. #crybabycop

Anonymous said...

Aww come on you spineless bastard! You talk so much shit that I don't know whether to offer you a breath mint or toilet paper. The IT guy is one badass hardworker that is not leaving for the reason you mention and you know that. Why post lies? Tell me is your ass jealous of all the shit coming out of your mouth?

Anonymous said...

@#crybabycop, so... I take it you haven't found those nuts yet? Why not just retire since you can't handle patrol, or better yet, working days. Your cushy schedule was changed, now your here complaining. ###crybabycop

Anonymous said... should be ashamed of yourself your whole career having a hairy pair of nuts in your mouth...Damn have some dignity for yourself. Get up off your knees or move the balls that are in your face out of the way so you can see whats going on around you...
Oh I get it if it weren't for your sucking ass abilities you may not have a job..multiple times you were saved by different Chief's and Commanders...
I get it sitting behind jai cell bars can give you some awesome ass kissing abilities.
