Thursday, August 19, 2021


Houston Chronicle

Personal responsibility, apparently, is for the little people. The powerful have Regeneron cocktails at the ready. The powerful have good health insurance and doctors who make house calls. The powerful can quarantine in the comforts of a taxpayer-funded mansion in downtown Austin.

That’s one takeaway from the announcement Tuesday that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has COVID-19 – the very day after he tweeted about his appearance at “another standing room only event in Collin County” attended by an estimated 600 people. 

The tweet included photos of the event in which the maskless governor waves from a stage, facing a tight crowd of applauding supporters – nary a mask in sight.

How can we trust the governor to protect Texas from this raging pandemic when he won’t even protect himself — or, for that matter, his supporters?

If a man elected to lead nearly 30 million Texans can’t be trusted to act responsibly, how can he effectively persuade others? We’re not just talking about the upper-income folks who attend Republican gubernatorial fundraisers. 

We’re talking about the millions of children returning to school who can’t be vaccinated. We’re talking about the rural Texans who must travel an hour to a hospital, only to find there are no beds available. We’re talking about the multitudes of Texans who have no health insurance and no relationship with a trusted doctor who can inform them about vaccines.

Texans are watching you, governor. What are you showing them? 

Not a champion of personal freedom. Only a mascot of incompetence. 

An elected chief executive who is now contagious and home-bound because he refused to follow his own advice to the little people. 

A governor who not only refuses to lead an effective campaign urging Texans to protect themselves and their communities, but actively threatens to punish and sue local leaders who try to impose safety requirements such as mask-wearing.


Anonymous said...

Republican Greg Abbott is "pro-Covid".

Anonymous said...

Montoya! Tests are calculated to come out as false positives sometimes, in order to feed the lie of this fake pandemic. This false positive on Abbott was done on purpose in order to make him look bad, because of his stance on mask mandate. He has no virus, like trump had no virus. Of course, Abbott has to go along with it, just like Trump did. In a couple of days he will be back to work just like Trump did. I wish the CDC would tell us more about the deaths of Simone Scott, 19, and Jacob Clynick, 13, both of whom died shortly after getting a second vaccine dose and developed heart inflammation. There have been 19 other deaths in youth under age 25, according to the CDC. Parents, learn from this!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

August 19, 2021 at 6:10 PM

Thousands die in a car DAILY and you still get in one IDIOTA OH you use a bike! pinche moron...

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable that the Anonymous said - that Trump and Abbott not having the virus and he had to go along like Trump did, etc. His/her head is buried in that deep deep sand that has killed all brain cells. Apparently, a follower of Trump that believes everything that this sick man says just like the Jim Jones followers that drank the red cool aid are easily influenced by liars. Isn't it something that adults like this just don't get it. Their brain is absorbed by lies and continue to believe idiotic statements by sick republicans that do not care for mankind. Until persons like them become ill with Covid or a love one dies from it, will they become believers. However, it will be too damn late! This is when I wish to know if they have changed their opinions. By the way the young persons dying from vaccinations are low in percentages but what we need to be worried about is the over 600,000 deaths and the current persons getting Covid due to non vaccinations with possibility of dying.

Anonymous said...

@11:17 Well, not everybody have the blind faith in the government or what is reported in the News, just like you have, idiota. answer the following questions below.

(1) Why should we trust a 6 month vaccine and recent made booster that still haven't been approved safe by the FDA?

(2) Will you still be a believer of the vaccine, if one of your kids dies after taking it?

(3) If the covid-19/Delta is so deadly, where are all the reports of the thousands of homeless people dying in California?

(4) So you blindly trust everything that the Government tells us? They never lie or hide facts from the American people?

(5) You call Republicans sick, but what do you call Democrats who in this supposedly deadly pandemic, have thousands of illegals crossing the open borders?

It's mindless idiotas slaves like you that the government wants in the coming future! The rest could die they don't care. Este pendejo thinks that the Government cares about us! Baboso! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

@7:19 The deaths will be way more than you can imagine, retard! Just that some will die quickly like the kid Jacob Clynick. The mayority will die during the next coming years! You will see more people dying of cancer or heart problems than ever before in history. Idiotas like you think, I took the vaccine, im feeling fine, nothing happened. Let's see how you're feeling in a year or two! Enjoy your vaccine Pendejo! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

How can this idiota be a texan if he can't even get on a horse moron.

Anonymous said...

August 20, 2021 at 4:34 PM

So you are immune to what, yourself! If there is or was or will be is a moron just like yourself. CONVOLUTED MORON of Epic Proportions!

Anonymous said...

@10:19 Answer the questions one by one of @1:34. Name calling just makes you look like a Panocha of Epic Proportions! Hahahaha!

Former RGV LEO said...

Huh, lets not forget the cowardly democRATS that fled the State got covid and are now back in the State! With the covid or not?

Anonymous said...

They all live in rancho viejo those are the ones that brought over the virus and all of them are republicans...
